5. Principles of application of training methods Education content, according to this principle, shall reflect transformations in economy, policy, culture, that is in that social context in which activity of trainees proceeds.
Studying of the most modern and fundamental theories is insufficient for normal course of training process. Practical knowledge, understanding of conditions and methods of their application as they expand the range of opportunities are at least important and add to a personal experience, do knowledge more thorough and demanded in everyday life, and not just in educational situations.
The principle of the sequence of training is caused by objectively existing knowledge stages, interrelation sensual and logical, rational and irrational, conscious and unconscious.
Succession concerns content of training, its forms and methods, strategy and tactics of interactions of subjects in educational process, personal new growths of trainees. It allows to unite and separate educational situations in single complete educational process of gradual development of natural communications and the relations between objects and the phenomena of the world.
The sequence and in training allow to resolve a contradiction between need of forming of system of knowledge, skills in objects and forming of complete conceptual vision of the world.
Development of system approach to training allowed to design more accurately a training material, to create sets of education and visual aids in the studied objects.
The sequence in training provides availability of a training material, durability of its assimilation, gradual increase of difficulties and development of informative opportunities of trainees.
The principle of unity of group and individual training assumes their optimum combination. This training is caused by the fact that the individual becomes a personality thanks to, on the one hand to his communication and interaction with other people, with another – the aspiration to isolation.
Group training, reflecting a community of interests of trainees, creates dialogue conditions, provides joint search of the most productive methods of the solution of tasks, creates conditions for mutual assistance manifestation, increases sense of responsibility, the social and personal importance under favorable circumstances of the doctrine.
Training, however, can't be successful if specific features of trainees, difficulties experienced by everyone are ignored distinctions at speed and extent of digestion of material, etc. it means that along with group forms of education follow to apply also individual training. At the same time it is important to reach an optimum combination of collective and individual work of trainees.
The principle of compliance of training in age and specific features of trainees assumes implementation of age and individual approaches.
To each age stage of development there correspond certain shifts in mental and personal development. With age the great value is purchased by individual and typological distinctions. Individual approach requires studying of difficult inner world of trainees, the analysis of system of the developed relations and diverse conditions in which there is a forming of the personality.
The principle of compliance of training in age and specific features of pupils requires that content, forms and methods of the organization of their activities corresponded to age stages. Level of informative opportunities and personal development determines the organization of educational activities of younger school students, provision of independence and an initiative to teenagers and the senior school students. In connection therewith by the principle individual characteristics of temperament, nature, capabilities, wills of trainees shall be considered.
The principle of consciousness and creative activity of trainees approves their subjectivity in educational process. It is proved by the fact that activity of the personality by the nature is social and it is subject. It is the integrated indicator of its orientation and active essence. Activity of trainees can have reproductive or creative nature.
The training having the reproductive doctrine in the basis leaves unclaimed the personal potential of trainees, their creative relation to educational activities, a personal initiative, independence of thinking. Now it is experimentally proved that creativity of trainees is in direct dependence on works of teachers who broadcast it in the course of the solution of educational tasks. The teacher the training strategies as if "dooms" the pupil to creativity, "forces" to realize the course and results of the doctrine, to plan stages of accomplishment of educational tasks.
The principle of availability of training in case of the sufficient level of its difficulty requires accounting in its organization of real opportunities of trainees, refusal of the intellectual and emotional overloads which are negatively developing on their physical and mental health. Implementation of this principle is connected also taking into account the level of development of the informative sphere of trainees.
However training shan't be excessively easy. In it is mute shall be the measure of mental intensity and uncertainty necessary for maintenance at pupils of an intellectual and energy tone, activity and an intensification of the search actions connected with overcoming educational difficulties is observed.
The considered principle assumes creation of educational process so that pupils had a desire to overcome difficulties and to experience joy of success, achievement. It helps them to remove the increased uneasiness and uncertainty in success in case of the solution of educational tasks.
One of the major provisions which are the cornerstone of the organization of training process is the principle of presentation. Ya.A.Kamensky called it "golden rule" of didactics according to which in training it is necessary to use all sense organs of the person.
Researches show that support of the story an illustration of what is studied, considerably increases assimilation level. So efficiency of acoustical perception of information makes 15%, visual – 25%, and their simultaneous inclusion in training process increases efficiency of perception to 65%. Presentation in training is based on such regularity of process of knowledge as its movement from sensual to logical, from specific to abstract. Scientific concepts and regularities are easier acquired by pupils if they are buttressed up concrete by facts in the course of comparison, carrying out analogies, etc.
Presentation in training is provided with application of various illustrations, demonstrations, laboratory works, use of striking examples and vital facts. Presentation can be applied at all stages of training process. In process of increase of abstractness in training it is necessary to use different types of presentation: natural (objects and actions with them), experimental (experiences of an experiment), volume (prototypes), graphic (pictures, photos, drawings), sound (audiomaterials), symbolical and graphical (cards, schedules, schemes, formulas), verbal (verbal descriptions of events, the facts, actions).
Yu. K. Babansky determined interrelation of various principles of training process as manifestation of the principle of an optimality.
The essence of the active training methods directed to forming of skills consists in providing accomplishment by students of those tasks in the course of the decision which they independently seize skills.
Manifestation and development of active training methods is caused by the fact that not only assimilation by students of knowledge and forming of professional skills, but also development of creative and communicative capabilities of the personality, forming of personal approach to the arising problem were set tasks of training.
Thus, the training method is a set of methods and methods of the organization of cognitive activity of the child, the development of its intellectual forces training interactions of the teacher and pupils, school students among themselves with the natural and public environment. The training method is implemented in unity of purposeful cognitive activity of the teacher and children, their active movement by the time of the pedagogical truth - to explanation by pupils of knowledge, mastering skills.