Сабақтар топтамасының ортақ тақырыбы: Treasure maps
Бұл сабақтар аясында не туралы сөз болады: reading, speaking about treasure maps
Language focus: prepositions
Listening main information
Пән бойынша оқу мақсаты:
R2 Understand with little support information and detail in about simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics.
4.2.2.Write with some support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics.
6.5 W1 Plan, write, edit and proofred work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics.
Пән бойынша лексика мен терминология.
Vocabulary about treasure maps.
Reading short texts
Қысқаша шолу:
Сабақтың тақырыбы
Сабақтың мақсат(тар)ы
Мұғалімнің әрекеті
(мен нақты не істеуім керек, қандай көмек көрсетемін)
Оқушылардың әрекеті
(тапсырма барысында олардың не істегенін қалаймын)
Оқушылардың жұмысқа қатысуын қамтамасыз ету
(нақты: жекелеген проблемалы, нашар немес дарынды оқушыларды жұмысқа қалай тартамын?)
(оқушыларға қалайтқолдау көрсетіп(ҚБ), жетістігін қалай бағалаймын (ЖБ)?)
(бұл үшін маған қандай материал қажет?
Treasure maps
4.S6 take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges
4.R4 find with support books, worksheets and other print materials in a class or school library according to classification
4.UE8 use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give short instructions on a growing range of familiar topics
Insert words.
Answer the questions by looking at the picture in the treasury.
I want them to understand the text and perform the given tasks and develop oral speaking skills through the level task.
Didactic materials
I involve all students through differential task
Formative assessment tasks
Interactive whiteboard.
Treasure map.
Treasure maps
4.L3 understand the main points of short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
4.UE8 use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give short instructions on a growing range of familiar topics
Insert words.
Question and answer.
Allowing students to develop speaking language and thinking ability through level tasks.
Didactic materials
I involve all students through differential task.
thumb reflex
Interactive whiteboard.
Didactic materials
Treasure and numbers
4.L4 understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics
4.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 -1000 and ordinal numbers 1 - 100
4.R3 recognize basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
Insert words.
Writing numbers with letters.
Translation of numbers from English to Kazakh.
Read and translate the text.
Listen, point and repeat.
Didactic materials
I involve all students through differential task
Formative assessment tasks
Interactive whiteboard.
Didactic materials
Our planet’s treasure
4.S3 give short, basic description of people and objects
on a limited range of general and some curricular topics begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics
Insert words.
Read and choose the right word. The dicide if the sentencesare the True or False. Correct the false statements.
Didactic materials
I involve all students through differential task
Formative assessment tasks
Interactive whiteboard.
Didactic materials