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Encyclopedic definition of the property

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Encyclopedic definition of the property is as follows:
1) the totality of things and property, consisting primarily owned by the person (natural or legal), the state or municipality, or belonging to the organization on the right of economic management or operational management. The property includes also money and securities;

2) the totality of things and property rights to things or property to meet other people (asset);

3) the totality of things, property rights and obligations that characterize the financial situation of the carrier (assets and liabilities) *.

The emphasis is on someone else's property, since it is impossible to steal his property.
Under the theft is understood illegal (illegal) uncompensated seizure, and (or) treatment of another's property in favor of the perpetrator or others. Theft of damage is caused primarily to the owner of stolen property schennogo or other owner of the property. This embezzlement recognized form of committing theft.

Assignment - a mastery of something, to make something of their property, wrongful confinement (non-return) of another's property entrusted to the guilty person for a particular purpose, joining another's property for his own.


*См.: Большой юридический словарь. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2002–С. 224.
Embezzlement - is illegal use of the money or property of the person who owns them legitimately, alienation or consumption of embezzlement.
Entrusted property illegally consumed, sold, transferred to third parties or consumed by the drain on.

Committing theft in the form of embezzlement is a factor differentiating the crime of corruption and other unlawful encroachments.

Features of corruption embezzlement are:

1) the abduction of the property that is entrusted (ie mandated by virtue of trust) plunderers because of his official position or of its work;

2) the property is owned by another person (natural or legal);

3) the commission of theft usually by organized criminal groups;
4) free access to the Cryptstalker plundered property drain on the implementation of the required operations entrusted property.

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