mediastinal surface (facies mediastinalis). In adult people the
apex of the lung protrudes through upper thoracic aperture to
the neck, reaches the acantha of the 7th cervical vertebra
from behind and 4 – 5 cm the suprasternal notch above – or
2 – 3 cm above the collarbone in front. The subclavian artery
attaches to the apex of the lung at medial surface leaving
sulcus on the lung (a. subclavia).
The lung basis attaches to the diaphragm by its diaphragmal
surface (facies diaphramatica). Facies diaphramatica is concave
according to the shape of convex diaphragm: more on the
right and less on the left.
The right lung is limited from the liver with diaphragm, the
left one – from the spleen,
left kidney and adrenal gland,
stomach, transverse colon and left part of the liver which
adhere to the diaphragm from below.
There is sharp inferior edge which goes into costodiaphragmatic
recess between the costal surface (facies costalis) and diaphragmal
surface (facies diaphramatica).
When breathing the inferior edge of the lung shifts 7 – 8 cm
down. The sharp anterior edge of the lung penetrates into
costomediastinal recess between
the thoracic cage and heart
and limits the costal surface (facies costalis) of the lung from the
mediastinal surface (facies mediastinalis). The mediastinal
surface (facies mediastinalis) is turned to the mediastinum and
vertebral spine.
There are hila (hilum pulmonis) in the paramedian surface
of the lung through which the primary bronchi (bronchi
principales) and pulmonary arteries go into the lungs and
through which the superior pulmonary vein and lower
pulmonary vein go out. Besides primary bronchus, pulmonary
artery and pulmonary veins there are lymph nodes (nodi
lymphoidei bronchopulmonales), neuroplex and pulmonary
arteries and pulmonary veins in the hila of the lung.
There is a deep cardiac impression (impressio cardiaca) in
the paramedian surface of the lung anteriorly and lower from
the hila which is more expressed on the left lung.
There is a deep sulcus on the top and behind the root of the
left lung due to the arch of aorta and descending part of aorta,
in front of which there is esophagus attachment near the
inferior edge of the lung. There is a recess of precava on the
mediastinal surface of the right
lung in front of the hila, and
behind – there are sulci due to azygos vein and esophagus.
The borders of lungs are as follows:
● anterior and posterior lung borders and pleura coinсide.
The inferior edge of the right lung:
● lin. parasternalis – the 6th rib;
● lin. medioclavicularis – the 7th rib;
● lin. axillaris media – the 8th rib;
● lin. scapularis – the 10th rib;
● lin. paravertebralis – the 11th rib.
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