Филологические науки

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Societies can differ markedly in their systems of thought. This evidence 
concerns a comparison of the societies, philosophical orientations, and 
scientific outlooks of these highly sophisticated cultures: those of ancient 
China and Greece where the social and cognitive differences were related.
Sociocognitive homostatic systems
There is substantial evidence to indicate that Easterners are not 
concerned with contradiction in the same way as are Westerners. They have 
a greater preference for compromise solutions and holistic arguments. They 
are more willing to move their beliefs in the direction of an argument, even 
when it is the weak one. Finally, when asked to justify their choices, they 
seem to more to compromise, choose the “middle way” instead of referring 
to a dominating principle.
The cause of different thinking
The origin of Socio­cognition Systems
Chinese civilization was based on agriculture, which entailed that 
substantial cooperation with neighbors was necessary to carry out economic 
activities in an effective way. China was organized at the level of the large 
state very early on, and society was complex and hierarchical [3]. The 
Emperor and the bureaucracy were ever­present controlling factors in the 
lives of individual Chinese [4]. Harmony and social order were thus central 
to Chinese society. Such economic and social arrangements generally 
associated with “collective” or “interdependent” social orientations as 
distinguished from “individualistic” or” independent” social orientations 
that are characteristic of societies with economies based on hunting, fishing, 
trading or the modern market economy. 
In contrast, the Greek economy was not completely dependent on 
agriculture [5]. The sort of ecology was more suited to herding and fishing 
than to large­scale agriculture. The sense of personal agency could have 
been the natural response to the genuine freedom that they experience in 
their less socially complex society.
The politically decentralized Greek cities also provided great scope of 
action as compared to Chinese cities. Greeks who wished to leave one city 
for another were free to do so: the sea provided an escape route for dissidents. 
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 244 - 248

ИзвестИя КазУМОиМя
In addition, Greeks were involved in trade of one of the crossroads of the 
world. Thus they would have had plenty to pique their curiosity and much 
to discuss. The nature of social relations meant that debate would have 
posed few interpersonal risks and the authority structure of the city state 
was too weak to prevent the free expression of opinion. Indeed for Athens 
and other city states debate was an integral part of the political system. 
During the Renaissance, the West recapitulated some of the Greek social 
forms and intellectual tradition, including the rediscovery of science. The 
invention of the printing press greatly enhanced the conditions of freedom 
of thought. Ironically, though the Chinese invented movable type before the 
Europeans did, it was suppressed in China, on the quite correct grounds that 
the authority of the government would be undermined by it.
The stronger social network might produce a more holistic orientation 
to the world and the type of activity also creates holistic orientation. The 
farmers in a number of societies are more field dependent that hunters, 
herders or industrialized people.
The systems of though exist in homeostasis with the social practices 
that surround them (Table 1). 
The both of these types of thinking exist in people’s consciousness, but 
each gains more priority or becomes more preferable because of different 
circumstances or requirements of society and social components. Earlier 
we say that human activity influences on creation of way of thinking and 
such activities as fishing, hunting, trading and also modern business and 
capitalistic market create analytic thinking, so skills of analytic thinking are 
more adaptive and preferable for modern life. And then the Westerners can 
be more competitive in new conditions of Global market. Therefore, some 
Eastern countries find a good solution in interpretation and blending of two 
types of thinking.
The case of Japan
If we look at Japanese “economic miracle” we can see that they can 
balance between two different social cognitive systems. They demonstrated 
that social, political and economic revolution made the Revolution of social 
consciousness. And the result of this revolution was not disappearance of 
holistic thinking, but combination of two types of thinking with priority of 
holistic thinking.
ISSN 2411-8745
Number 1 (2016), 244 - 248

Table 1 ­ The systems of though exist in homeostasis with 
the social practices

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