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[ә:], [ɔi], [aiә]

Сочетание звуков:


Правила чтения гласных:

e, i, u, y по III типу чтения гласных букв;
буквы y в конечном безударном положении;
букв i, y по IV типу чтения гласных букв.

Правила чтения согласной буквы:


Правила чтения буквосочетаний:

al,oy, oi, ay, ai

Read the exercises, pay attention to the correct pronunciation of the sounds:

Ex. 1[ә:]

  1. [fә:]






  1. [e - ә:]

[es - ә:]
[en - ә:n]
[ten - tә:n]
[hed - hә:d]
[bed - bә:d]
[det - 'dә:ti]
[set - sә:v]
[el - 'ә:li]
[fens - fә:n]
[pel - pә:l]
['velvit - vә:b]

  1. [ɔ: - ә:]

[sɔ: - sә:]
[fɔ: - fә:]
[fɔ:m - fә:m]
[fɔ:st - fә:st]
[bɔ:n - bә:n]
[bɔ:d - bә:d]
[tɔ:n - tә:n]
[hɔ:l - hә:d]
[kɔ:t - kә:t]
[lɔ:n - lә:n]
[sɔ:t - sә:kl]

  1. [e - ә: - ɔ:]

[ten - tә:n - tɔ:n]
[ben - bә:n - bɔ:n]
[pet - pә:t - pɔ:t]
[bed - bә:d - bɔ:d]
[hed - h:d - hɔ:n]
[pel - pә:l - pɔ:k]
[sek - sә: - sɔ:]
[el - ә: - ɔ:l]
[fel - fә:st - fɔ:st]
[en - ә:n - 'ɔ:tәm]
[let - lә:n - lɔ:n]

Ex. 2 [ɔi ]

  1. [ɔi], [ɔil], [bɔi], [tɔi], [bɔil], kɔin], [vɔis], [nɔiz], [dʒɔi], [kɔil], [fɔil], ['lɔitә], [mɔist], [sɔil]

  1. [ɔi - ɔ:]

[bɔi - bɔ:t]
[tɔi - tɔ:n]
[ɔil - ɔ:l]
[bɔil - bɔ:l]
[kɔin - kɔ:t]

[pɔint - pɔ:t]

[nɔiz - nɔ:θ]
[tɔis - tɔ:k]
[kɔil - kɔ:l]
[vɔis - - wɔ:l]

  1. [ɔi - ou]

[bɔi - bout]
[tɔi - tould]
[ɔil - ouk]
[bɔil - bout]
[kɔin - kout]

[pɔint - ´pouit]

[nɔiz - nouz]
[vɔis - wouk]
[tɔis - touz]
[kɔil - kould]

Ex. 3 [aiә]

  1. [aiә], [aiәn], [faiә], [maiә], [waiә], [taiәd], [kwaiәt], [baiә], [flaiә], [taiәld], [laiәn]

b) [ai - aiә]

[tai - taiәd]
[fait - faiә]
[ais - aiәn]
[mai - maiә]
[wai – waiә]

[kwait - kwaiәt]

[hai - haiә]
[sain - 'saiәntist]
[lain - laiәn]
['ailәnd - 'aiәlәnd]

Ex. 4 [dw - tw, sw]

[dwel - swift]
[twin - swept]
[twist - swi:p]
[twais - swi:d]

[twenti - swi:t]
[twelv - swel]
[twig - swet]
[twein - swetә]

[twi:d- swain]
[twailait - swoulәn]
[tweid - swis]

Read the exercises :

Ex. 5

a) All, call, small, stall, ball, tall, mall, pall, fall, wall, gall, hall.
b) Chalk, walk, talk, stalk, calk, balk.

Ex. 6

a)Verb, term, serve, her, stern, person, bird, sir, firm, first, third, girl, fur, curl, nurse, turn, hurt, burst, purple, turtle, burn, fir, skirt, shirt.

b) Term, bunch, first, pinch, bird, rice, third, will, stern, chest, turn, Byrd, sister, furs, lick, sly, curl, lunch, curt, rib, serf, luck, curd, cry, herb, shy, chill, sky, spine, till, her, vine, sniff, burst, skirt, purple, shirt, fir, turtle.

Ex. 7

Family, funny, sorry, windy, pity, berry, city, angry, hungry, hurry.

Ex. 8

Boy, voice, coy, coin, toy, toil, joy, join, hoy, hoist, point, noisy, loin, boil, doily, foist, moil, noil, roil, soil.

Ex. 9

a) Mire, hire, tire, fire, tired, spire,sire, shire, tyre, pyre, lyre, byre.
b) Fine, fin, fir, fire, spire, spirt, spite, spit, site, sit, sir, sire, bird, mire, third, hire, like, milk, tire, win, wine.
c) Gyp, by, yet, funny, tyre, gym, my, sorry, pyre, fly, yes, system, lyre, yellow, family, cycle, yak, city, byre, type, yell.


  1. Find the odd word (найдите слово не подходящие к данному ряду слов):

  1. Girl, fir, fire, bird.

  2. Side, mine, milk, my, cry.

  3. Wire, hire, turn, tired.

  4. Wish, strict, fish, tiger.

  1. Divide the following words in 4 groups (сгруппируйте слова по типу слога):

Sit, dirty, side, fire, strict, big, like, sky, girl, six, fine, five, time, bird, ill, lip, first, hire.

  1. Learn the rhyme by heart (выучите рифмовку):

Butterfly, butterfly
Where do you fly
So quickly and so high
In the blue, blue sky?
Butterfly- [btflai] - бабочка
fly - летать
quickly - [kwikli] - быстро
high [hai] - высоко
blue [blu:] - голубой
sky - небо

Ex. 11

a) Day, way, bay, cay, fay, gay, hay, lay, may, nay, pay, ray, say.
b) Main, pain, Spain, train, faint, aim, cain, painter, daily, gain, hail, laid, nail, rain, sail, tail.

Ex. 12

  1. Find the odd word (найдите слово, не подходящее к данному ряду слов):

  1. Rain, tail, main, may, pair.

  2. Coin, loin, book, noisy.

  1. Read as quick as you can (прочитайте как можно скорее):

Rain, train, day, today, toil, noisy, toy, bay, boil, soil, faint, ray, hail, doily, Spain, aim, point, voice.

  1. Learn the rhyme by heart (выучите рифмовку):

Rain, rain

Go away
Come again
Some other day.
Little Tommy wants to play.

away [wei] прочь

come [km] приходить
again [gein] вновь, опять
want [wɔnt] хотеть
some other day [smðdei] в другой день

Ex. 13

Jab, jack, jade, jag, jail, Jane, jam, jape, jar, jay, jazz, jazzy, jean, jeer, jell, jemmy, jenny, jerk, jerry, jest, jet, jib, jibe, jig, jigger, jive, job, jock, jog, joint, joke, jolly, jot, jove, joy, judge, jug, juggler, jump, just, jut.

Ex, 14

  1. All, call, chalk, walk, verb, fur, family, funny, boy, coy, voice, coin, mire, hire, tyre, pyre, day, way, main, pain, jab, judge, ship, port, sport, fair, hair, sting, thing, leer, beer, down, brown, helper, maker, star, dark, cock, lot, children, chop, lack, struck, them, with, thick, myth, wise, wit, dad, and, plum, nut, muse, cute, nose, go, woo, spook, fly, my, yet, yip, gyps, cyst, badge, gene, game, gun, find, kind, smell, let, me, mete, spill, list, nine, kite, bake, tame, eat, seal, mice, ice, clean, cable, same, beast, next, mix.

  1. End, desk, be, Pete, in, skip, nine, pipe, take, late, seam, please, cent, pence, came, cake, pens, site, next, six, clap, land, sun, must, tube, fuse, stone, lone, doom, loop, look, good, bye, cycle, yell, yip, gym, cygnet, gip, stage, egg, game, weal, went, mind, blind, card, farm, dog, cost, chap, check, duck, slack, than, bathe, depth, theme, finish, shape, torn, north, lair, stairs, strong, sling, deer, veer, crowd, mow, helper, teacher, ball, tall, talk, walk, verb, her, curl, burn, berry, doily, roil, spire, shire, byre, lyre, gay, pay, faint, gain, joy, boy, jar, jimmy.

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