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Керімбаев С.Қ. - Шетел тілі: екі шетел тілі магистранты

Ғлыми жетекші: к.п.н. Карабаева Л.К.

Түйін. Мақалада ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріне негізделген семантикалық және құрылымдық аспектілер қарастырылады.

Резюме. В статье рассматриваются семантические и структурные аспекты на основе английского и казахского языков.
The meaning of verb phraseology in English and Kazakh languages comprehensively defines the early life of a nation that speaks these languages. We have found a lot of verb phraseology, which appeared on the basis of everyday life of the people, in our bilingual data. Phraseologisms of this verb are used in language in accordance with the customs of each time,customs, culture, psychology, historyformed and developed in linguistic use. That is why they grow up depending on the specifics of each nation and are one of the riches that people have accumulated over the centuries. The concept of verb phraseology in English and Kazakh languages ​​describes the spiritual life of each nation. That is, bilingual verb phraseology defines the basis of national feelings, national behavior, national customs and traditions. In this regard, in determining the formation of verb phraseology in the English and Kazakh languages, we analyzed the verb phraseology that emerged in connection with the worldview, thinking and spiritual wisdom of each nation, and were guided by their formation in linguistic communication.
With the help of information on the formation of verb phraseology in English and Kazakh, we study the centuries-old traditions, customs, worldview of each people, and in the process of defining them, it is possible to recognize the similarities and differences of bilingual verb phraseology. Bilingual verb that describes the life, livelihood, worldview of the peoplePhraseological idioms are widespread in the life of the people, stabilized in the language, passed on to the younger generation as a valuable treasure of the people. According to Mezhuev, it reflects the development of spiritual culture at the stage of production (creative) distribution and consumption. So, let's understand the meaning of the verbs in the English and Kazakh languages, which have been formed to this day. through which each nation has accumulated over the centuriesIt is important to use the wealth of society in a rational way.
The use of different verb phraseologies today in the spoken language, in fiction is thought-provoking.but we continue to use them in the same way, ignoring the motives of their formation. The formation of these phraseologies is considered by the field of ethnolinguistics of linguistics, and therefore phraseology is one of the channels of ethnolinguistics. From this we can say that ethnolinguistics helps to determine the formation of bilingual verb phraseology. Scientist AT Kaidar: "The vast majority of phraseologies are expressions of language, formed as a result of ordinary everyday life and phenomena. They gradually stabilize and undergo semantic changes, rising to the level of ethnophraseology. However, today everything revolves around human life, behavior, good and bad qualities,
Therefore, in determining the formation of phraseology, linguistic facts are based on the spiritual and material culture and history of the people, customs and national worldview.The role of ethnolinguistics, a new and fertile branch of language that aims to study the relationship, is especially valuable.
In the analysis of bilingual verb phraseology, they are the pride of every nationConsidering it as a richness of language, we consider as a historical heritage the detailed formation of different periods, different phenomena and events of the ancestral life of each nation and its formation today. Because they are not only the richness of language, but also the evidence of the spiritual life of each nation, accumulated over the centuries, passed from each epoch to the younger generation, contributing to the development of mankind and society. Thus, ethnolinguistics, which characterizes the origins of verb phraseology in English and Kazakh in ancient times and in various ways, is very helpful in our search. Phraseological idioms of each nation are not formed at once, but to pay more attention to the formation of different phraseological phrases, first of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to its internal form.
Internalform is the closest thing to a new meaningsemantic and etymological meaning. And the internal form of phraseology is closely connected with their formation. To this end, we reviewed and reviewed our bilingual material. As a result, we noticed that the formation of phraseology is formed by the mental abstraction of a specific phenomenon.
The most difficult task for ethnolinguistics is to explain the motives for the use of phraseology in the figurative sense, says the scientist AT Kaidarov. The formation of phraseology depends on a particular plot or cultural fact, the transition of free phrases to phraseology is the basis for the formation of phraseology.
Scientist EA Dibrova considers the origin of phraseology in connection with free phrases, free phrasesshows five stages of transition to phraseology.
I - the period of free combination of words;
II-III - the stage of transition of free phrases to phraseology;
IV-V - the stage of formation of phraseology.
From this we can say that the origin of phraseology is a free phrase. Grammar between words in free phrasesIn the process of phraseology, the connection is obscured and transferred to a permanent connection. Phraseological stability means that the meaning of a phrase is figurative, figurative, the meaning of phraseology is synonymous with the meaning of synonyms and is unique to the whole person.The reason for the birth of phraseology is the process of phraseology. As a result, the whole phrase acquires a new, derivative meaning, becomes a ready-made linguistic material.
The emergence of phraseologyIt is very difficult to determine the period of existence, because they were formed on the basis of free phrases, first used in colloquial language and formed into a literary norm.
There are many ways to form verb phraseology in English and Kazakh. With thisConsider the formation of verb phraseology in two languages. Phraseologisms provide information that reflects the life, customs and psychology of the people. Therefore, comparing verb phraseologies with bilinguals, in order to determine their origin, origin, formation, analysis of our bilingual materials, we realized that verb phraseologies are important linguistic material that reflects the culture, traditions, historical periods, the essence of aesthetic thinking.
Further bilingual phraseology we can say that the rich nature (in terms of number, content) is an indicator of the spiritual culture of the nation that speaks that language. Because language and culture are closely interrelated factors. In this regard, V.N. Telia notes in his work "Russian phraseology. Semantic, pragmatic and linguoculturological aspects".
Many verbs Phraseology English-Kazakh interlingualis formed semantically in the phraseological fund.The same combination of lexical elements in different languages, used in their common sense, is certain
indicates a concept.
And the formation of verb phraseology in a thematic-semantic way is determined by the function of physiological names of body parts and other factors. For example, the concept given by many somatic phraseologies with the word "hand" is derived from this anatomical name.function. The word "hand" in many languages ​​means "power".
What is more important is the influence of religion in the life of each nation, in the spiritual life of the people, in the worldview, in the direction of people's lives.will play a role. Religious ideas have brought significant innovations to the spiritual culture and, most importantly, the language of the peoples. Let's give an example of verb phraseology in English and Kazakh, formed on the basis of religious knowledge: God saved smb // God saves; God knows // God knows; Serve God and Mammon // Worship God. We have seen that "God" appears only in the positive in his bilingual phraseology. From these phraseologies, which are based on religious knowledge, we see that religious ideology has influenced the increase of the fund of phraseology of the English and Kazakh peoples.
Many phraseological units in English are based on phraseological units translated from the Bible and their prototypes. Due to this Smith LP: "About the colossal influence, which was expressed in the English language of the Bible, was spoken and written a lot; literal translations of ancient Hebrew and Greek idioms) entered the English language from the pages of the Bible.
English verbs formed in the religious sensephraseology does not always correspond to their prototypes. For example, the prototype in the religious sense is literal and the equivalent of this phraseology is formed in the process of reconsidering the meaning.To rill the fatted calf" straight meaning fat calf to have [hand] a millstone about smb's neck is the equivalent of being a millstone on someone's neck. means something other than the meaning given in the text and is used in the sense of "being burdened".
Some verbs in the Kazakh language. Phraseologisms are born and formed in connection with the old customs and traditions of the past. This can be called the phraseology of the verb "to lift one's head; to tear, to strike a club", which means to lean on someone, to say goodbye. In addition, thawing (stopping, breathing); The origin and formation of the verb idiocy (inviting hosts) came from the traditional notion of the ancient nomadic Kazakh people, who considered migration a solemn event. On the day of the move, the Kazakh community wears nice clothes, a carpet on a camel loaded on the street, and the right side of the poles is turned outwards. He approached the villages where he was staying, greeted them, said "goodbye", unloaded them, built a house and took them away. It's ridiculous to leave the table, There are cases of carrying tea, beating koumiss, and even slaughtering sheep. Phraseological idioms describing the customs and traditions of the Kazakh people are often found in the Kazakh language. For example, July guarding, eating kalzha, tearing, pulling kokpar, riding a horse, chasing a girl, shouting, getting married, holding hands, swearing, etc.
From the given examples of traditions formed from the ancient history of the Kazakh people. We see that this verb was the basis for the emergence and formation of phraseology. We believe that the current use of this verb phraseology is closely connected with the origin, that is, the old customs, and the church, which loves its people and country, will always remember such verbs in their language, using phraseology.

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