Ключевые слова: Тяжелый металл, организм человека и животных, окружающая
среда, ионы, мышцы, пути очищения организма.
Annotation The living body under normal conditions is the main driving force of life activity. Heavy
metals not only have a negative impact on the activity of the human body and animals, but also cause
various allergic and Toxicological diseases. In the human body and animals, heavy metals enter
through the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, the outer skin. Often heavy metals enter the body in
the form of oxides and salts, especially as dangerous compounds that are highly soluble in water. In
addition, heavy metals can be absorbed in the intestinal tracts, accumulate for a long time, endanger
this organ or other organs, and disrupt their structure and function.
Keyword: Heavy metal, the human and animal body, the environment, ions, muscles, ways
to purify the body.