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Сборник материалов конференции (продолжение)

Есмағамбетов К. Л. Әлем таныған тұлға. – Алматы: «Дайк-Пресс» баспасы, 2008. – 504 б. 
Садыкова Б. И. Мустафа Чокай в эмиграции. Алматы: «Мектеп», 2011. – 248 с. 
Садыкова Б. История Туркестанкой легиона в документах. – Алматы: Қайнар, - 2002. – 
204 с. 
Көкебаева Г.К. Германия – Россия – ССРР: политика, война и плен. – Алматы: Қазақ 
университеті, 2009. – 345 с. 
Бақыт Садықова. Мария Чокай. Я пишу вам из Ножана. – Алматы: «Санат» 2002, 140 б. 
Шоқай М. Эпистолярлық мұрасы. 2 томдық / Құраст. Ғ. Исахан. – Алматы: «СаГа» 
баспасы, 2006. 1-том. – 424 б. 
Қарабек Г., Садыбекова С.І. 
Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлекеттік университеті 
Theme of the scientific paper: 
Pro and con of distance learning education in terms of 
emergency situation 
Purpose of the study:
Based on the monitoring of opinions of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda 
State University students, to reveal the advantages and disadvantages including its convenience 
for students in terms of the emergency situation. 
Applied methods:
Application of comparative method of pro and con of distance learning 
and a method of monitoring by using questionnaire to find out social inconvenience (based on 
review outcomes of the 4 course students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University) 
After reviewing the distance learning education in our country, both comparative 
characteristics of online education in the world and in our country and the facts and arguments of 
the online education system by overviews of politics have done. In the course of the study, we 
studied the pros and cons of this type learning and their availability to students demonstrating 
that learning in distance conditions requires many arrangements and readiness including 
technical aspect such as the network access or distance location of students. On a whole, we 

concluded that distance learning education created in terms of emergency situation is quite 
available for students of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University and is under successful 
implementation presently. 
It is common knowledge that presently everyone is under a concern on the global problem of 
the world -Coronavirus COVID-19 as its affects are alarming throughout the universe. Education 
and learning is also affected badly throughout the diseased regions. In this emergency situation a 
great majority of educational schools, institutions, universities and other professional 
organizations have converted their various activities to distance learning/education environment. 
Distance learning is basically a way of disseminating knowledge, where the educators and 
students are separated in distance or time or even both. Undoubtedly, distance learning offers 
wide variety of opportunities to students to attain higher education, but it is not all about benefits 
and advantages indeed. The distance mode of education offers students the flexibility to decide, 
what they want to learn, when they want to learn, at what pace they want to learn and what they 
would like to learn. So, with such flexibility, distance learning is soon becoming the most 
favored choice and open learning method for students today, especially for working 
According to the information, secondary education schools are fully closed in 107 countries 
today. This means that 861 million students have stopped education. In addition, in some cities 
of 12 countries, secondary education schools do not work. In this case, there is a mission in front 
of a number of countries to reduce this process and create an opportunity to provide continued 
education [1]. 
Moving to remote education system for the domestic education system is a great test. 
Particular such side of learning can prevent many problems of education and communication in 
pandemic circumstances. 
More than 300 million students worldwide are having their education disrupted by the 
spread of Coronavirus. Schools and universities haven’t faced this level of disruption in 
generations, but unlike any time in the past, we have the ability to continue education even when 
schools close. 
Learners, teachers and families are at the heart of everything Pearson does and we are 
committed to helping everyone have positive learning experiences, whether online or in school. 
In this uncertain environment, it’s important that learning continues, even if it can’t happen 
in person. That’s why we’re providing access to expert faculty, best practices, and other online 
learning resources for people who are studying, teaching or working remotely. We’ll be updating 
this site regularly with even more helpful resources. 
Use of educational sites and internet resources will be free of charge during the emergency 
situation. Ministry of education and science of the republic of Kazakhstan, ministry of digital 
development, innovation and aviation industry and the largest communication operator of the 
country have signed such cooperation. 
In this way, free access to 24 educational resources presented by the Ministry of education 
and science was provided with free access of Kazakh people. 
Due to the spread of coronavirus, Kazakhstani schoolchildren went on an early vacation 
from March 16 to April 5. From April 6, the educational process was continued in a distance 
format. The Minister Askhat Aymagambetov spoke in more detail about this during an online 
We conducted an analysis of countries that moved to online learning in January-February 
(167 countries moved to distance learning). After studying their experience, we settled on 
methods acceptable to Kazakhstan [2]. 
In some countries, they deal only on TV, but our country have developed and implemented 
several options to make it convenient for everyone and distance learning was under 
implementation on: 
• TV channels as "Balapan" and "El Arna"; 
• "Kazakh radios"; 

• Kazpost; 
• Internet - online training through Zoom and other programs; 
• distance learning using specialized sites and instant messengers. 
It is necessary to differentiate distance learning and online learning: 
• online is a live broadcast, a selector mode, when a teacher and his 25-40 students in real 
time study here and now; 
• Distance learning is through online platforms, but not online. 
tmethod of distance learning to choose? 
Two million Kazakhstani children live in cities with Internet access. But not everyone has a 
computer and the ability to connect to the Internet. Therefore, we transferred 130 thousand units 
of computer equipment for temporary use to children. If someone does not have a computer, you 
need to connect TVs and radios. 
It must be remembered that the lessons on “Kazakh radios” are an additional resource. For 
example, math on the radio is hard to learn, but other subjects are possible. Therefore, this type 
of communication will not be superfluous. 
500 thousand children live in villages. We invite them to study on the educational platforms 
Bilimland, Daryn and "Kundelik". 
A few days earlier, the minister stated that in Kazakhstan there are “plenty of problems” that 
can translate children not only to online learning, but to distance learning in general. To them he 
ranked the level of technical training, digital literacy of teachers, readiness of the Network and 
providing the necessary equipment. According to the Minister, 300 thousand students in the 
country do not have a computer, and hundreds of thousands of families are still not connected to 
the Internet. 
It was decided to transfer schoolchildren to distance learning because of the coronavirus 
pandemic and the emergency regime introduced in Kazakhstan for this reason. The fourth 
training quarter have started on April 6th. 
The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat 
Aymagambetov decided to abandon online learning in Kazakhstan schools. 
He made this decision due to the social problems in country: “There are many technical 
issues that are problematic with regard to online learning. Connecting via online streaming 
nationwide is unrealistic, and therefore inefficient. They saw that many parents could not 
connect, the connection was lost. They saw that in general, the Internet in our country is not 
adapted for 2.5 million children to go live and learn through online systems. Based on this and a 
number of other aspects, in order for education to be effective, for our children to receive better 
knowledge, we decided that we do not need to conduct education through online, through 
streaming,” said Aimagambetov at a briefing on Friday. [3] 
We studied the resources below and made some conclusions on 

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