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Караева У.Н. –студентка группы ИНК 19-1

Научный руководитель: к.п.н., доцент Гурбанова А.А.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада шет тіліндегі сөйлеу іс-әрекетіне қажетті шет тілінің сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту мәселесін түсіну және рөлдік ойындарды қолдана отырып, жоғары сынып оқушыларын оқытуды күшейту қажеттілігімен байланысты қазіргі кездегі өзекті мәселе, сондай-ақ рөлдік ойын арқылы коммуникативті шет тілін қалыптастыруға бағытталған сөйлеу дағдыларын тиімді жетілдіруге ықпал ететін оқыту әдістемесін әзірлеу қарастырылады.

Резюме. В данной статье рассматривается актуальная на сегодняшний день проблема, связанная с необходимостью осмысления проблемы развития иноязычных речевых умений, необходимых для иноязычной речевой деятельности и интенсификации обучения старшеклассников с использованием ролевых игр, а также разработка такой методики обучения, которая посредством ролевой игры способствовала бы наиболее эффективному совершенствованию речевых навыков и умений, нацеленных на формирование коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции.

One of the problems of the methodology of teaching foreign languages is the selection and organization of materials corresponding to the rapidly changing trends of modern science, which is especially important when working with adolescents. Topics and methods that seem irrelevant, outdated to them, lower their motivation. This problem is not so acute when working with adults, who tend to be more practical in deciding whether to master or develop a foreign language.

The relevance of this topic is associated with the need to comprehend the problem of the development of foreign language speech skills necessary for foreign speech activity and the intensification of the training of high school students using role-playing games, as well as in the development of such a teaching methodology that, through role-playing, would contribute to the most effective improvement of speech skills and abilities aimed at the formation of communicative foreign language competence.
English is considered as an international language of business communication and the demand for its skills is only increasing.
Analyzing the areas of application and the social context, it can be revealed that attention to the English language is due to historical, political, socio-economic and linguistic reasons.
According to historical evidence, the English language spread thanks to the policies of the economically powerful Great Britain, which, being the largest dominion country, colonized countries such as India and America.
It is safe to say that English has long become not only the language of international business communication, but also information technology and the Internet, it also dominates in the media space.
The information space in English, including periodical and non-periodic press, television, cinema, radio, library collections, the English sector of the Internet and other sources, is currently unprecedented in volume and content. Eighty percent of all information stored on electronic media is in English. A huge amount of fiction and scientific and technical literature is written in English, technical, technological, patent documentation, scientific publications often exist only in English or are translated into a very limited number of languages.
English is widely used in branding and marketing. The names of firms, enterprises and offices, advertising - all these are currently spheres for the widespread use of the English language [1].
Knowledge of English is necessary in the business sphere in connection with travel abroad and cooperation with foreign companies.
From a linguistic point of view, the popularity of the English language in the world is explained by its comparative accessibility for mastering in connection with the solid order of words, relatively simple grammar and lexico-semantic richness.
The key to learning a foreign language are the concepts of "skill" and "skill".
T.I. Zharkova and G.V. Sorokov in the "Thematic Dictionary of Methodological Terms in a Foreign Language" give several definitions of different scientists for the terms "skill" and "skill" [2].
A.A. Smirnov's definition seemed quite remarkable to us: a skill is "a method of action strengthened through exercise, emphasizing the didactic significance of training and practice through exercises" [2, p.91].
Language skill is a means of forming thought and constructing speech statements (phonetic, lexical and grammatical), speech skill is a set of automated ways of forming and formulating thoughts, ways of performing speech communication (skills of using phonetic, lexical and grammatical units in speech).
Speech skill is the ability to perform a relatively independent speech action in the system of conscious speech activity, which, due to the presence of a complete set of qualities, has become one of the conditions for performing this activity.
It is known that speech skills are an indispensable condition for the development of skills, without them speech activity is impossible.
Skill is, as defined by Samarin Yu.A., "the application of knowledge and skills in given specific conditions" [2, p.91].
Skills provide the basis for the development of communicative skills, which are represented by the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing. Speech skill is a mechanical, automated use of language material in speech, while the skill is creative, since the conditions of communication are always diverse, and each time a person has to select certain language means and speech skills for communication. Thus, the methods of teaching speech skills and abilities will be different.
The skill is characterized by such qualities as awareness, independence, productivity, dynamism.
I.L. Beam talks about skills in five types of speech activity: listening, mountaineering, reading, writing, translation [3].
In our article we will focus our attention on listening, speaking, reading, writing.
The ability to speak implies the ability to achieve the goal of communication, organizing your speech in the form of a dialogue and monologue using different types of speech message (description, reasoning, message) in line with different spheres and topics of communication and various stylistic means. The student must correctly use the forms of speech etiquette, put a logical emphasis, accurately intonate the phrase.
The formation of lexical, grammatical, phonetic skills and the development of communicative skills are tasks implemented within the framework of the practical goal of teaching a foreign language.
The central part includes the following stages:
1) Explanation of the new material by inductive or deductive means
2) Consolidation of new material in the course of "preparatory" (or training, language, non-communicative) exercises.
3) Practice through conditioned speech and speech exercises.
The purpose of the practice stage is to achieve the application of the fixed material in various communication situations and help students master speech skills.
When performing speech tasks at the practice stage, the attention of students is focused mainly on the content of the statement, since it is implied that its design has already been automated thanks to the acquired knowledge and formed speech skills.
At the practical stage of the lesson forthe correction of the learned material in various situations of communication and mastery of communicative skills, the modern technique offers a number of different techniques, one of which is a role-playing game.
It should be borne in mind that the role-playing game is used in different directions and there are many vectors of its application: the formation of aspects of speech activity - that is, phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills; improving the skills of speech activity (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and various competencies. For example, to develop listening skills, there is a three-stage character role-play task:
1) While watching an authentic video, each student is given a character to learn
2) The video turns off, students act out their characters from memory (inadvertently)
3) Students voice their characters when playing video without sound
In the process of teaching the dialogic form of communication, the task of the teacher is to develop such dialogic skills as:

  1. ability to replicate (the ability to exchange replicas in dialogue and polylogue);

  2. the ability to conduct their strategic line in communication in accordance with the speech intentions of the interlocutors or contrary to their intentions;

  3. the ability to take into account new speech partners;

  4. the ability to predict the behavior of interlocutors, the outcome of a particular situation;

  5. use various introductory structures and clichéd expressions;

6) express agreement or disagreement, doubt, pleasure, displeasure, request, polite refusal (to implement various speech functions);
7) the ability to ask questions of various types;
8) the ability to model the desired answer of the interlocutor with the help of a question (change the nature of communication);
9) the ability to formulate a meaningfully valuable question during the conversation;
10) it is logical to plan a series of questions if the interlocutor is taciturn [4].
Language exercises in teaching dialogic speech can be represented by the following formulations:
1) Give a detailed/short answer to the question
2) Make proposals on the sample
3) Agree or disagree with the statement
4) Describe the subject/phenomenon in a few phrases
5) Insert missing words into the text
6) Highlight in each paragraph of the text sentences that convey its meaning. Justify your choice.
Speech exercises for prepared dialogic speech can be such tasks as:
1) Answer the questions
2) Put questions to the listened/read text
3) Make a dialogue on the topic covered
4) Add or change the dialog
5) Play the dialogue by roles, etc.
Examples of speech exercises for unprepared dialogic speech:
1) Answer the questions to the text and comment on the answer
2) Participate in the discussion
3) Make a dialogue on a new topic for you
4) Convert monological text to dialogic text, etc.
5) Play a role-playing game
We believe that even if the main purpose of conducting a role-playing game is to develop dialogue / polylogue skills, a certain degree of proficiency in other foreign language speech skills is also necessary: in particular, reading and listening skills.
The role can be explained orally, but it is usually stated in writing on a card. In this regard, before introducing role-playing in the course, students should have developed at least basic reading skills related to the understanding of language material. Skills related to understanding the content of the text will also be useful, for example, the ability to highlight its individual elements in the text (facts that the student can spy on in the card during the game).
Conducting a role-playing game with the final monological statement of one of the students implies a certain level of mastery of the skills of monological speech.
In our article, we found out the historical, socio-cultural and linguistic factors of the popularity of learning English as a foreign language, such as the prevalence of English as a native language among the population of a large number of countries of the world, the use of English as a language of international business communication and one of the official languages of the UN, comparative accessibility for mastery.
One of the vectors of the use of role-playing in the English lesson in secondary school is the development of speech skills. In the course of the work, the structure of the lesson aimed at the development of speech skills was described.
In the course of the analysis of the development of speaking skills, we came to the conclusion that the automation of dialogic skills through non-communicative and conditionally speech exercises is the initial stage in the use of role-playing games. Moreover, it was found that the more complex the role-playing game as a speech exercise for unprepared dialogic speech, the higher the level of possession of dialogic speech necessary for its implementation.
The implementation of role-playing as an exercise for the development of the skill of speaking (speaking in a dialogue / polylogue) may be necessary for students to possess other speech foreign language skills: for example, the skill of monological speech, reading and listening.
Role-playing is "an exercise in which students, performing alternately different social and psychological roles, master communication in the course­of social contact and in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of real communication" [5,149].
The following aredistinguished by the peculiarity of the role-playing game:
The components of a role-playing game are:
1) situation;
2) roles;
3) topic;
4) Task
Role play can be used in training centers as a project within the framework of the project teaching methodology and as a speech exercise for the formation of grammatical, lexical and phonetic skills and the development of speech skills.
In the course of the work, types of role-playing games were identified, in particular, controlled, moderately controlled, imitative, creative, competition games, plot


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  2. Жаркова, Т.И. Тематический словарь методических терминов по иностранному языку [Электронный ресурс] : учебно-методическое пособие / Т.И. Жаркова, Г.В. Сороковых. — Электрон. дан. — М.: ФЛИНТА, 2014. 320 с.

  3. Бим И.Л. Обучение иностранным языкам – поиск новых путей// ИЯШ, 1989, №1. С. 28.

  4. Бурмакина Л.В. Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка М.: Каро, 2014. 144 с.

  5. Колесникова Л.И., Долгина О.А. Англо-русский терминологический справочник по методике преподавания иностранных языков. – М.: Дрофа, 2008. 432 с.

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