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Questions for self-checking

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пр Кәсіби Бағыт шет елтілі 2020ж шы к

Questions for self-checking:
1. What is a tutoring method?
2. What classifications of methods of tutoring in biology you know?
3. What represents observation as a tutoring method in biology?
4. Tell about the story and its sub specific classification?
5. Tell about visual teaching methods of tutoring. How often they are applicable in educational process?
6. What word meaning of the teacher in the course of tutoring of biology?
7. What in tutoring of biology use of a method of work of students with the textbook matters?
8. What the choice of methods in tutoring of biology is bound to?

1. Concept "pedagogical technology of tutoring"
Mass development and deployment of pedagogical technologies fall into to the middle of the 50th years and connect with emergence of technological approach to creation of tutoring in American in the beginning, and then and at the European school. These years there is a term "technology of education" which in the subsequent under the influence of works on a technique of use of various technical means of tutoring, in particular cinema, radio, control devices, was modified in "pedagogical technologies". In the mid-sixties technological approach became a subject of extensive discussion of the scientific and pedagogical public. Two directions, one of which connects technological approach with introduction of technical means of tutoring, are as a result allocated. Within the second direction technological approach to creation of the most educational process develops and the term "technology of tutoring" appears. By the end of the 60th – the beginning of the 70th years in many countries appears and institutions on development of technology of tutoring begin to function. Instead of the term "technology of tutoring" which admits too narrow in pedagogical circles the term "educational technology" is used.
The concept "educational technology" is represented to a little wider, than "pedagogical technology" (for pedagogical processes) because education includes, except pedagogical, still various social, socio-political, administrative, culturological, psychology and pedagogical, medico-pedagogical, economic and other interfacing aspects. On the other hand, the concept "pedagogical technology" belongs (that is apparent) to all sections of pedagogics.
In the modern western pedagogical literature for designation of the technologies which

. 4. Zh.B.Lamark founder of scientific theories about the development of the organic world

5. Cells of plants, animals and micro-organisms are similar in chemical composition. According to the content of elements in the living organism can be divided into two groups: microcells macrocells.
support, protective and trophic functions. Water is the basic substance of all living organisms. Water is a solvent having a heat conductivity. With respect to water, all substances are divided into two groups: hydrophobic, hydrophilic
7. In the cell composition includes organic substances: proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Carbohydrates are formed in the process of photosynthesis, are divided into mono-, di-polysaccharides.
8. Proteins are composed of amino acids. Lipids are composed of glycerol and fatty acids. Functions of organic substances: construction, Garner, transport (proteins), the catalyst (enzyme), protective (antibodies), and Energy
9. Nucleic acid - biopolymers, which monomer is a nucleotide. A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, carbohydrate ribose (RNA), deoxyribose (DNA), a phosphoric acid residue. Nitrogenous bases: adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine.
10. DNA has the property to self-doubling (replication). The main function of DNA and RNA - in this part of the protein biosynthesis

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