SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY" ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN, FEBRUARY 2023 72 competence - includes mastery of pronunciation, lexical, grammatical aspects of speech,
graphics and spelling. The main teaching tools for the development of language competence:
- workbook - necessary for self-work at home, it allows to learn the graphics and spelling
of a foreign language, to master lexical and grammatical materials while performing tasks in
each lesson.
The high schoolchildren can make use of self-check, correct, tables, diagrams, handouts,
colorful pictures - allows to be active and individualized in the process of developing and
forming the ability to master all types of speech activity as much as possible. Through effective
communicative and cognitive methods, the teacher develops the process of high schoolchildren’s
accumulation of language and speech units: textbook; audio materials; computer program and
the internet [8, 112].
In the process of foreign education, it is necessary to further develop high schoolchildren’s
communicative competence, to develop their ability to learn to understand the general culture of
countries where they speak a foreign language, their similarities and differences, comparing their
features. In the process of foreign education, while forming high schoolchildren’s personal views
about that country, analyzing the cultural and spiritual features of other countries that speak this
language, and teaching them to recognize the ways of achieving intercultural relations. We need
to develop the linguistic culture of high schoolchildren’s native languages and the spiritual value
of their countries. It is necessary to be able to compare and synthesise their culture with countries
that speak a foreign language.
Сritically, one should aim to develop one's worldview, knowledge, and thinking through
the life skills and culture of another country. Taking into account all the above-mentioned
pedagogical and pragmatic aspects, the two most important goals of foreign language teaching
are justified:
1. cognitive communicative purpose,
2. cognitive development goal.
The cognitive communicative goal is primarily given to high schoolchildren by teaching
authentic texts, and it includes studying changes in reading foreign authentic texts by teaching all
types of communicative activities (reading, listening, speaking, writing) together. Having
mastered the main features, the student will have the opportunity to use them in practice, in real
life situations. The second goal is cognitive development - it is directly related to the first goal
and is formed in the process of teaching authentic texts.
In order to prove the effectiveness of forming socio-cultural competence of high
schoolchildren based on Case Study technology, we conducted classes for high schoolchildren in
the subject of English language using this technology.
For example, the following situational tasks belong to case technology: