Н. Ю. Зуева (жауапты хатшы), О. Б. Алтынбекова, Г. Б. Мәдиева

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Ключевые слова: портретное сходство, структура портрета, конфликт, субъект изображения. 
B. K. Bazylova 
Portrait and type of artistic design 
The article describes the structure of the literary portrait. Structure portrait here is related to its main function - the 
epitome of visual impressions. The first of classifying signs of a literary portrait is basic for it discrepancy of the hero 
as subject of the image with its subject role. In a literary portrait we always face the created author's concept of 
character of the shown. The second sign of a literary portrait – is a way of creation of "a world concept". Work 
research always begins with text interpretation through its genre reading, through search of its interpretative model. 
The third important classifying sign of a literary portrait – is a feature of its narrative structure, it reflects 
typologically the general for all works of a memoirs and biographic genre the conflict between the point of view of 
the author and "others" regarding the image. One of the most important features of a narration in a literary portrait is 
that the inner world of the author storyteller also becomes an image subject.
The structure of the description of appearance of the character in I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and children" is built 
in such a way that it can't be isolated from the author's comment to it as they carry out the same function: to present to 
the reader an image of an inner world of the hero. Bazarov's portrait can be recognized "static" only because it as the 
center "attracts" all subsequent sketches of appearance of the character, forces the reader to see the typical in 
individual manifestation of character. The author constantly sends the reader to this first description of appearance of 
the hero, explaining all subsequent "facts" of his biography. This portrait of the character contains motivation of 
future relationship of heroes of the novel. 
Key words: portrait similarity, portrait structure, conflict, subject of the image. 

ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. 
№ 1(147). 2014 
Б. Қ. Базылова 

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