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Borders and difficulties of use of a method of projects

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Borders and difficulties of use of a method of projects
"The method of projects is used in that case when in educational process there is any research, creative task for which solution the integrated knowledge from various areas, and also application of research techniques (for example, a research of a demographic problem in different regions of the world is required; creation of a series of reportings from the different regions of the country, other countries of the globe on one problem opening a certain subject: a problem of influence of acid rains on the environment, a problem of placement of various industries in different regions, the ave.)" (the author isn't specified, the Internet article).
"The main problem constraining distribution of design training consists in difficulty of interface of detailed designs with requirements of educational standards. Practically it isn't possible to formulate detailed designs so that it was possible to ispolzlvat standard knowledge, abilities, skills (more precisely – that in them there was a need) at performance by pupils of these tasks".
7.Problems of activization of training at biology lessons
Problem of activity of the personality in training - one of urgent in psychological, pedagogical science, and in educational practice.
The problem of activity of the personality in training as the leading factor of goal achievement of training, a common development of the personality, her professional training requires basic judgment of the major elements of training (content, forms, methods) and claims in a thought that a strategic direction of activization of training is not increase in amount of the transmitted data, not strengthening and increase in number of control actions, but creation of didactic and psychological conditions of intelligence of the doctrine, inclusion of the pupil in it at the level not only intellectual, but personal and social activity.
Level of manifestation of activity of the personality in training is caused by its main logic, and also the level of development of the educational motivation determining in many respects not only the level of informative activity of the person, but also an originality of his personality.
According to the traditional logic of training including such stages as primary acquaintance with material, or his perception in the broadest sense; its judgment; special work on its fixing and, at last, mastering material, i.e. its transformation in practical activities.
Allocate 3 levels of activity:
- Activity of reproduction - is characterized by the aspiration of the trainee to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, to seize methods of application on a sample.
- Activity of interpretation - is connected with the aspiration of the trainee to comprehend meaning of studied, to establish connection, to seize methods of application of knowledge in the changed conditions.
- Creative activity - assumes tendency of the trainee to theoretical judgment of knowledge, independent search of the problem resolution, intensive manifestation of cognitive interests.
The theoretical analysis of the specified problem, the best pedagogical practices convince that the most constructive decision is creation of such psychology and pedagogical conditions in training in which the trainee can take an active personal position, in the most complete measure to express myself as the subject of educational activities, individual "I".
Everything told above brings to the concept "the active training":
1. Verbitsky interprets an entity of this concept as follows: the active training marks transition from preferentially regulating, the algoritmizirovannykh, the programmed forms and methods of the organization of didactic process to explicatings, problem, research, retrieval, providing the birth cognitive 2.M. Novik selects the following distinctive features of the active training:
- forced activation of thinking when the trainee is stimulated to be the active irrespective of his desire;
- enough long time of involvement of trainees in educational process as their activity shall be not short-time and incidental, and substantially steady and the long (i.e. during all occupation);
- independent creative framing of decisions, the raised level of motivation and emotionality of trainees.
Continuous interaction of trainees and the teacher with on-oshchyyu direct and back couplings.
Interactive methods of training are methods which induce pupils to the vigorous cogitative and practical activities in the course of mastering a training material. The active training assumes use of such system of methods which is directed mainly not to presentation by the teacher of ready knowledge, their storage and reproduction, and to independent mastering pupils knowledge and abilities in the course of the vigorous cogitative and practical activities.
Features of the active methods of training consist that in their basis motivation to practical and cogitative activities without which there is no advance in mastering knowledge is put.
Appearance and development of the active methods is caused by the fact that before training there were new tasks: not only to give to pupils of knowledge, but also to provide formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, innovative thinking, skills of independent brainwork. Origin of new tasks is caused by rapid development of information. If earlier knowledge gained at school, technical school, higher education institution could serve the person long, sometimes during all his labor life, then in a century of their information boom it is necessary to update permanently that can be reached mainly by self-education, and it demands from the person of cognitive activity and independence.
Cognitive activity means an intellectual and emotional response to knowledge process, aspiration of the pupil to the doctrine, to execution of personal and general jobs, interest in activities of the teacher and other pupils.
It is accepted to understand the aspiration and ability to think independently, ability to be guided in a new situation, to find the approach to the solution of a task, desire not only to understand the acquired educational information, but also ways of getting of knowledge as informative independence; critical approach to judgments of others, independence of own judgments.
Informative activity and informative independence - the qualities characterizing mental abilities of pupils to the doctrine. As well as other abilities, they are shown and develop in activity.
As the most important means of activization of the personality in training the active methods of training act. In literature also other term - "Method of Active Training" meets that means the same. Has given the fullest classification M. Novik, allocating not imitating and imitating active groups of training These or those groups of methods define respectively and a form (look) of occupation: not imitating or imitating.
Characteristic feature of not imitating occupations is lack of model of the studied process or activity. Activization of training is carried out through establishment of straight lines and feedback between the teacher and trainees.
Distinctive feature of imitating occupations is existence of model of the studied process (imitation of individual or collective professional activity). Feature of imitating methods - their division on game and not game. Methods at which realization trainees have to play parts belong to game.
M. Novik points to their high effect at digestion of material as essential approach of a training material to concrete practical or professional activity is reached. At the same time the motivation and activity of training considerably amplify.

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