Түйін сөздер: шеттілдің білім беру, коммуникативтік құзыреттілік, коммуникация, оқыту әдістемесі Modern Kazakh society is multinational, multilingual and multicultural. Therefore, the
formation of a cultured personality who knows many languages, adapted to this society, is one of
the urgent issues. Also, the first President of the country in his speech at the 12th session of the
Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, said: "We will continue to conquer world heights
without deviating from the direction we have taken in the future. Such high milestones is the
entry of Kazakhstan into the ranks of the 50 most competitive countries in the world. In order to
achieve that goal, first of all, every Kazakh should be competitive" [1, 2]. At the same time, he
introduced the ways to achieve this goal. It was said that the new generation of Kazakhstanis
should know at least three languages and be fluent in Kazakh, Russian and English. At the same
time, noting that it will be difficult to talk about the true competitiveness of the nation without a
wide knowledge of foreign languages, he urged all parents to educate their children in three
In recent years, many scientists have studied the concept of "competence" and given
different definitions. (S.S. Kunanbaeva, V. Elizarova, A. Kulsarieva, M.V. Plekhanova),
attention is paid to its structural features (G.V. Elizarova, K.M. Iriskhanova, A.P. Sadokhin,
N.M. Gubina, M.V. Plekhanova, N.S. Tyrkheeva).
As N. Chomsky noted, "the difference between competence (conversation-listening) and
application (real application in real situations) is very fundamental. Only in the case of unreality
... is the application a direct image of competence" [3,9]. The concept of
competenc e includes the
concepts of "knowledge" and "skills". But this is not just a new collection of BBD. Competence
reflects not only the result of training (knowledge and skills), but also the system of value
orientations and creative activity experience of high schoolchildren.
So, competence is the presence of knowledge, skills, abilities, business, and willpower in a
person. First of all, it is formed in the process of teaching at school. And "competency" is the
ability of the learner to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice, in everyday life, to
solve some practical and theoretical problems.
In the work of professor S.S. Kunanbaeva, "Intercultural competence is defined as the
ability of a person to express himself in the dialogue of cultures, that is, in the framework of