қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
The republican competition «The Best Accountant» organized by the “Financial Academy” JSC of the RK
Ministry of Finance with support of «1C Kazakhstan» gains steam. Hundreds of candidates for the first place
prize compete with each other by their knowledge and skills in the tricks of the profession. Some participants of
the intellectual competition have already passed the first elimination round. We decided to get acquainted with
them closer and asked the following questions:
1. Why did you choose the accountant profession?
2. What attracts you in this profession?
3. What do you undertake in order to increase your professional level?
4. What do you expect from «The Best Accountant» republican competition?
So, here are our participants:
Amri Dinara Tolegenovna, the chief accountant of the “SK Development”
LLP, the general length of service as an accountant is 14 years
I graduated from school in
Honestly speaking, when
I was younger, in the nineties, I
dreamed to become «the most
demanded» actress, singer, writer
etc. as any other teenage girl from
the former Soviet Union. But the real
life makes its own allowances. At that
time money depreciated dreadfully
fast, a salary had been detained
for months. At that moment we
had a chance to get education
with the government support in
the local polytechnic college in
the «Accounting in construction»
specialty. But that was the last year
when we could study with the
financial aid. Of course, my parents
decided me to study there without
pausing to think and today I am
very grateful to them for it because
if handled properly the accountant
profession can mean stability,
reliability, fair wage, professional
growth possibility.
I remember my mother’s
friend, who had worked many years
as an accountant, told me: «Our
profession is the best one. Whatever
happens an accountant will always
have work, everything depends
only on you! Study, develop, and
you will manage everything!» Now I
would add: accounting is immortal!
These words always support me,
encourage optimism and belief in
the future. In my profession I also
like the fact that it always keeps me
up: continuous changes in the tax
law and in financial accounts do not
allow to get stuck in routine. It means
that there is always an opportunity
to get new knowledge and to find
new acquaintances. At the present
time when accounting must be
kept everywhere according to the
international standards our specialty
is important as never before. Having
good knowledge of IFRS it is only
necessary to learn a foreign language
and taxation system of other
countries you as an expert have a lot
of opportunities.
During the years of work
I understood: it is impossible to sit
still, it is necessary to know all fields,
not to be afraid of difficulties and
to develop constantly: to attend
training courses, to participate in
seminars, to use any opportunity
to gain additional qualification
because there are a lot of them
in the accounting sphere. Today
many experienced employers,
who understand how necessary
experts professional development
is, are ready to finance accountants`
training and certification. In my
opinion, only a lazy person can miss
this chance.
Honestly to say, it was the
financial aspect of competition
which attracted me first of all. But
that is not the only reason for my
participation. I wish to prove to
myself that I know, consequently,
I can apply all gained knowledge.
And besides, it is interesting to meet
new people. On 13th November
this year I and my colleagues from
Almaty, Temirtau and other cities
were kindly invited to a concert in
the RK Ministry of Finance. There I
got acquainted with nice people and
listened to wonderful music what I
am heartily grateful to organizers of
competition for. I expect the same
positive emotions in the future. And,
of course, I hope for a victory!
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
Bordunova Anna Valeryevna, the consultant for accounting and
taxation management (expert accountant) of the BEM Consulting Group,
the general length of service as an accountant is 12 years, 8 of which she
worked as the chief accountant in large holding.
From school always I
preferred professions which are
connected with mathematical
calculations and demand assiduity
and attentiveness. Therefore while
choosing a specialty I stopped at
once on the accountant’s profession.
I was always attracted by
the fact that this profession is one
of few ones which demands annual
improvement and acquisition of
knowledge. I very my profession
very much and last year I made the
decision that I am ready to impart
experience and knowledge with
everyone who needs it and who
looks for perfection in the specialty.
At the present moment I generally
work with chief accountants who
need the help and support in
setting up the account as, having
worked for a long period of time
in the large joint-stock company,
I have been maintaining book-
keeping in all spheres and branches
of business and have encountered
a number of questions which were
often submitted for discussion by
the professional organizations and
I annually make better
occupational awareness training. For
the moment I have the Certificate of
SAR (according to the CIPA program),
the Certificate of the Professional
accountant of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, the Certificate of the
Professional Accountant of the
Russian Federation, ASSA DipIFR
Diplom. In 2015 I plan to pass the
examination for obtaining the
Diploma of ISFM for the professional
certified financial manager (London)
and in 2016 - to pass the examination
for «Auditor of the Republic of
Kazakhstan» qualification. I also
intent to continue training according
to the ASSA program.
Firstly, the competition
inspires me not to be satisfied with
what has already been achieved and
to improve in the field of accounting
and audit. Secondly, I believe that
the main motivation is not only the
a goodly amount of prize money
but also obtaining the status of the
consultant in the field of accounting
and audit at the Ministry of Finance
as it imposes responsibility to be
the professional of high level. I
have never participated in such a
competition but I hope that the
competition winner will be the best
Vertuntsova Svetlana Nikolayevna, the chief accountant of limited
liability partnership.
Taking into consideration
the conditions of our developing
economy, I believe that an
accountant must be an educated
whether it is the tax law or economy
of the enterprise. My choice of
profession is also determined
by the need of constant self-
improvement and self-education.
Having the higher
mathematical education, I
began my work experience as an
accountant at courses in 2000.
In 2006 I received the
certificate of SAR as an expert
accountant, and in 2008 - an
honors degree of the Karaganda
state university in «The account
and audit» specialty.
In 2013 I received the national
certificate of the professional
The competition organized
by the Financial Academy and
the Ministry of Finance is the one
more proof that the country needs
professionals and those ones who
want to become these professionals
have all possibilities to train and
develop their professional skills.
Such competitions uplift
competitiveness and make think
over what is necessary to become
a participant or even a winner
and show the importance of each
person`s work.
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
Kozak Elena Anatolyevna, the chief accountant of
Akmolaenergomontazh LLP, length of service is 16 years.
Having finished school I
got the higher economic education
and began to work as an economist.
Once I was suggested to relieve
an accounting assistant for some
time. This work really captivated
me; I made some additional training
and became an accountant. The
accountant’s profession is extremely
difficult, it demands attentiveness,
concentration, ability to analyze
various situations and to make
decisions. It also demand continuous
and regular training as everything
changes very quickly and you are
never bored for lack of an occupation.
Firstly, it is a demand for this
specialty in the modern world which
can bring in the stable income.
Secondly, this profession helps
person to develop. It develops
logical thinking, attention, improves
self-discipline, self-confidence and
constantly demands training and
professional development.
Thirdly, there are tops in this
profession which can be reached
by many people. The profession
extremely universal: you can work
as an accountant, an economist,
a consultant, a financial analyst, a
finance director and an auditor.
Fourthly, an accountant must have
versatile skills and knowledge in
the field of the civil, administrative,
labor and other laws. Sometimes an
accountant has to be at the same time
both a personnel officer and a lawyer.
I regularly attend various
courses, trainings and training
programs in order to increase my
professional level. For the moment
I am the member of the Association
of professional accountants
and auditors of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. I also have a certificate
of CAP, the qualification certificate of
the professional accountant awarded
by the institute of professional
accountants and auditors of Russia.
Besides in the course of professional
development I trained in the National
Research University «Higher School of
Economics» in Moscow.
I was prompted to take
part in the competition by desire to
check myself, my knowledge and my
skills. The things I expect from the
competition are interesting questions,
transparent and honest refereeing.
May the best representative of our
profession be awarded by «The Best
as an Accountant» title!
Logvinenko Yulia Aleksandrovna, the chief accountant of the “Stroitel”
LLP, length of service is about 10 years.
1. The accountant’s profession
is my second one – having finished
school I gained in 1988 the diploma as
«a mining engineer – a hydrogeologist»
in the Tomsk polytechnic institute,
but during the policy reorganization
in the 90th I had no work – therefore
I changed a specialty since it was
demanded at that time – in 2002 I got
extramural education at the Tomsk
state university in «accounting and
audit» specialty.
2. The profession attracts me since
it is demanded and interesting.
3. The period when I became an
accountant was exactly the account
formation period in our republic –
probably, nobody now remembers
how many changes were implemented,
but it was very difficult and as it turned
out - very interesting as well.
Chart of accounts for bookkeeping,
tax calculation were changed, the
electronic form of reports in the Tax
Code and international standards were
adopted at that time. The profession
stopped being static, it was necessary
to master something new all the time,
and besides, the automation of the
account process reduced need of
tiresome recounting.
4. I watch the changes in the
legislation concerning taxes and
accounting, while solving specific
objectives I read materials in magazines
and in the Internet (there are all
possibilities for this purpose at our
enterprise: the subscription to printing
editions and to an account portal), I
discuss professional problems with my
colleagues. If I have an opportunity I
participate in seminars. The CEO of our
enterprise always welcomes it.
5. If I am not mistaken, it is the
first experience of such a public
competition organized by the RK MF.
The fact that the first two rounds are
hold in the Internet makes it possible
for all accountants to participate in it.
I hope that the competition will be
interesting, will become traditional,
and the victory in it will be prestigious
for an accountant. It consequently will
become incentive for increase of the
professional level and the importance
of the accountant profession in the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
Serikbayeva Rabiyam Nurakhunovna, the chief accountant of the
“USTAM” LLP, the general length of service is 10 years.
I am an accountant in the
second generation and treaded
in the steps of my mother - the
chief accountant with huge work
experience. I always watched my
mother to calculate some figures,
write down them in some tables,
books, then make some reports and
bare them in the tax office. I liked
those forms very much and always
wanted to try to make a report
myself. Therefore I already had a
general idea about the profession
and duties of an accountant and
chose this profession without any
In accounts department I
like orderliness of actions, accurate
algorithm and sense of work. I
like understanding of that we,
accountants, processing a huge flow
of information on each transaction
of firm, turn all this mess into the
structured report on couple of pages.
On the basis of these reports owners
and managers make decisions
on further activity, government
bodies conduct checks, banks make
decisions on crediting. The huge
number of serious decisions is made
on the basis of the reports made in
accounts department. An accountant
must increase knowledge and skills
literally every month in order to make
each report reflect the real situation
and not contain mistakes. It always
keeps you up because it is constantly
necessary to move forward, read,
study, analyze. «Live and learn» - this
proverb perfectly suits accountants.
And, of course, figures, figures and
figures. An accountant will not be
able to work for a long time if he does
not love figures.
I received the certificate of
the Professional accountant. And
being the owner of the certificate I
annually attend q u a l i f i c a t i o n
upgrading courses. In addition, I
study other related subjects - finance,
financial management, economy, law.
I expect good emotions
and check of my own knowledge
from the competition. A prize and
victory are not the most important.
This competition is an opportunity
to reveal the weaknesses and to
strengthen the knowledge.
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
In the Republic of Kazakhstan intensive development of
economy is continuing, and as a result, there is a need of
revision of earlier existing regulations and development of
legislative base. One of such systems which are in process
of reforming is the accounting registration system of the
Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, the reform affected not only
methodological bases, but also organizational structure of
this system participants.
It is considered that the IFRS are the most developed
and advanced accounting standards in the world [1].
Further development of system of accounting and
financial reports needs to be carried out for improvement
of quality, transparency and comparability of information
formed in accounting and financial reports according to the
IFRS in the following main directions:
- preparation and retraining of the experts occupied
with the organization and maintenance of accounting
reports, audit of financial reports;
- simplification of accounting reports maintenance
order and drawing up of financial reports for small and
medium business subjects;
- change of accounting and financial reports regulation
system on the basis of international experience;
- participation in the international development of
accounting and audit.
All users of reports have certain expectations regarding
content of the information in financial reports. For effective
implementation of tasks peculiar to accounting reports,
financial reports should meet such requirements as
professionalism, transparency, independence, relevance,
commonality, and also should correspond to the principles
and main qualitative characteristics of accounting and
financial reports [2].
World experience shows that such qualitative
characteristics as clearness, relevance, reliability,
comparability defining usefulness of information are
reached by direct use of the international standards or
their application as a basis for creation of national system
of accounting and financial reports. The economic
prospect of IFRS and ISA application consists in more
effective distribution of the capital, wider choice of
capital investments and growth of their profitability, the
entry into the world market becomes simpler, there is a
possibility of decrease in costs of the capital formation.
That in a consequence will lead to development of new
business structures, emergence of new workplaces,
decrease in unemployment, increase of competitiveness
of the Kazakhstan organizations in international markets,
economic growth of the country in general.
Subjects of small and medium business are the most
active part of the market. Whether you will sell something
or grant a lease, render services, produce or cultivate
something – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is to find
demand of a client which is insufficiently satisfied, and to
offer the consumer options in the form of your goods or
Questions of formation and submission of financial
reports are mentioned in almost all international standards
[3] existing now in a varying degree.
Financial reports are structured submission of
information on a financial position, results of activity and
cash flow of an organization which will be useful for a wide
range of users at adoption of economic decisions. Besides,
financial reports show results of the administration activity
on the direction of the organization resources .
Along with information provided in notes, the specified
data help users of financial reports to predict cash flow of
the organization, to determine terms of emergence and
degree of definiteness of cash flows.
undergraduate of “Financial Academy” JSC,
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
The financial reports provide information on the
following indicators of the organization:
- assets;
- expenditures;
- own capital;
- income and expenses, including other income and
- cash flow.
Financial reports of the organization should represent
impartially and authentically financial position of
the organization, results of activity, cash flow of the
organization. Reliable submission of financial reports
- exact representation of influence of operations, other
events and conditions according to definitions and criteria
of estimates in line with the IFRS;
- submission of information, including accounting
policies, providing relevance, reliability, comparability and
clearness of information;
- representation of additional disclosures when
requirements of the IFRS are insufficient for definition of
influence of concrete operations or events on the financial
position and financial results of the organization activity.
Reliability of financial reports is reached in case
the report is made in accordance with all international
standards. Clear and accurate compliance of the IFRS
should be reflected in notes. Thus compliance of the IFRS
means that the report meets all requirements of each
standard and the applied interpretations of Standing
committee for interpretations.
Financial reports are prepared on the basis of the
principle of a continuity of activity if only the management
does not intend to liquidate the organization or to stop
activity, or it has no other real alternative, besides, how to
do it.
In financial reports any serious doubts about possibility
of the organization to adhere to the principle of a continuity
are revealed. If the organization does not adhere to the
principle of a continuity, in financial reports are revealed
the discrepancy to the principle of a continuity, the basis
on which financial report is made and the reason why the
organization is not considered as continuously acting.
While preparing financial reports the management
should estimate possibility of the organization to continue
the activity, at least, within twelve months, subsequent to
the reporting period.
In notes to financial reports are revealed the main
assumptions of future and other sources of inauthenticity
assessment which could cause essential adjustments of
balance cost of assets and obligations with the description
of character of assets and expenditures, balance cost for
date of drawing up financial reports and other relevant
information [4].
Determination of balance cost of some assets (and
expenditures) assumes performance of an assessment for
date of balance of influence of uncertain future events on
the specified assets (and expenditures). For example, legal
proceedings were brought up against the organization
and it lost action in the court. At the time of the approval
of financial reports the sum of cumulative expenses was not
finally determined by the claim. In this case, it is necessary
to carry out a preliminary estimate of expenses and to
create the estimated expenditure on their covering.
In notes to financial reports are also reflected settlement
estimates which can be demanded, for example, when
- compensated size according to classes of fixed assets;
- influences of stocks depreciation;
- estimated expenditures on covering of expenses by
the results of the trial;
- long-term expenditures under pension plans.
Assumptions about cash flows (or the used discount
Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of «Account
and audit», “Financial Academy” JSC, Astana
қараша | ноябрь | november № 11 (23)
rate) correction risk, about future changes of compensation
level, and also about future price fluctuations which
will affect the size of other expenses are considered in
calculation of estimates.
Disclosure of such information is not required for the
assets (or expenditures) which are characterized by risk
of essential change of their balance cost within the next
financial year if for date of balance they were estimated at
the fair value based on the final market prices.
Necessary information is subject to disclosure so that to
help users to understand logic of professional judgments
of the management about future events and about other
bases for an assessment in the conditions of uncertainty.
Character and extent of specification of the provided
information depend on the character of assumptions and
on other circumstances. For example:
- character of an assumption or other characteristic of
uncertainty of an assessment;
- degree of dependence of balance cost on the applied
methods, assumptions and estimates which are the
cornerstone of it calculations, which includes the reason of
such dependence;
- estimated permission of uncertainty and a range of its
really possible consequences within the next financial year
which can affect the balance cost of the corresponding
assets (and expenditures);
- explanation of changes of earlier accepted
assumptions concerning assets and expenditures,
uncertainty of an assessment of which remains.
Disclosure of information does ot assume data
presentation of planned or expected character.
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