Оно может быть использовано на практических занятиях и для самостоятельной работы студентов по улучшению навыков произношения и чтению

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Вводно-фонетический курс updated




Сочетание звуков:


Правила чтения согласной буквы:

z; буквы k перед n

Правила чтения буквосочетаний:

our, nk

Read the exercises, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sounds:

Ex. 1 [ auә]

  1. [auә], [pauә], [sauә], [auә], [tauә], [tauәl], [flauә]

  1. [au - auә]

[taun - tauә]
[sauθ - sauә]
[aut - auә]
[paund - pauә]
[maus - auә]
[laud - flauә]
[daun - tauәl]

  1. [aiә - auә]

[faiә - flauә]
[aiәn - auә]
[taiәd - tauә]
[kwaiәt - kauәd]
[sә'saiәti - sauә]

Ex. 2 [ŋk]

  1. [bŋk], [pŋk], [blŋk], [mŋk], [sŋk], [drŋk], [wɔŋki], [dɔŋki]

  1. [æŋk] [iŋk]

[ræŋk] [liŋk]
[sæŋk] [piŋk]
[bæŋk] [driŋk]
[tæŋk] [briŋk]
[dræŋk] [iŋk]
[æŋk] [siŋk]

  1. [n - ŋ - ŋk]

[in - iŋ - iŋk]
[win - wiŋ - wiŋk]
[sin - siŋ - siŋk]
[bæn - bæŋ - bæŋk]
[ræn - ræŋ - ræŋk]

[sn - sŋ - sŋk]

[rn - rŋ - drŋk]
[stn - stŋ - stŋk]
[pin - piŋ - piŋk]
[lin - liŋ - liŋk]

  1. ['iŋglәnd]




[' æŋgә]


Read the exercises :

Ex. 3
a) Our, sour, flour, lour.
b) Mire, hire, tire, fire, tired, spire, sire, shire.

Ex. 4
Ink, link,sink, pink, think,drink,brink,wink,bank,tank,blank,rank,sunk, chunk, trunk, drunk.

Ex. 5

Knife, knack, knackers, knuckle, knag, knap, knar, knead, knee, kneel, knell, knelt, knit, knob, knock, knot.

Ex. 6

Learn the rhyme by heart (выучите рифмовку):

Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

Brother John, Brother John.
Morning bells are ringing
Morning bells are ringing
Ding dang dong, ding dang dong.

Ex. 7

  1. Our, flour, mire, hire, ink, link, knife, knack, person, bird, burst, nurse, talk, pall, wall, city, roil, moil, joy, coy, tyre, byre, bay, gay, faint, painter, jigger, jest, fresh, shock, form, sport, pair, laird, rang, sling, leer, seer, down, now, helper, reader, garden, star, cot, plot, check, such, clock, duck, these, thee, fifth, math, dad, cat, nut, cute, student, stone, go, tool, loop, stock, cycle, type, yell, yoke, gyp, cygnet, page, gibe, game, bug, weak, wake, find, kind, end, desk, be, dene, spill, did, nine, side, tape, lane, seal, beam, cell, pence, clean, cable, beast, pencils, text, six.

  1. Smell, nest, me, Bede, till, silk, size, pale, take, seam, peal, cent, mice, came, cake, desk, slip, next, mix, stamp, ant, puzzle, tube, cute, lone, code, noon, tool, spook, my, fly, yes, yean, lynx, gym, gen, gene, gas, big, wise, wig, mind, blind, carpet, March, tea, pot, cost, pitch, children, deck, lock, them, bathe, thick, tenth, shake, fish, port, cork, laird, hair, rang, strong, beer, veer, row, helper, doctor, pall, hall, stalk, third, stern, sorry, hungry, loin, boil, hoy, toy, fire, spire, pyre, byre, bay, may, train, cain, jolly, jive, flour, lour, drink, rank, knar, knit.

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