Қазақстан Республикасының 2015 жылға дейінгі білім беруді дамыту
тұжырымдамасының жобасы // Егемен Қазақстан, 26 желтоқсан, 2003.
Ташенова А. Сын тұрғысынан ойлауды оқу мен жазу арқылы дамыту // Білім-
Образование, 2006 – №6.
//Оқыту-тәрбиелеу технологиясы. №8 – 2009.
Куспанова А.Н., Ултаракова З.Р.,
старшие преподаватели
(г.Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
В статье рассматриваются методы развития критического мышления. Методы
развития критического мышления в структуру занятий иностранного языка положительно
сказываются на отношении студентов к изучаемому предмету.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
Ключевые слова: познавательное действие, образование, рефлексия, критическое
мышление, графическая организация.
Kuspanova A.N., Ultarakovа Z.R.,
senior teachers
(city Almaty, Kazakih State Women’s Teacher Training University)
This article is about the methods of critical thinking. Мethods of critical thinking in the
employment structure of a foreign language has positive effect on students’ attitudes to the
Keywords: cognitive action, education, reflection, critical thinking, graphical
UDC 811.111-111
senior teacher
(сity Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s
Teacher Training University)
Abstract: Motivation is the key to all learning. Lack of motivation is perhaps the biggest
obstacle faced by teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents. The students' success in their
studies depends upon their motivation. The main idea of motivation is to capture the students’
attention and curiosity and channel their energy towards learning. There are two types of
motivation. An intrinsically motivated student studies because he/she wants to study. The
material is interesting, challenging and rewarding, and the student receives some kind of
satisfaction from learning.
Keywords: motivation, goal, communicate, self-confidence, encourage, improve.
Motivation is the key to all learning. Lack of motivation is perhaps the biggest obstacle
faced by teachers, counselors, administrators, and parents. The students' success in their studies
depends upon their motivation. This need or desire to achieve a certain goal can make the
difference between success and failure. Motivation can come from two sources from inside and
outside the students. Not everyone is highly motivated from within, and no one is continuously
motivated from within. Fortunately, there is an outside source of motivation. In education, the
most obvious kind of outside motivation is the teacher. The main idea of motivation is to capture
the students’ attention and curiosity and channel their energy towards learning. There are two
types of motivation. An intrinsically motivated student studies because he/she wants to study.
The material is interesting, challenging and rewarding, and the student receives some kind of
satisfaction from learning. I have one such student. She never misses a homework, is always
using her dictionary when a word comes up she doesn't know, and as a result of these kinds of
habits she always does well on her tests. One time I just checked to see if the students had their
homework done or not, and after class she asked me if she had any mistakes on her homework or
not. She prefers tasks that are moderately challenging. She demands more effort from herself and
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
has a need for deep understanding. To have an intrinsically motivated student is the goal of all
motivational development.
An extrinsically motivated student studies and learns for other reasons. Such a student
performs in order to receive a reward, like graduating or passing a test or getting a new shirt
from mom, or to avoid a penalty like a failing grade. Here is a description of one of my
extrinsically motivated students. She is a very good student, and actually shows signs of being
intrinsically motivated, but in general she is inclined to put forth the minimal effort necessary to
get the maximal reward. When I give an assignment in class, she often tries to chat with her
friends or fails to get started, but if I say this will be taken up and graded, she is often the first
one finished. Her intrinsic motivation shows when the material is of great interest to her, or
something she feels strongly about. Also, if I can get her curious about something, without her
being distracted, she works hard at it. She performs well, as with many of my students who are
extrinsically motivated, if I give her a task where she has control, the task is very clear, and she
is involved in the dynamics of the class. It seems that when intrinsic motivation is low or absent,
extrinsic motivation must be used. Although extrinsic motivation can, and should, be used with
intrinsically motivated students, too. If students aren't given a reward or credit for their efforts,
and no feedback is given to the student, then most students' intrinsic motivation would begin to
Proper classroom explanation is needed by the teacher, so the students can well understand
what is expected of them. In the ESL classroom this is more apt to create anxiety because the
explanations are given in another language that takes even more effort by the students to
comprehend than their own language. A well-planned lesson is essential. The teacher must be
creative and flexible. Depending on the nature of the class and the students' levels, the dynamics
of the class must be appropriate. The material must also be relevant to the students. Try to use
vocabulary that the students can relate to and material they would find interesting. Teachers must
be kind and listen fairly to the students, and be patient when they don't understand.
Unfortunately, there are teachers who run their classes very strictly, almost as a sort of dictator in
class. The teacher gets upset at the students who don't try, as it appears the reason is that they
don't understand what is asked of them.
On the contrary, a caring teacher tries to develop a relationship with the students. If the
teacher sees potential in all students, and communicates well to the students, they will in return
have a desire to learn and participate. When the students realize that you are not going to get
angry, you are nice and understand them, and the reason you are trying so hard is because it is
important to you that your students learn and do well, the natural human reaction is to
reciprocate and do something nice in return, in this case, study. A teacher's positive energy could
lead to the students becoming more motivated. If the students see that the teacher is happy to be
in the classroom and excited to teach them, then the students can learn by example. A smile is
contagious. Positive attitude is a must for a successful learning atmosphere. Promote self-
confidence, it helps in teaching if the teacher is self-confident. Positive approval and praise for
student efforts is very effective, even if the student is wrong. Let the students know that you're
glad they tried and being wrong isn't such a big problem, and the students won't be so reluctant
the next time they're called on to participate. Positive energy, affirming a belief in the students'
ability develops a comfortable atmosphere for the students in the classroom.
In teaching a language, motivation refers to the ability to arouse in the students the desire
to learn the language and a feeling that the language they are learning is useful. Whatever level
of motivation your students bring to the classroom will be transformed, for better or worse, by
what happens in that classroom. Many factors affect a student's motivation to work and to learn:
interest in the subject matter, perception of its usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
confidence and self-esteem, as well as patience and persistence. The important thing here is to
know how you, as a teacher, can help your students to be highly motivated to learn the language.
In order to do that you should give them clear and detailed information why they should learn
English and relate that to their own needs. For example, you may say that English is the first
international language, it is used as a lingua franca, and Command of English means better
chances for jobs. Moreover, you have to employ techniques that require the students to utilize the
language creatively as an instrument of learning. In addition, you should give frequent, early,
positive feedback that supports students' beliefs that they can do well. Show genuine interest in
your students and their achievements. Nothing is more disappointing for a student than to feel
ignored, neglected, or carelessly evaluated, or to feel that his work does not appeal to the teacher.
You should be specific when giving negative feedback. Negative feedback is very powerful and
can lead to a negative class atmosphere. Whenever you identify a student's weakness, make it
clear that your comments relate to a particular task or performance, not to the student as a
person. Furthermore, you have to provide praise and reward for all. Some might receive praise
for bigger accomplishments than others but even the lower performers need a regular pat on the
shoulder. A teacher should also give praise to the class as a whole to encourage the class and also
build team unity. Also, introduce students to the good work done by their peers. In other words,
you should share the ideas, knowledge, and accomplishments of individual students with the
class as a whole.
In order to help your students to be motivated, you break the routine by incorporating a
variety of teaching activities and methods in your course. Classroom activities can reduce the
strain of formality in the classroom. They make learning more student-centered and less teacher-
centered. Activities (such as groups where students exchange personally relevant information)
may help to motivate and encourage the more diffident students. In other words, activities
transfer the process of learning from 'skill-getting' to 'skill-using'.
Here are some tips for the teachers to try:
Know your students and use their names as often as possible.
Maintain eye contact and move toward your students as you interact with them; be sure
to nod your head to show that you are hearing what they say.
Use facial expressions - Smile, Frown!!
Use appropriate humor in your teaching and in tests, to relieve anxiety.
Plan relevant study trips out of the university.
Maximize the use of time so that the students keep busy with productive, relevant
Provide opportunities for the students to speak to the class. Talk less than your students
Accept students' ideas and comments, even if they are wrong; correct in a positive
Open each class with an introduction that captures the interest of your students (warm-
Plan for every class; never try to wing it.
Make sure that the level of teaching matches students' background, ability, and
Pay attention to the strengths and limitations of each of your students. Reward the
strengths and strengthen the weak spots.
Move around the room as you teach; walk energetically and purposefully.
Put some excitement into your speech; vary your pitch, volume and rate.
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
The overall goal of teachers should be to help students develop into self-motivating
learners. Students who are encouraged to become motivated lifelong learners will be more
successful in and out of the classroom.
Successful language learning depends on different factors that go beyond the cognitive
realm. Affect is one of the factors that can greatly influence student success and within affective
factors motivation is one of the most important ones. Motivation can be affected by effective
teaching. To become effective, teachers need to reflect on a number of things such as their
behaviours, decisions, activity design, class materials and class atmosphere.
Motivation is among the affective factors that can greatly influence students’ attitudes.
Chomsky clearly identifies the importance of motivation: ‘the truth of the matter is that about 99
percent of teaching is making the students feel interested in the material’ (Chomsky 1988: 181).
Language learning is a long process in which the whole person is involved, and without enough
motivation students are unlikely to persist in a given task.
So, motivation is the backbone of any classroom. When the students are motivated, the
teacher can perform his/her job the best. A teacher can do a lot to improve the students'
motivation, and the effort involved is an essential part of the teaching profession.
ARNOLD J. Affect in Language Teaching. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Chomsky N. Language and Problems of Knowledge. – Cambridge: MIT Press. 1988.
Васильева М.М. Условия формирования мотивации при изучении иностранного
языка. – М.: Педагогика, 1988.
Зайцева М.В. Мотивация и некоторые пути её повышения. – М., ИД Первое
сентября, 2003.
Манапова Г.К.,
аға оқытушы
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Шетел тілін үйренудегі тиімділік үйренушінің стратегиясына ғана емес, сондай-ақ
оқыту стратегиясына да тікелей байланысты. Ең жоғары дәрежедегі нәтижеге осы екі
стратегиялардың өзара үйлесімділігі арқылы қол жеткізуге болады. Бұл мақсатқа жетуге
көмектесетін маңызды ықпалдардың бірі – оқытушының студенттерге бағыттаған
педагогикалық әсерінің тиімділігінің артуы, сабақ барысында толық әлеуметтік-
психологиялық үйлесімділік шартына сай олардың қарым-қатынас жасауы.
Түйін сөздер: мотивация, мақсат, қатынас, өзіндік сенім, қолдау, арттыру.
Манапова Г.К.
, старший преподаватель
(г.Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
Эффективность овладения иностранным языком зависит не только от стратегии
обучаемого, но и от стратегии обучения. Максимальный эффект может быть достигнут в
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
гармонии этих стратегий. Важным фактором, помогающим достичь эту цель, является
повышение эффективности педагогического воздействия преподавателя на студентов, их
общения на уроке в условиях полной социально-психологической совместимости.
Ключевые слова: мотивация, цель, общение, самоуверенность, поддерживать,
UDC 372.881.111.1
Y. Nurlanbekova, candidate of
pedagogical sciences
(city Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s
Teacher Training University)
Abstract: This article discusses the role of information technology in teaching English
language. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is known to be a great source
to any conventional classroom, especially when used properly and could be an asset to
the foreign language classroom. Using technology in education can be a great benefit for
teachers. Whether it be through email or on message boards, teachers now have the ability to
work together to create more meaningful, engaging instruction for all students without having to
schedule common planning time. Teachers can use websites to post class schedules, assignment
requirements and even samples for student and parent use.
Keywords: English language, Methods, Information Technology, Internet.
The problem of learning languages is very important today. Kazakhstan is integrating into
the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is
especially urgent today. To know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for
every good specialist. Learning an English language is not an easy thing. Different methods
appeared. Information technology benefits both traditional education institutions and online
educational models in fundamental ways.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to technologies that provide
access to information through
. It is similar to
Information Technology
but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the
, wireless
networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.In the past few decades, information
and communication technologies have provided society with a vast array of new communication
capabilities. For example, people can communicate in
with others in different countries
using technologies such as
instant messaging
, voice over IP (
), and video-conferencing.
Social networking
websites like
allow users from all over the world to remain in
contact and communicate on a regular basis. Modern information and communication
technologies have created a "global village," in which people can communicate with others
across the world as if they were living next door. For this reason, ICT is often studied in the
Needless to say, «The Internet is a tool which has great potential in the language
classroom, but its effectiveness in practice depends to a large extent on the way it is exploited by
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
teachers and students. Your general methodology is also important»(Windeatt, Hardisty and
Eastment). Lanni, Daniela (2005) listed some skills and strategies involved in ICT based
language activities:
Technology skills in the use of hardware and software.
Navigation skills (search, discrimination, skimming, scanning, evaluation of sources,
material, types of texts, style, information).
Choice of suitable paths inside the hypertext/hypermedia in order to find the desired
Definition of the characteristics of the information (origin, quality, relevance, reliability).
Use of search engines (planning the search, devising the possible key words, choosing
different types of search engines according to the purpose of the search).
Use of the information according the pre-determined objectives and tasks.
Use of the written language as a means of communication (formal/ informal) in email and
chat exchange as well as blogs.
Use of the oral language as a means of communication in video conferencing.
Use of the oral language as a means of communication while discussing, reporting,
negotiating and mediating inside the class with the teacher and the other students.
Using ICT might be very beneficial to both learner-centered and teacher-centered
education. Many learners can adapt to new technology and using ICT in school more rapidly
today on account of their environment. However it is not the same case for teachers. They find it
hard to adapt this new system
because they have a social background distant from ICT and they
have taught for years with traditional methods and deprived of technology. Yet, ICT might be
shown as a support to the traditional academic methods, especially problem based view. For
example; for a teacher who has a homepage, the tools that are on his web page are excellent tools
for maintaining lesson-based teaching tradition (Notland, Johannesen & Vavik, 2001).
By using information and communication technology in all areas of education, teachers
can encourage a more constructive classroom environment.
Computers can handle a range of activities and carry out programmed functions at amazing
speed. They can check exercises after they are done, move students gradually from easier to
more difficult exercises according to their levels and abilities. When students fail to answer
questions correctly or perform activities, the computer can simulate, drill, or explain the
phenomenon in a way that makes it easier for the learner to understand.
Here are some activities which I use of ICT in language teaching.
The regular lesson
It is possible to hold a regular lesson in a computer class with internet access. A teacher
may download the necessary material beforehand, and have students work through it, helping out
when needed. There are many sites that provide learning materials on the internet. The World
Wide Web (WWW) can be thought of as the largest library in the world, with Web sites the
equivalents of books, full of information in English on almost any topic that can be imagined
making it a vast storehouse of free and authentic materials for the ESL teacher to use. The Web
pages contain not only text and pictures but also sounds, music, animation and movies and are
linked together differently to the linear method of books and page numbers through the use of
hyperlinks whereby clicking on a textual or graphic link transports you directly to a different
page in a different book.
Using the net as a research resource
We decide to search the Web for some data. Every student gets an address, or a name, or
some words, which they find through a search engine. They take notes while working, so that
next day, we can have feedback. Such lessons are extremely motivational, since the students
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
enjoy using the Web, and they have an additional motivation because they know that they have
to report to their peers during the next lesson.
Web site project
We are engaged in a project which is related to one of our topics. Students may write their
essays in class, then the teacher checks them, then we have a lesson in the computer lab where
they type their works and e-mail them to a project site, or post them if possible.
Real communication
Students love to e-mail what they call their 'key pals'. Instead of the former write a letter to
your imaginary friend in another country and tell them about your country, they have real virtual
friends, to use a funny modern word combination, with whom they exchange information, photos
etc. It is also useful to decide if this task requires one person per computer or if it is possible to
set the tasks up for pairs or even three people per computer.
There are a few students who wish to do more, they are the ones who choose a theme and
make a report, get published in various student publications around the world, take part in
competitions and conferences. While doing all these kinds of work within the framework of the
curriculum, they learn many more new words, they also acquire inter-cultural and interactive
The site The Internet Movie Database at
are very comprehensive and
will provide more than enough information for class use. This site claims to have information on
more than 160,000 titles and this includes video clips and reviews where available. Prior to
viewing, a movie either at the theatre or on video, students can use the web to thoroughly
research the movie reading reviews, movie synopsis and even viewing preview video clips.
Various activities can be built around these materials found on the Internet including reading and
vocabulary building exercises as well as listening exercises from the video clips. It’s better to
concentrate on reviews of the movie and have the students write their own review after they have
viewed the movie. The genre of movie reviews is analyzed and compared in several reviews of
the movie and used by the students to write their own review after they view the movie. Also
after the movie discussion can ensue on which reviews the students agreed and disagreed with.
Specific objectives relevant to particular follow up activities will apply according to the activity
and these include improving students' reading skills, listening skills, vocabulary and confidence
and ability to express their own opinions. Finally researching the movie, doing the follow up
activities thereby knowing about the story and what to expect can help in improving the students
understanding of the movie when they view it.
Information technologies will be able to locate students within the frame work of the
project and consider what actions might be appropriate within the context and how it can
contribute to the development of their education and the application of the English in different
sectors of economic and social life in their future. One can see possibilities of using Information
Technologies in teaching English and their advantages in comparison with the traditional
methods. Computer is really considered to be a tool for stimulating motivation, forming firm
language skills and improving knowledge of English. But in conclusion I’d like to say that
harmonious combination of traditional and new methods on all levels of teaching and learning
will lead to the best results.
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