Summary Sevinj Karim Aliyeva - Scientific w orker of İnstitute of Folklore of Azerbaijan National Academy of Science, The similar and distinctive features of tales and fables In article many similar and distinctive signs of tales of animals and fables were analysed and grouped. And also
specific structural and composite features of tales of animals and fables were shown, and structural similarity of both
genres was explained with their origin from myths about animals. The author considers the main a similarity source
between fairy tales and fables a mythological community. Because in myths, and mythological stories there live the
belief and beliefs about animals. Except this feature these two genres are united by a common goal. These two signs
cause possession of common features. The author shows, as tales of animals, and fables play important a role in
formation of people, especially children, in the statement of as identity, moral and spirituality, social behavior,
education, obtaining data on world around, all-round development of characters. It is known that both in the fairy tale,
and in the fable the ending comes to the end in an aphoristic form.
Keywords: tales of animals, fables, genre, similar and distinctive features, children's folklore