Aitkazinova B.T. The challenge of working with gifted children in psychological and pedagogical
studies of researchers in western europe countries …………………...................………………66
Applied psychology and psychotherapy Sheryazdanova H., Mardanovа Sh. On the development of a corrective program for
overcoming the negative impact of emotional burnout in the professional work of teache
Issaliyeva S.T. Application of project method in the development of pupils and students’ personality
Innovation sin education Movkebayeva Z.A., Zholtayeva G.N., Issaliyeva S.T., Hamitova D.S. Application of project
method in the development of pupils and students’ personality ....................................................89
Beikitova A. Features of the content and structure of the subject "Geography" for the updated pro-
Problems and prospects of education Abylkasymova А.Е. Modernization of the continuing pedagogical education system in the
Republic of Kazakhstan ...............................................................................................................106
Iskakova A.O. Some aspects of supplementary professional education in the USA …….…….113
Toimbayeva B.M. Teaching english language in a multilingual classroom ……….………......117
Begaliyeva S.B. On some approaches to teaching inclusive education of primary school tea-
Zhussupbekova G, Ualijeva S. Effective ways of person forming in intercultural communica-