ISSN 2616-8901. Математика және жаратылыстану-техникалық сериясы № 4 / 2018 техникалық ғылымдар» сериясы Educational system — 1) the complete social organism arising in the course of interaction of
the main components of education (the purposes, subjects, their activity, communication, the relations,
material resources) and having such integrative characteristics, as collective’s living, its psychological
climate (L.I.Novikov); 2) open social-professional, psychology-professional system ordered
concerning education as the main function. The educational system has complex structure and includes
system of educational work as system of adequate to the goalinterconnected actions (affairs, actions),
as well as the didactic system characterized with the purposes in education, the content of education,
process, methods and forms of its organization. 3) complex of the interconnected components of the
initial concept developing in time and space (set of ideasto realize which it is created for ). It includes
the following parts:
- different types of activity providing implementation of the concept;
- the subjects of activity organizing it and participating in it;
- the relations integrating subjects 1to a certain community;
- the field mastered by subjects;
- the management providing integration of all system components in the integrity.
Deontology — (from Greek deontos — «due» and logos — «doctrine») — the section of ethics
which considers problems of duty and the due in general.
Deontological intuitionalism — duty is considered concept not depending on good or doesn’t
preface it logically (the good consists in fulfilling a duty). According to deontological intuitionalism,
moral duties have no basis in social requirements, they are allegedly obvious in itself, eternal and
Deontic modality 1s the characteristic of practical action from the point of view of a certain
system of norms. The standard status of action is usually expressed by concepts «surely», it «is
authorized», it «is forbidden», «(standardly) indifferently» which are used in standard statements.
Deontic logic is the field of logic that is concerned with logical structure and logical
communications of standard statements. Analyzing reasoning which serve as the parcels or
conclusions of such kind of statements, the deontic logic separates unreasonable schemes of reasonings
from reasonable ones and systematizes them.
Deontic need 1s a modal characteristic of a statement (along with «opportunity», «accident»
and «independence); that statement is necessary which dental is logically impossible. Deontically that
15 necessary which follows from laws or the norms operating in society.
Deontological relationship is mutual emotional contact, joint actions, th behavioural
communication taking place between subjects of professional activity based on the principles of
Deontological qualities of the expert is the set of components of the expert’s identity, providing
his stable professional behavior according to professional duty.
Psychohygiene of communication is the communication directed on formation and maintenance
of psychological health communicating. The basic principle of communication psychohygiene is
«Don’t do harm!».
Self-education is the process of the realized development operated by the personality where
according tothe personality’s subjective purposes and interests his qualities and ability are purposefully
formed and developed.
Social deontology is the branch of science studying professional ethical standards and the
principles of behavior and activity of the social worker.
Consciousness is the highest expression of person’s consciousnessrevealed in understanding
and experience of system of representations of the individual about itself, the social relations inherent
in him, requirements, motives of activity, essence.
Technology of education is the set of the operations which are carried out in the certain way
and in the certain sequencefor achievement of concrete educational result.
Tolerance is the patience, endurance, mental stability in the presence of frustator and the
stressor, created as a result of decrease in sensitivity to their repeating influence.