- Dynamics of the level of professionally-oriented language competence through the characteristics of professionally oriented reading in screening and experimental groups Group
Scores М+-G
Basic data
1 semester
2 semester
3 semester
4 semester
POFLC through characteristic of professional reading
25.7+- 2.41
66.1+- 9.72
77.7+- 11.0*
80.3+- 10.7*
85.8+- 11.7*
22.3+- 2.3*
67.9+- 10.5** 83.1+- 13.1*
91.7+- 12.0*
94.9+- 10.8*
POFLC in characteristic of professional speaking
22.1+- 2.4**
30.6+- 4.4**
37.3+- 5.3*
38.9+- 5.8*
40.7+- 5.6*
21.1+- 2.6**
32.0+- 5.6**
41.1+- 8.3*
44.1+- 6.4*
40.7+- 5.6*
POFLC in characteristic of operating logically thinking skills
28.3+- 1.6*
26.2+- 3.3*
124.2 +-18.4* 132.0+-18.0* 138.5+-
Comparative data of the scoring developed professionally-oriented foreign language competence h) Multimedia library, including electronic
textbooks and manuals, audio and video
materials for profession-oriented English
language teaching, a course of video lectures
on the specialty of «Geology”. The materials
of the multimedia library are intended for the
disciplines of «Profession-Oriented Foreign
Language», «Professional Foreign Language»,
«Foreign Language for Academic Purposes»;
i) the database of domestic and foreign
e-learning language resources on profession-
oriented foreign (English, German) language.
Research Analysis of developing profes-
sionally-oriented foreign language competence
of technical students. All the research sta-
tistical data obtained at evaluation of using
professionally-oriented foreign language com-
petence with the characteristics of reading,
speaking and logical thinking skills of the SG,
EG respondents, given in scores was processed,
and its dynamics was monitored in the semesters.
Comparative data of the score of the deve-
loped professionally-oriented foreign language
competence are delivered in Table 3. The
screening group had a higher level (25.7
+ – 2.4) in comparison with the experimental
group (22.3+–2. 3) (P<0.001). Comparing the
dynamics this figure leveled by the end of the
first semester, the difference between EG and
SG were not statistically significant (P=0.319).
At the beginning of the second semester
the acquisition dynamics became positive,
exceeding in the experimental group.
The assessment of the characteristics of
speaking and professional communication in
one language form demonstrated that both
reference quantity and I semester quantity had
no significant differences in both groups (EG
and SG). But in semester II, III, and IV indicators
in EG are higher herewith representative results
– P<0.005. Significant difference of the input
data of this indicator is monitored in regard to
the characteristic «operating logical thinking
skills»: it is equal in semester I, and in semester
II, III, and IV it is higher for EG. The data
obtained is statistically reliable – P<0.05.
Тable 3
ПЕДАГОГИКА ЖӘНЕ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ /ПЕДАГОГИКА И ПСИХОЛОГИЯ /PEDAGOGICS AND PSYCHOLOGY №2, 2018 Педагогиканың және психологияның әдіснамасы мен теориясы/ Методология и теория педагогики и психологии /Methodology and theory of pedagogyand psychology 56
Figure 2