Уголовное право и уголовный процесс
Целесообразно указать размер удержаний с
учетом вида уголовного правонарушения: за
уголовный проступок от десяти до ста месячных
расчетных показателей, за преступления – от
ста до двухсот пятидесяти месячных расчетных
Ограничение свободы, назначаемое несовер-
шеннолетним, по нашему мнению, также
должно иметь специфику с учетом возраста
деяние не только в части максимального, но
и минимального предела. Так, законодатель
в ч.6 ст.81 УК указал, что максимальный
предел этого наказания составляет два года
(для совершеннолетних в соответствии с ч.1
ст.44 УК – от одного года до семи лет), но при
этом нижний предел ограничения свободы
для несовершеннолетних в законе не указан.
Руководствуясь ст.44 УК минимальный предел
ограничения свободы для несовершеннолетних
лиц составляет тоже один год, что мы считаем не
совсем правильным. Для несовершеннолетних
логичным было бы установить низший предел
ограничения свободы сроком шесть месяцев.
Далее анализируя нормы о лишении свободы
для несовершеннолетних (ч.7 ст.81 УК), следует
отметить, что нижний предел этого наказания в
законе не определен, учитывая положения ч.3
ст.46 УК этот срок составляет, как и для взрослых,
шесть месяцев. В ч.7 ст. 81 УК, кроме общего
максимально предела – десять лет, указаны сроки
лишения свободы с учетом тяжести, характера и
степени общественной опасности содеянного - за
убийство при отягчающих обстоятельствах или
акт терроризма либо по совокупности уголовных
правонарушений, одним из которых является
убийство при отягчающих обстоятельствах или
акт терроризма, – двенадцати лет.
Недостатком данной нормы является то,
что законодатель не указал максимальный
предел лишения свободы по совокупности
приговоров, которая может иметь место и в
отношении несовершеннолетних. Опять же, если
руководствоваться нормами о лишении свободы
относительно совершеннолетних лиц (ч.3 ст.46
УК) максимальный предел лишения свободы
и для несовершеннолетних будет составлять
тридцать лет, что является недопустимым. Мы
считаем, что для несовершеннолетних этот
срок должен быть сокращен наполовину, в этой
связи считаем необходимым дополнить ч.7 ст.81
УК после слов «двенадцати лет» следующим
положением: «а по совокупности приговоров не
более пятнадцати лет.».
на совершенствование уголовно-правовых
норм в части наказаний, назначаемых
несовершеннолетним лицам, как отдельной
категории граждан, имеющих возрастную
Список литературы
1. Минимальные стандартные правила Организации Объединенных Наций, касающиеся
отправления правосудия в отношении несовершеннолетних (Пекинские правила), приняты
резолюцией 40\ 33 Генеральной Ассамблеи от 29 ноября 1985 года.
2. Нормативное постановление Верховного суда Республики Казахстан от 11 апреля 2002 года
«О судебной практике по делам о преступлениях несовершеннолетних и о вовлечении их в пре-
ступную и иную антиобщественную деятельность».
3. Есдаулетова Г.К. Некоторые вопросы развития ювенальной юстиции // Вестник Института
законодательства Республики Казахстан. – 2010. - № 4 (20).
Мақалада кәмелетке толмағандарға қатысты жазалар жүйесі мен түрлері туралы
Қазақстан Республикасы қылмыстық заңнамасы нормаларын дамытуға бағытталған мәселелер
Түйін сөздер: қылмыстық заң, бас бостандығынан айыру, жаза, кәмелетке толмағандар,
қылмыстық жауаптылық.
В настоящей статье автор рассматривает вопросы совершенствования норм уголовного
законодательства Республики Казахстан о системе и видах наказаний в отношении
● ● ● ● ●
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
Ключевые слова: уголовный закон, лишение свободы, наказание, несовершеннолетние, уголовная
In this article the author considers the issues of improving the system of criminal provisions and the
penalties for juveniles.
Keywords: penal law, criminal liability, deprivation the right to freedom, penalties for juveniles, the
system of criminal provisions.
Оксана Борисовна Филипец,
ҚР Қаржы полиция Академиясының Қылмыстық құқық және сотқа дейінгі іс жүргізу
кафедрасының доценті, з.ғ.к.
Қазақстан Республикасы қылмыстық заңнамасы бойынша кәмелетке толмағандарға
қатысты жазалар жүйесін жетілдірудің және жаза түрлерінің кейбір мәселелері
Филипец Оксана Борисовна,
доцент кафедры Уголовного права и досудебного производства Академии финансовой полиции
РК, к.ю.н.
Некоторые вопросы совершенствования системы и видов наказаний в отношении
несовершеннолетних по уголовному законодательству Республики Казахстан
Filipets Oksana Borisovna,
associate professor of Criminal law and pre-judicial production of Academy of financial police of RK,
captain of financial police
On some issues of improvement of the system and the types of punishment for juveniles in the
criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
Maulenov Kasim Syrbaevich,
сhief research fellow of Department of the international legislation and comparative
law of the Institute of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, d.j.s., professor
The investment policy of the Republic of
Kazakhstan which is a system of measures of the
legislative, executive and controlling character
taken by authorized governmental bodies for the
purpose of increasing the investment activity of
business entities by means of creation of a system
of stimulating investors, a favourable investment
climate, securing a legal stability of the investment
Irrespective of the policy pursued by the state,
the policy of open doors or the policy of limited
access of the foreign capital to the country, the state
never relinquishes the economic sovereignty, i.e. its
sovereign right to solve the main matter in relations
connected with foreign investments, the matter on
granting the right to the foreign person to perform
the entrepreneural activity on the territory of this
state, i.e. the question of admittance of the foreign
As for the investment aspect, Kazakhstan
currently remains one of the most attractive
countries with prospects for future of the CIS states.
The volume of direct overseas investments into
Kazakhstan has reached more than $160 bln for
the period of 1993-2014 y.y. The highest level of
investments was achieved in 2001 y.: $4418.5 mln.
According to the the data of the National Bank of
Kazakhstan, the investment volume of 2002 y. made
$4073.5 mln. The main inflow of direct overseas
investments has been made into the oil industry
(roughly 85%). In 2002 y., the investments into oil
and gas recovery counted for 51%, and 19% of the
entire direct investment volume went to exploration
Formation of a democratic, temporal, legal and
social state envisages, in particular, perfection
of state administrative relations and their legal
regulation, putting the status of participants of these
relations in accordance with new tasks confronting
a mechanism of state government under creation of
the highly efficient, flexible market economy.
The joining international conventions and
treaties is an important task for Kazakhstan. The
republican international activity extended from
the moment of acquiring of the independence
by Kazakhstan (on December 16, 1991 y.). As of
January 1, 2015 y. the Republic of Kazakhstan
signed over 800 international treaties.
The Republic of Kazakhstan joined the following
international legal treaties on February 16, 1993 y. :
the Paris convention on protection of the industrial
property dated March 30, 1883 y., revised on July
14, 1967 y. in Stockholm (the Paris convention);
the Madrid agreement on international registration
of trade marks; the Treaty on patent cooperation;
On Membership in the World Organization of
Intellectual Property (WOIP). The Law of the
Republic of Kazakhstan “On Joining the Bern
Convention on Protection of Literary Works of Art
by the Republic of Kazakhstan” was adopted on
November 10, 1998 y.
Agreements on the encouragement and mutual
protection of investments are called bilateral
investment treaties. These agreements have
replaced 200-year-old treaties on friendship, trade
and navigation. As of 1 January 2015 y., Kazakhstan
has signed over 90 bilateral investment treaties with
foreign states. Some of these agreements specify
that the investments are ‘capital’ investments while
other agreements merely mention investments.
Most of these agreements have been ratified by both
parties, although not all of them.
agreements follow a similar structure: definitions;
encouragement investments and permits on
investment; protection of investments and their legal
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
status; expropriation and compensation; transfers of
investment-related payments; subrogation (transfer
of rights); disputes between one agreeing party and
the other agreeing party's investor; disputes between
the agreeing parties; better conditions; consultations
and information exchange; application of the
agreement; amendments; entry into force; validity
and termination. All of these bilateral investment
agreements include four basic obligations incurred
by Kazakhstan relating to the activities of foreign
investors. For example, the government of
Kazakhstan is responsible for ensuring a good
environment for investments and related activities;
ensuring proper protection of foreign property;
providing a foreign investor with free transfers of its
revenues; and referring any disputes about capital
investments to international arbitration.
1. Capital Investments:
Article 1 of the bilateral investment agreement
between Kazakhstan and Germany stipulates that
the term ‘capital investment’ covers “all kinds of
property holdings, in particular:
movable and immovable property, as well as
other vested interests, such as mortgage rights and
participating rights and other forms of
participating in companies;
the right of claim on funds used for creating
economic values or services which have an economic
intellectual property rights, such as copyright,
patents, useful models, industrial specimens and
models, trade marks, brand names, business and
commercial secrets, technologies, know-hows and
the goodwill;
concessions, including those for exploration and
production of mineral resources.
The agreement further stipulates that changing
the kind of investment of property values does not
affect the quality of investment
The bilateral investment agreement between
Kazakhstan and the United States stipulates that
the term ‘capital investment’ means “Any capital
investments on the territory of one of the parties,
belonging to or controlled (directly or indirectly)
by citizens or companies of the other party, such
as shares, bonds, services and capital investment
” This term includes:
material and intangible property, including such
rights as the mortgage right, the right of detainer,
the tax law;
a company, a block of shares, or another interest
(participation) in a company, or participation in its
claim to funds or implementation of a contract
with an economic value and connected with the
capital investment;
intellectual property, including the rights for:
literary books and fiction, including sound
inventions in all areas of human activities,
industrial models,
topologies of integral circuits,
production secrets, know-how, confidential
business information;
trademarks, service marks and brand names; and
any right provided by law or contract and any
licenses and permits issued in accordance with the
Section 1 of Article 2 stipulates that “the United
States reserves the right to impose or preserve
limited exceptions from the national treatment in the
following areas: air transport, maritime and coastal
shipping, banking, insurance, government subsidies,
government programmes on loan insurance, power
engineering, customhouse brokers, real estate
ownership, ownership or management of radio
broadcasting or companies owning radio and TV
stations, shares in the Satellite Communication
Corporation, rendering services by companies
which own telephone and telegraph communication,
underwater cable communication, use of land and
natural resources, exploration and production of
mineral resources, marine and related services, and
major stock transactions with the U.S. government
” Further according to Section 1 of
Article 2, “the United States reserves the right to
impose or preserve limited exceptions from the
most favoured treatment in the following areas:
exploration and production of mineral resources, real
estate ownership, marine and related services, and
major stock transactions with the U.S. government
On the other hand, Section 1 of Article 2 reserves
to the Republic of Kazakhstan “the right to impose or
preserve limited exceptions from the most favoured
treatment in the following areas: ownership of land
and mineral resources, water, flora and fauna, and
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Germany
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between the United States of America and Kazakhstan
Section 1, Article 2, Bilateral Investment Agreement between the United States of America and Kazakhstan
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
other natural resources; real estate ownership (during
transition to the market-based economy); ownership
or management of TV or radio broadcasting; air
transport; and securities issued by the Government
of Kazakhstan
2. Investments
As noted earlier, not all bilateral investment
agreements use the term ‘capital investment’. Some
use the term ‘investment’ only, which, in turn, has
various shades of meaning. The bilateral investment
agreement between Kazakhstan and the United
Kingdom illustrates this. Article 1 of the agreement
defines the term ‘investment’ as “any kind of assets
and includes, but not limited to:
movable and immovable property and nay
other property rights, such as mortgage, the right
for seizure of the debtor's property, collaterals and
shares, securities, debentures of any company,
and any other kind of participation in a company;
liabilities or any other contractual obligations
with a fiscal value;
intellectual property rights, goodwill, production
processes and know-how;
preferences for an enterprise, granted according
to the law or contract, including preferences
for exploration, development and use of natural
It further stipulates that changing the form of the
investment assets does not affect the investment’s
character. The term ‘investment’ also includes any
investments made before the agreement becomes
. Another example is in the agreement
with Poland. There, the term includes: industrial
engineering, production management, re-investment
of revenues and payments of the debt and interest on
loan agreements
. Whereas, the agreement between
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan defines ‘investments’ as
including land ownership and use rights (including
the rent)
. The agreement with Hungary takes in
. The Finnish agreement contains in its
definition: rented investment goods connected under
this agreement with investments and used by the
lessor according to the law
. In the agreement with
Romania, the term ‘investments’ also means loans,
credits, bank and fiscal deposits and other liabilities,
related to investments
. The agreement between
Kazakhstan and Turkey incorporates claims for
funds or any other legal rights with a financial value
related to an investment
3. Investor
With the use of these terms in the agreements,
the term ‘investor’ becomes important. A review of
the definitions for this term in various agreements
would be helpful to gain an understanding of its
general meaning.
The agreement between Kazakhstan and Finland
defines ‘investor’ as:
1. an individual who is a citizen of Kazakhstan
or Finland in accordance with legislations of their
countries, or a legal entity established in accordance
with the current legislation of Kazakhstan or
Finland, which are authorized by the legislation of
its country to make investments on the territory of
the other Agreeing Party;
2. a legal entity located on the territory of a
Agreeing Party or a third country, while the investor
of one of the Agreeing Parties has a predominant
3. a legal entity or an individual definitions
of which are not covered by Sections 1 and 2,
provided the Agreeing Parties will jointly approve
each separate investment planned by this entity or
The agreement between Kazakhstan and
Germany is special. In relation to the Federal
Republic of Germany, the term ‘company’ means
any legal entity or trade company, other companies
or associations with or without the right of a legal
entity, located in the Federal Republic of Germany,
no matter whether their activities aim at making
a profit or don't. Here, making a profit is not a
determining feature of a company
In the agreement between Kazakhstan and
Poland, the term ‘investor’ covers two kinds of legal
1. a legal entity established in accordance with
the current legislation of one of the Agreeing Parties;
2. a legal entity not established in accordance
with the current legislation of one of the Agreeing
Parties, but directly or indirectly controlled by
individuals or legal entities of the same Agreeing
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between United Kingdom and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Poland and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Hungary and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Finland and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Romania and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral investment Agreement between Turkey and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Finland and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Federal Republic of Germany and Kazakhstan
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
Party, which will observe the provisions of this
bilateral Agreement
The definition of the investor is somewhat
different in the agreement between Kazakhstan and
1. any individual who has a citizenship of
or constantly living on the territory of a Agreeing
Party, according to its legislation; or
2. any corporation, partnership, trust, joint-
stock company, organization, association, or
enterprise founded or duly established in accordance
with the legislation of a Agreeing Party
4. Application of definitions
Of a great practical importance is the issue of
applying these agreements. Article 2 of Kazakhstan's
agreements with India and Finland stipulates that
the agreement is applied to all investments made
by investors of any of the agreeing parties on the
territory of the other agreeing party, established
in accordance with its legislation and norms, no
matter whether they were made before or after the
agreement became effective. Thus, the bilateral
investment agreements have a retroactive effect
Article 7 of the agreement between Kazakhstan
and China states that the agreement shall be applied
to all investments made after 1 January 1985
The agreement between Kazakhstan and Georgia
specifies that the agreement provisions do not affect
investments made before 16 December 1991
All bilateral investment agreements of
Kazakhstan include provisions of the national
treatment and the most-favoured treatment. An
example can be drawn from Article 3 of the
agreement between Kazakhstan and the United
Kingdom, which states that “neither Agreeing Party,
on its territory, shall provide investments or citizens'
incomes or companies of the other Agreeing Party
with a treatment less favoured than the one provided
for investments or citizens' incomes or companies
of any third country. Neither Agreeing Party, on
its territory, shall provide citizens or companies
of the Agreeing Party, regarding management,
preservation, use, ownership, or handling of its own
investments, with a treatment less favoured than the
one it provides for its own citizens or companies
It is important to note that the most-favoured
nation treatment shall not affect advantages which
the agreeing party provides or will provide in the
regarding participation in a free trade area, a
customs or economic union;
based on an international agreement about
avoiding double taxation or other agreements on
agreements on border trade
5. Transfer of Payments
Transfer of payments related to investments and
revenues is a practical issue for foreign partners.
Kazakhstan's agreements with Hungary
, Spain
, Mongolia
, Uzbekistan
, and Georgia
have respective articles called ‘transfers’ or ‘transfer
of payments related to investments’. In Kazakhstan's
agreements with India
, Great Britain
and Korea
the article is called ‘repatriation of investments and
revenues’, and in the agreement with Malaysia,
‘repatriation of investments’
. In the agreement
between Kazakhstan and Turkey, the article in
question is called ‘repatriation and transfer’
The institution of transfer is most completely
regulated in Kazakhstan's agreements with Spain
and Poland
. Wordings of agreements coincide on
this article. For example, provisions of Article 7 of
the agreement between Kazakhstan and Spain go as
“1. Regarding investments made on its territory,
each Agreeing Party shall provide investors of the
other Agreeing Party with a free transfer of the
income received from these investments and other
related payments, including but limited to:
- incomes from investments, as stipulated in
Article 1;
- compensation, stipulated in Articles 5 and 6;
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Poland and Kazakhstan
Article 1 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Malaysia and Kazakhstan
Article 2 Bilateral Investment Agreement between India and Kazakhstan. Article 2 Bilateral Investment Agreement between
Finland and Kazakhstan
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between China and Kazakhstan
Article 9 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Georgia and Kazakhstan
Article 3 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Great Britain
Article 3 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Romania.
Article 6 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Hungary
Article 6 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Spain
Article 6 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Poland
Article 6 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Mongolia
Article 5 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Article 6 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Georgia
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and India
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Great Britain
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Korea
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Malaysia
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Turkey
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Spain
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Poland
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
- profits from selling or liquidation of investments,
partially or fully;
- funds on redemption of loans;
- payments to support or develop investments,
such as funds to acquire raw materials or auxiliary
supplies, semi-finished products or finished
commodities, and to replace fixed assets;
- salaries, wages and other remuneration received
by citizens of one Agreeing Party on the territory
of the other Agreeing Party, or a company in which
a citizen had made an investment, to have a non-
discriminatory access to the currency market so that
the investor could buy the foreign currency to make
transfers in accordance with this article.
2. Transfers made according to this Agreement
shall be performed in a fully convertible currency, in
accordance with the tax legislation of the recipient
3. The Agreeing Parties shall support procedures
needed to make these transfers without much
delay, in accordance with practices adopted by
international financial centres. For example, no
more than three months are allowed to pass after
the date by which the investor has submitted proper
statements in order to make a transfer by the date
of the actual transfer. Therefore, both Agreeing
Parties shall implement formal procedures needed
to purchase the currency and to effectively transfer
it abroad during this period of time.
4. The Agreeing Parties shall provide the transfers
referred to in this article with the same treatment as
for the transfers resulting from investments made by
investors of a third country
We think it important to underline that
Kazakhstan's agreements with the United States
and Turkey consider payments from the investment
conflict as transfers.
The agreement between Kazakhstan and
Uzbekistan states that an agreeing party may limit
the transfer in accordance with a fair and non-
discriminatory legislation of its country, in cases
a) bankruptcy, insolvency or protection of
creditors' rights;
b) criminal or administrative offences;
c) incompatibility with procedures or decisions
of court trials
6. Concluding Provisions
Concluding provisions in all bilateral investment
agreements are about their entry into force, period and
amending. The agreement between Kazakhstan and
Finland states that this agreement becomes effective
upon thirty days after the agreeing parties notify
each other about fulfilling constitutional formalities
needed to make the agreement effective
. A similar
wording is provided in Kazakhstan's agreements with
and Romania
. The agreement between
Kazakhstan and Spain states that this agreement
becomes effective on the day when notifications
have been exchanged about implementation of
respective constitutional procedures to make the
agreement effective
. The shortest record is stated
in the agreement between Kazakhstan and Korea:
“This Agreement shall come into force on the
day the Agreeing Parties notify each other about
implementation of all legal requirements on its entry
into force
The length of term of bilateral investment
agreements vary from 5 to 15 years. For example,
Kazakhstan’s agreements with Finland and Korea
have a 15-year term of validity
. Most agreements
have a term of 10 years
. The agreement between
Kazakhstan and China has a term of 5 years
Termination is an important issue in these
agreements. A standard wording from the agreement
between Kazakhstan and Malaysia can be used as
an example: “Any Agreeing Party may terminate
this Agreement by a written notification to the other
Agreeing Party not later than one year prior to the
end of the 10-year period, or at any other time after
The other important issue is that Kazakhstani
bilateral investment agreements are made in two,
three or four languages, and thus the problem of a
correct interpretation may arise in the future. For
example, Kazakhstan's agreement with the United
States stated that “this agreement shall come into
force on the date of signing; accomplished in
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Spain
Article 7 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Finland
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Malaysia
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Romania
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Spain
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Korea
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Finland. Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between
Kazakhstan and Korea
Spain, Great Britain, the United States, India, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Iran, Turkey, Romania, Malaysia, Hungary,
Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and China
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Malaysia
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
Washington on 19 May 1992, in two copies, each
in English and Russian, with both texts having an
equal legal force. A text in Kazakh will be drafted
which will have a legal force of the English version.
This will be confirmed by exchanging diplomatic
notes which endorse its compliance in English
The agreement between Kazakhstan and Iran
states that the agreement has been made in Kazakh,
Persian and English, with all texts equally authentic.
If there is a dispute about interpretation of the
wording of this agreement, the English version shall
. The agreement between Kazakhstan and
Malaysia states that the agreement has been made
in two copies, each in Kazakh, Malay, Russian,
and English, with all texts having an equal force.
If there are any disagreements in interpretation, the
English text shall prevail
. As noted, the prevailing
language in investment-based relations in English.
So, Kazakhstan needs to train its national cadre who
would know the special (professional) terminology
of the English language in various business areas:
finance, banking, insurance, oil, law, etc.
It is necessary to distinguish the four stage
development of the legislation on foreign
investments for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The
first stage (1990-1994 y.y.) commences from the
moment of adoption of the first law “On Foreign
Investments in the Kazakh SSR” by the Supreme
Soviet of the Republic on December 7, 1990 y.; and
it is completed by the adoption of the second law
in history of the republic “On Foreign Investments”
on December 27, 1994 y. The second stage (1994-
1997 y.y.) finishes with the adoption of the law of
the Republic of Kazakhstan “On State Support of
Direct Investments” on February 28, 1997 y. The
third stage (from 1997-2003 y.y.) finishes with the
adoption a new Law “On Investments” on January
8, 2003 y. The fourth stage (from 2003 y. till the
present time) is characterized by the further renewal
and development of the legislation on foreign
investments of Kazakhstan.
Law “On Investments” on January 8, 2003.
establish guarantee of legal protection of activities
of investors in the territory of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The rights and interests of an investor
shall be provided full and unconditional protection,
which shall be ensured by the constitution of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, this law and other normative
legal acts of the Republic, as well as international
treaties ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
An investor shall have the right to be reimbursed
for damages caused to it as a result of issuance by
state agencies of acts conflicting with legislative acts
of the Republic of Kazakhstan or as result of illegal
actions (omissions) of officers of such agencies,
pursuant to the civil legislation of the Republic of
The Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the
stability of the terms of agreements executed
between investors and state bodies of the Republic
of Kazakhstan, with the exception of the cases where
the agreements are amended by mutual agreement of
the parties. These guarantees do not apply to: changes
in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
and/or enactment of, and/or amendments to the
international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan
which change the procedure for and terms of the
importation, production and sale of excisable goods;
amendments and additions that are introduced to
the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan
in order to ensure national and ecological security,
healthcare and morality.
Investors shall have the right: to use income
gained from their activities at their own discretion
after payment of taxes and other obligatory payments
to the budget in accordance with the legislation of
the Republic of Kazakhstan; to open bank accounts
in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in
the national currency and/or a foreign currency in
accordance with the banking and currency legislation
of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Official declarations of state bodies of the
Republic of Kazakhstan and normative legal acts
affecting the interests of investors shall be published
in the procedure established by the legislation of
the Republic of Kazakhstan. Investors, including
minority investors, shall be given free access to
information about the registration of legal entities,
their charters, the registration of real-estate
transactions, any issued licenses, as well as to any
other information, as stipulated by legislative acts
of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is related to
their investment activities and which contains no
commercial secrets or other secrets protected by law.
Control over investors' activities shall be carried
out by those state bodies which are granted such
rights by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Procedures for and terms of exercising control over
investors' activities shall be determined by the laws
of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 13 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and United States
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Iran
Article 12 Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kazakhstan and Malaysia
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
Law “On Investments” on January 8, 2003 y.
establish guarantees of the rights of investors in the
case of nationalization and requisitioning. A forced
seizure of an investor's property (nationalization,
requisitioning) for the state needs shall be allowed
in exceptional cases which are provided for by
legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In
case of nationalization, the investor shall be fully
reimbursed by the Republic of Kazakhstan for any
losses caused as a result of issuance of legislative acts
of the Republic of Kazakhstan on nationalization.
The investor's property shall be requisitioned
by way of payment of the full market value of such
property. The market value of the property shall
be determined in accordance with the procedure
established by the legislation of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The valuation according to which the
owner was refunded the value of its requisitioned
property may be challenged by the owner in a
judicial proceeding.
When circumstances due to which the investor's
property was requisitioned no longer exist, the
investor may demand that the remaining property
be returned to him, but the investor shall be obliged
to return the amount of compensation which he
received, taking into account losses resulting from a
reduction in the value of the property.
Law “On Investments” on January 8, 2003 y.
establish resolution of disputes. Investment disputes
may be resolved through negotiation, including by
retaining experts, or in accordance with the dispute
resolution procedure previously agreed by the
parties. If an investment dispute cannot be resolved in
accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of this
Article, such dispute shall be settled in accordance
with international treaties and legislative acts of the
Republic of Kazakhstan in Republic of Kazakhstan
courts, as well as by international arbitration as
determined by agreement of the parties. Disputes
that are not investment disputes shall be resolved in
accordance with the legislation of the Republic of
The State committee on investments of the
Republic of Kazakhstan must adhere the investment
policy in the republic. It is necessary to remind that
the State committee on investments of the Republic
of Kazakhstan was set up by the President’s Decree
of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 8,
1996 y. The State committee is the only authorized
governmental body in the matter of pursueing the
state policy on stimulation of direct investments.
Main directions of the activities of the Committee
on investments are as follows: 1) the elaboration
and following the state policy on stimulation of
direct foreign and domestic investments; 2) setting
up of a system of the work with foreign investors
and the preparation of offers on stimulating direct
investments and improvement of the investment
climate; 3) the preparation and spreading abroad
information materials concerning economy and the
requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan in direct
investments; 4) the organization of registration and
accounts in matters of attraction and application of
direct foreign and domestic investments jointly with
the National statistical agency of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, other governmental bodies.
Setting up of the Council of foreign investors
under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
is a new direction in state regulation of the foreign
investment activities. The President’s Decree of the
Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on that matter
on June 30, 1998 y.
The newly formed Council of foreign investors
is a consultative and deliberative body under the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The
Council was set up for the following purposes:
1) submission of offers for consideration of the
President of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding
the following: perfection of legislation regulating
issues of the investment activity, offers on matters
related to realization of large investment programmes
and projects of the Republic of Kazakhstan having
an international significance;
2) elaboration of recommendations on
improvement of the investment climate in conformity
with the strategy of attracting foreign investments
into the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) elaboration of offers on the integration
of economy of the country into world economic
The Secretariat was established under the Council
of foreign investors. It will deal with processing of
offers and requests made by foreign investors.
● ● ● ● ●
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
Мақалада Қазақстан Республикасының инвестицияларды қорғау туралы екі жақты шарттар
енгізу практикасы қарастырылған. Осы халықаралық шарттардың мазмұнына талдау жасалған,
сонымен бірге Қазақстан Республикасы заңнамасының шетелдік инвестицияларды тарту
саласындағы даму және қалыптасу мәселелері қарастырылған.
Түйін сөздер: екі жақты шарттар, инвестицияларды қорғау, шетелдік инвестицияларды
В статье рассматривается практика заключения Республикой Казахстан двусторонних
договоров о защите инвестиций. Дан анализ содержания данных международных договоров, а
также рассмотрен вопрос развития и становления законодательства Республики Казахстан в
сфере привлечения иностранных инвестиций.
Ключевые слова: двусторонние договоры, защита инвестиций, привлечение иностранных
The investment policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a system of measures of the legislative, executive
and controlling character taken by authorized governmental bodies for the purpose of increasing the
investment activity of business entities. As for the investment aspect, Kazakhstan currently remains one of the
most attractive countries with prospects for future of the CIS states. Formation of a democratic, temporal,
legal and social state envisages, in particular, perfection of state administrative relations and their legal
regulation, putting the status of participants of these relations in accordance with new tasks confronting a
mechanism of state government under creation of the highly efficient, flexible market economy.
Keywords: bilateral agreements, investment Protection, attraction of foreign investments.
Қасым Сырбайұлы Мәуленов,
ҚР Заңнама институты халықаралық заңнама және салыстырмалы құқықтану бөлімінің бас
ғылыми қызметкері, з.ғ.д., профессор
Қазақстан Республикасының шетелдік мемлекеттерімен екі жақтық инвестициялық
Мауленов Касым Сырбаевич,
главный научный сотрудник отдела международного законодательства и сравнительного
правоведения Института законодательства РК, д.ю.н., профессор
Двусторонние инвестиционные договоры Республики Казахстан с зарубежными
Maulenov Kasim Syrbaevich,
сhief research fellow of Department of the international legislation and comparative law of the Institute
of legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, d.j.s., professor
Bilateral investment treaties Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign states
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
В Стратегическом плане Министерства
юстиции Республики Казахстан на 2014 -
2018 годы, утвержденного постановлением
от 30 декабря 2013 года № 1439 (далее -
Стратегический план), отмечено, что «одной из
основных задач Министерства является право-
вое обеспечение деятельности Республики
Казахстан на международной арене, в том числе
путем экспертизы проектов международных
договоров и участия в подготовке заключений
международных договоров». Далее в Стратеги-
ческом плане поясняется: «За последние три
года приняты свыше 1000 решений ЕЭП.
Учитывая, что решения данной Комиссии
имеют наднациональный характер в связи с
передачей отдельных национальных функций
правительств и уполномоченных органов,
предпринимаются меры по усилению качества
экспертизы поступающих проектов решений
ЕЭК и проектов международных договоров,
поскольку большинство из указанных проектов
разрабатываются во исполнение международ-
ных обязательств, особенно в рамках ТС и ЕЭП»
Несмотря на то, что Стратегический план
утратил силу постановлением Правительства
Республики Казахстан от 10 апреля 2015
года № 223, данное решение в особенности
актуально сейчас, когда с 1 января 2015
года начался качественно новый этап интег-
рации – функционирование Евразийского
экономического союза.
Согласно пункту 1 статьи 6 Договора о
Евразийском экономическом союзе (далее –
Договор о ЕАЭС) Право союза составляют:
Договор о ЕАЭС, международные договоры в
рамках Союза, международные договоры Союза
с третьей стороной, решения и распоряжения
Высшего Евразийского экономического совета,
Евразийского межправительственного совета и
Евразийской экономической комиссии, принятые
в рамках их полномочий, предусмотренных
настоящим Договором и международными
договорами в рамках Союза [2]. Соответственно,
экспертизе должны подвергаться все выше-
указанные документы.
международных договоров и решений интег-
рационных объединений могут создавать
множество проблем в правоприменительной
практике. Одной из мер по преодолению такой
ситуации является проведение своевременной
и профессиональной экспертизы проектов
международной организации, что позволит
существенно повысить их качество, про-
анализировать возможные последствия их
воздействия и найти в них недостатки до момен-
та принятия окончательного решения.
Принятие качественных решений надна-
циональных органов, а также заключение
международных договоров с учетом инте-
ресов всех стран-участниц Договора об обра-
зовании ЕАЭС требует разработки Единой
методики проведения экспертизы проектов
международных договоров и решений ЕАЭС.
Экспертиза проектов решений международ-
ной организации и проектов международных
договоров должна быть направлена на
определение предмета регулирования проекта,
соответствующих общественных отношений,
выявление проблем, на решение которых
направлен проект, изучение выполнения
требований по общественному обсуждению
проекта (результатов принятия, рассмотрения
и обобщения предложений, поступивших
Сагидан Анар Жарылкасынкызы,
гл.эксперт-начальник отдела международного законодательства
и сравнительного правоведения Института законодательства РК,
кандидат юридических наук
№ 3 (39) 2015 ж. Қазақстан Республикасы Заңнама институтының жаршысы
от участников общественного обсуждения
разработчикам проекта). При производстве
экспертизы экспертом будет проводиться работа
по оценке положений проекта на соответствие
Конституции и законодательству стран-участ-
ниц международной организации, нормам
вступивших в установленном законом порядке
в силу международных договоров, участницей
которых она является. Также при осуществлении
экспертизы проектов решений и соглашений
необходим анализ на соответствие проекта
правилам юридической техники, в том числе и
наличие необходимых реквизитов.
При этом правовая экспертиза должна
базироваться на конституционном принципе
приоритетности вступивших в юридическую
силу международных договоров, заключенных
соответствующим государством – членом ЕАЭС,
над актами национального законодательства.
При проведении правовой экспертизы реко-
мендуется также определять соответствие
проекта национального законодательного акта
общепризнанным принципам международного
права, другим действующим международным
договорам, требованиям и стандартам, устанав-
ливаемым международными организациями,
включая Всемирную торговую организацию.
При проведении экспертизы международных
договоров и решений ЕАЭС рекомендуется
определить необходимость:
- введения в проекты законов унифи-
цированных норм, связанных с реализацией
целей и задач Союза;
- внесения в проекты национальных законов
изменений и дополнений с целью исключения
нормативных предписаний, препятствующих
законодательств государств – членов ЕАЭС;
- изъятия норм проекта международного
договора либо решения, противоречащих целям
и задачам Союза, определенным в международ-
ных договорах и актах Союза.
Безусловно, успех любой экспертизы
зависит от того, на каких принципах она будет
осуществляться. В основе принципов эксперти-
зы проектов международных договоров и
решений международных организаций должнен
лежать комплекс идей, применение которых
позволит достичь качественных результатов
документов. При этом проведение экспер-
тизы проектов международных договоров и
решений международных организаций должно
опираться на общие принципы, характерные для
проведения других видов экспертиз, например,
экологической, научной, антикоррупционной и
так далее.
Принцип законности. При производстве
экспертизы должно быть обеспечено соблюде-
ние прав, свобод человека и гражданина,
соответствие нормативным документам, регули-
рующим порядок проведения экспертизы или ее
отдельных процедур. Эксперт в первую очередь
обращает внимание на то, насколько документ
соответствует международным и национальным
основам правовых норм. Дискриминирующий
документ не может считаться законным.
Принцип научности. Экспертиза проводится
на основе тщательно разработанной и
выверенной научной методики. В свою
очередь методика должна быть утверждена
компетентным органом.
Принцип консенсуса. В соответствии с
Договором все принципиально важные вопросы
Союза решаются консенсусом, при котором
решение принимается общим согласием при
отсутствии возражений по существенным
вопросам. И этот принцип, гарантирующий учет
мнения всех членов Союза, будет привлекателен
для новых его участников, среди которых в
перспективе многие страны Евразийского
Принцип независимости. Эксперты, которые
занимаются анализом документов, не должны
быть заинтересованными лицами, поскольку это
может привести к субъективной оценке. Из этого
следует следующий принцип.
Принцип объективности. Экспертиза прово-
дится в соответствии с обоснованными и
достоверными методами, которые применяют-
ся для получения и толкования результатов
анализа. Эти методы исключают возможность
субъективной оценки. Проекты должны
рассматриваться не предвзято, с учетом их
достоинств. Возможные конфликты интересов
должны выявляться и регулироваться в
соответствии с установленными процедурами.
Принцип профессионализма или компе-
тентности. Только квалифицированный эксперт
имеет право проводить данную экспертизу.
Эксперт должен иметь необходимые знания и
опыт для оценки представленных проектов.
Более того эксперты должны отбираться соглас-
но четким критериям. Желательно, чтобы он
специализировался в той сфере юриспруденции,
документы которой оценивает.
экспертиза носит превентивный характер, то
Международное право и сравнительное правоведение
проект нужно проверять до его подписания и
вступления в силу.
Принцип полноты. Проект, проверяемый
частично, может иметь ряд ошибок, которые
эксперт упустит из вида, если перед ним будет
стоять задание проверить только определенную
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