Органы речи и их деятельность при возникновении звуков

Write the words in bold in the correct columns

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phonetics stress-1

Write the words in bold in the correct columns.

There a good shopping centre. You can find almost anything there. There are bookshops, shoe shops, a travel agent’s, a post office, a hairdresser’s, a supermarket, everything … and there are a few snack bars if you want a hamburger or something. Oh, and there’s a sports centre too, with a swimming pool and a playground for the kids. But be careful with your handbag. I had my credit card stolen at once!




Read the sentences. Define which compounds have the stress on the first part (Oo) and which on the both parts (OO). Transcribe them to check your points.

  1. I got this motorbike second hand.

  2. Using a typewriter is so old fashioned.

  3. These earrings were hand made.

  4. I’m short-sighted, like my grandmother.

  5. All the sunglasses are half price.

  6. The waiting room is for first class only.

L isten. Which thing is the speaker asking about? Put a tick (v) next to it and say Yes, I have or No, I haven’t. Give a true answer!
Have you ever seen a ski jump? – No, I haven’t


In English there are three degrees of word stress:

  1. stressed syl­lables (primary stress)


  1. half-stressed syllables (secondary stress)


  1. weak or unstressed syllables.


A large group of polysyllabic simple words wear both primary and the secondary stresses.
There are several large groups of words with two equally strong stresses.
Different stressing can change the meaning of a word or make it completely unrecognisable.

A Few General Rules

(a) Always stress the syllable before -ssion/-tion, -cious/-tious, -cial/-tial, etc.

artificial, attention, conscientious, Chinese, heretical, geology, illuminate, joumalese,
permission, political, philosopher.
spacious, substantial

(b) In words ending in -ic, -ical, -ically the stress is on the syllable before -ic
historic — historical — historically
EXCEPT NOUNS - Arabic, arithmetic, lunatic, heretic, politics, rhetor­ic


(c) A great many words are stressed on the last syllable but two,
Words ending in -ology, -onomy, -osophy, -ologist, etc. always follow this rule.

(d) Words ending in -ese have the stress on the last syllable

The following groups of words have two primary stresses:

1. Polysyllables with separable prefixes having a distinct mea­ning of their own:
Negative prefixes un-, dis-, поп-, in-, ir-, -il, im-; mis-

absent-minded, disappear,
give in
inaccurate, illegal,
irregular, immoral,
take off
trу on
twenty-three, unable,

  1. Numerals from 13 to 19.

  1. Compound numerals

  1. Compound adjectives

  1. Compound verbs

Compounds: nouns and adjectives

The majority of compound nouns are usually single-stressed

reading-room, apple-tree, raincoat, blackboard.
gas-stove, gas-ring, absent-mindedness, ice-cream.
clean-shaven, well-bred, first-class.
spring­like, oval-shaped.

Double-stressed compound nouns are rare

Compound adjectives have generally two stresses

Compound adjectives with only one stress on the first element occur when the second element is semantically weak

Exercise I. Read the following:
(a) un'aided, warmed, 'anticy'clonic, ʼnon-'resident, 're'pack, 'ex-'minister, 'pre'paid, 'mi'sspell, 'mis'place, under'dressed, vice-'admiral, 'pre-'history, 'ultra-'fashionable.
(b) 'good-'looking, 'old-'fashioned, 'bad-'tempered, 'absent-'minded, 'home-'made, 'yellowish-'looking, 'square-'shaped.
(c) 'carry 'out, 'come a'cross, 'get 'up, 'see 'off, 'go 'on, 'point 'out, 'sit 'down, 'fall 'out, 'blow 'out, 'fall 'back, 'bring 'forth.
(d) 'apple-tree, 'bystander, 'daybreak, 'birthday, 'pillow-case, 'schoolboy, 'suitcase, 'time-table, 'hair-do, 'housewife, 'nothing, 'nonsense, 'everything, 'fireplace.
(e) 'butterfly, 'newcomer, 'blacksmith, 'airplane, 'bluebottle, 'blackbird, 'strongbox, 'overwork.
(f) 'abstract — to ab'stract; 'commune — to co'mmune; 'contest — to con'test; 'rebel — to re'bel; 'import — to im'port; 'forecast — to fore'cast; 'produce — to pro'duce.
(g),modification, ,aristo'cratic, ,mathema’tician, ,qualifi’cation, ,archaeo'logical, ,ornamen'tation, ,represen'tation, ad,mini'stration, a,ssimi'lation, con,side'ration, e,xami,nation.

Exercise II. Mark the stresses and read the words.
(a) completion, efficient, invasion, financial, advantageous, vivacious, photogenic, scientific, materialistic, musical, geographical, technical, psychology/psychological, meteorology/meteorologist, ideology/ideologist, Viennese, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Cantonese, Balinese.
(b) photograph, photographer, photographic;
politics, political, politician;
competing, competitor, competition;
analyse, analysis, analytical.
(c) teapot, washstand, mail-bag, grandfather, handwriting, shopkeeper, office-boy, waiting room, tape-recorder, ground-floor, crossquestion, flat-footed, second-hand, post-graduate, vice-president, greenish-looking, underpopulated, ultra-modern, non-payment, antinational, non-stop, reread, misuse, put on, fix up, pick out, make up, bluebell, black-face, bread-and-butter, red-book, blue-stocking.
(d) insult — to insult; object — to object,
subject — to subject; present — to present;
protest — to protest; outlay — to outlay,
outgo — to outgo; record — to record.

Exercise III. Read and memorize:
(a) 1. 'bad-'tempered 2. 'eigh'teen
a 'bad-tempered 'boy 'eighteen 'students
'John's bad-'tempered 'number eigh'teen
(b) 1. 'How can such a 'good-natured woman 'have such a 'bad-tempered daughter? 2. The 'mother's ex'tremely good-,natured | but the 'daughter is unbelievably bad-tempered. 3. There's a 'goodlooking girl over there. 4. She's 'quite good-looking. 5. The 'train 'leaves at 'three sixteen. 6. She's 'bought 'twenty-five books. 7. It 'happened in 'nineteen twenty-five. 8. He was 'born in 'nineteen nineteen. 9. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. 10. They were 'eighteen. 11. I said it 'sixteen times.
c) 'Picca'dilly 'Piccadilly 'Circus
Waterloo " Waterloo 'Station
Tra'fąlgar 'Square Trafalgar Square 'Fountains
'Hyde " Park 'Hyde Park 'Corner
The 'Albert 'Hall The 'Albert Hall 'concert
'Covent 'Garden 'Covent Garden " Market

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