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Орындаған студент: Ерболова А.Е.

Филология факультеті

«Әдебиеттану» мамандығы

І курс

Moby-Dick, or The Whale

Critic L. Mumford wrote:

"Moby Dick" is one of the first mythologies of our time, in other words, it was created from the realities of modern life, on the basis of scientific data and research ... and not ancient symbols - Prometheus, Endymion, Orestes, or folklore legends like the legend of Doctor Faust."

Moby-Dick, or The Whale, 1851 is the main work of Herman Melville, the final work of American romanticism literature. A long novel with numerous lyrical digressions, imbued with biblical imagery and multi-layered symbolism, was not understood by the modern either. The rediscovery of Moby Dick took place in the 1920s. The novel is dedicated to the American romantic writer Nathanil Hawthorne, a close friend of the author, "as a sign of admiration for his genius."


The story is narrated on behalf of the American sailor Ishmael, who went on a voyage on the whaling ship "Pequod", whose captain, Ahab (a reference to the biblical Ahab), is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge on the giant white whale killer of whalers, known as Moby Dick (in the previous voyage due to the fault of the whale Ahab lost his leg, and the captain has been using a prosthesis ever since.) Ahab orders him to constantly watch the sea and promises a golden doubloon to whoever sees Moby Dick first. Ominous events begin to take place on the ship. Falling out of the boat while hunting for whales and spending the night on a barrel in the open sea, the ship's cabin boy, Pip, goes mad.

The Pequod eventually catches up with Moby Dick. The chase lasts three days, during which time the ship's crew tries to harbor Moby Dick three times, but he breaks the whaleboats every day. On the second day, the Persian harpooner Fedalla dies, who predicted to Ahab that he would leave in front of him. On the third day, as the ship drifts nearby, Ahab hits Moby Dick with a harpoon, becomes entangled in the line and drowns. Moby Dick completely destroys the boats and their crew, except for Ishmael. From the impact of Moby Dick, the ship itself, along with everyone who remained on it, sinks.

Ishmael is saved by an empty coffin (prepared in advance by one of the whalers, unusable, and then converted into a life buoy), like a cork that pops up next to him - grabbing onto it, he remains alive. The next day he is picked up by a passing ship "Rachel".

The novel contains many deviations from the storyline. Parallel to the development of the plot, the author gives a lot of information, one way or another connected with whales and whaling, which makes the novel a kind of "whale encyclopedia." On the other hand, Melville punctuates such chapters with discourses that have a second, symbolic or allegorical, meaning under practical meaning. In addition, he often makes fun of the reader, under the guise of instructive stories telling fables.
  • I think the «Moby Dick» is a novel

  • about man and humanity, but primarily about the historical fate of the community of people who called themselves Americans. Although the plot of "Moby Dick" is built as the story of a whaling voyage to the distant expanses of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, the main subject of the author's attention is contemporary America. This book is largely future-oriented. The author studies modernity not only in order to reproduce it in an artistic image. His main goal is to predict its tomorrow on the basis of the research of contemporary America.

From the outset, the author places the fate of the Pequod in the hands of three neo-English Quakers: the ship's owner Bildad, Captain Ahab, and his senior mate Starbeck. The direction, success and purpose of swimming depend on them. Each of them personifies a certain era in the development of America. Bildad is yesterday. The present day of New England is represented by Starbeck. The future is embodied in the image of Ahab. This is what interests the author's thoughts more than anything else.

Ahab is a complex, contradictory, ambiguous character. It fuses romantic mystery, biblical age-old pain of humanity, fanatical hatred of Evil and the same unlimited ability to create it. But through all the complexity, through the interweaving of physical, moral, psychological elements, the “laws of being” are clearly visible.

Moby Dick is a philosophical novel. The overwhelming majority of Melville's contemporaries believed that the forces governing human life, as early as the life of nations and states, lie outside the boundaries of man and society. A pessimist and skeptic, Melville questioned the validity of these views. In his novel, he subjected them to analysis and testing, which none of them ultimately could stand. Melville posed the problem in its most general form: is there a certain higher power in nature that is responsible for the life of man and human society? The answer to this question required, first of all, the knowledge of nature.

Moby Dick is a philosophical novel. The overwhelming majority of Melville's contemporaries believed that the forces governing human life, as early as the life of nations and states, lie outside the boundaries of man and society. A pessimist and skeptic, Melville questioned the validity of these views. In his novel, he subjected them to analysis and testing, which none of them ultimately could stand. Melville posed the problem in its most general form: is there a certain higher power in nature that is responsible for the life of man and human society? The answer to this question required, first of all, the knowledge of nature.

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