№ 1(134)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ.
Педагогика. Психология. Әлеуметтану сериясы
ISSN: 2616-6895, eISSN: 2663-2497
on confirmed or debunked fake news and a
hyperlink to
anti-corona.kz portal which provides
additional metrics data on the infection rates
with a link to an online application system for
an express test. Visitors of the site can view the
website in both Russian and English as well as use
its mobile app version. In the case for Russia, an
official website named
stopcoronavirus.rf has been
launched by the government of RF. Similarly,
the Russian website also provides the same as
Kazakhstan updated statistics and metrical data
about COVID-
19 situations alongside sections of detailed
information on symptoms, treatment, myths, and
global news related to the virus. In contrast to
its counterpart, it provides detailed information
about government measures in support for
various sectors of the economy, social spheres,
businesses, and behavioral guidelines with official
documents by government bodies. Interestingly,
various redirectable icon links allow visitors to
share content via different social media platforms
such as VK, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and
BizBirgemiz and MyWmeste campaign
By the initiative of the Elbasy Nursultan
Nazarbayev, The
BizBirgemiz fund has been
launched and assisted by the Nur Otan party.
The fund aimed to support the most vulnerable
groups of the society during the coronavirus
crisis. During the first wave of assistance
campaign, around eleven thousand families
were provided food baskets, medical masks,
and antiseptic utilities. With the start of the
second wave, socially vulnerable groups such as
low-income families, persons with disabilities,
orphans, war veterans and other social groups
have received financial support. By mid-October,
more than 650.000 families within 23 major
cities and adjacent villages received support and
raised in total 34 billion tenge (approx. 79 million
dollars) [7].
In Russia, the
MyWmeste fund was launched
on March 16 within twelve regions by volunteer
network organizations to help vulnerable social
groups, such as elderly people, medics, and
employees of social institutions. This initiative can
be classified as a bottom-up approach dissimilar
to the case of Kazakhstan. By November 2020,
the fund consisted of 120.000 volunteers and was
supported by 9402 partners and raised a total of
1.81 billion rubles (approx. 23 million dollars) [8].
By now, the campaign has been mentioned about
261 thousand times in social media outlets and
more than 19 thousand times in federal media [9].
Central Communications Service: Bridging the
public, media and government bodies for information
and strategic communication exchange
Communications Service) with its ortcom.
kz official portal is a government-based non-
profit organization performing information
and communication activities in Kazakhstan
that forms a single national interaction
mechanism platform for the public, media, and
government bodies. CCS works under the sub-
division of Administration of the President.
Its main objectives are to coordinate media
policies, disseminate information on anti-
crisis management aspects, provide effective
recommendations with analytical support on
information strategy in crisis situations and hold
briefings and press conferences [10]. During the
pandemic CCS coordinated information flow by
regularly providing briefings with MISD of RK
with live translations on national broadcasting
outlets and social media. In the context of the RF,
no single unified state institution exists, which
could perform information and communication
activities for the public, media, and government
bodies. This should be taken into consideration.
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