№3(79)/2015 Серия педагогика

Қазіргі замандағы білім беру аясындағы инклюзивті тəсіл

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Қазіргі замандағы білім беру аясындағы инклюзивті тəсіл 
Мақала  Қазақстандағы  инклюзивті  білім  беруге  арналған.  Атап  айтқанда,  мүгедек  балаларды  оқыту 
кезінде қолданылатын  «Инклюжен» білім беру  бағдарламасы ұсынылған. Мүгедек адамдарға, дені сау 
адамдар  секілді,  ұйымның  қызметтерін  оңай  пайдалануға  мүмкіндік  беретін  қағидатқа  ерекше  көңіл 
бөлінді. Автор мүгедек студенттермен жұмыс жасайтын мамандарды дайындау жүйесіне түсінік келтіре 
отырып, Қазақстанның білім беру жүйесіндегі инклюзия, оның кезеңдері мен артықшылықтары жайын-
да жалпы ақпарат берді. 
Инклюзивный подход в контексте современного образования 
В статье рассматривается инклюзивное образование в  Казахстане.  В частности, представлена образо-
вательная модель «Инклюжен», используемая в  обучении  детей-инвалидов.  Особое  внимание  уде-
лено  принципу, позволяющему инвалидам  пользоваться  услугами  организации  или  сервиса  с  той  
же простотой,  как  и  обычному  здоровому  человеку. Материалы  статьи  позволяют представить  
систему    подготовки    специалистов    для    работы    со    студентами-инвалидами.  Автором  также  дана 
в статье общая информация об инклюзии в системе образования Казахстана, стадиях и преимуществе. 
1  The message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Leader of the nation N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Ka-
zakhstan «Strategy «Kazakhstan – 2050»: new political policy of the taken place state», December 14, 2013, [ER]. Access mode: 
2  The State Program for Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2020, December 7, 2010, 
[ER]. Access mode: www.akorda.kz 
3  Vygotsky L.S. The fundamentals of defectology, L.S. Vygotsky, Coll. cit., 1, Moscow, 1982, p. 347. 
4  Brown S. Curriculum, 2004, 1 (1), p. 41–43. 
5  Education of children with developmental problems in different countries, edit. L.M. Shipitsin, SPb., 1997, 298 p. 
6  UNESCO and the Ministry of education, and science. Spain, 1994, [ER]. Access mode: 
7  Improvement of Education. Prospects for inclusive schools (Improving Education. The Promise of Inclusive Schools). 
The benefit of the National Institute Sauveur-provement Urban Education, [ER]. Access mode: http://perspectiva-inva.ru  

Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
UDC 378.147 
L.A.Shkutina, A.N.Sankhayeva 
Ye.A.Buketov Karaganda State University 
(E-mail: arlarisa@yandex.ru) 
Contents of readiness of future teachers to management  
in the system of education 
This article discusses the essence of management of the education system. Discusses the different approaches 
to the concept of management, discover concepts the management and the management by educational. Ana-
lyzed the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the concept of «readiness» and «installation», is a com-
parative analysis. The article deals different approaches to the content of the concept of readiness to manage-
ment activities; describes the types of readiness, such as situational and continuous; disclose the components 
of readiness: motivation, orientation, operations, strong-willed, evaluation. 
Key words: management, management activities, educational activities, readiness, installation, professional 
readiness, situational readiness, continuous readiness, motivational readiness, operational readiness. 
Further social and economic development of the country requires substantial qualitative transformation 
of all aspects of society. Kazakhstan education moves to a new stage of its development in connection with 
the entry into the European and world educational space. 
Today is competitive environment leaves no place for error. Under the influence of the development of 
production technology and human needs are increasing role and importance of management. In this regard, 
management performs the key to success of any organization. 
At the beginning of the XXI century is searching for humane ways to positive change in professional 
educational environment in Kazakhstan. Value stem of modern knowledge and being is the health and well-
being of human society. This is aimed at achieving national doctrine of vocational education. At the heart of 
modern pedagogical processes is the science of management, which gives rise to mission oriented towards 
achieving the end result of training, education and development.  
In teaching science and practice increasingly under pressure to understand the holistic educational pro-
cess from the standpoint of management science, give it a rigorous science-based. 
The second chapter of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Education» is dedicated to the man-
agement of the education system, which is defined the jurisdiction of the Government of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan in the field of education [1]. 
One of the objectives of the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan for 2011–2020 — is the formation of state — public system of education management. Also in this 
program is placed such a problem, as the improvement of management in education [2]. 
For effective management of the education system should have a clear understanding of the laws and 
customs of its functioning, the factors which determine its development. 
A.A. Bisenbayeva notes that the administration deserved, is not only considered one of the most com-
plex areas of human activity, but also the factor that determines the effectiveness of any social system, as 
provides unity, the relationship and the need for targeted actions of cooperating individuals, and thus contin-
uously updated goals and objectives developed by them [3].  
The theory of pedagogical management was born at the junction of two sciences: pedagogy and theory 
of social control. As you know, science is in its formation goes through several phases: the accumulation of 

L.A.Shkutina, A.N.Sankhayeva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
knowledge, synthesis of empirical data, loss of theoretical knowledge, but then again return to the practice in 
the form of developed technologies.  
Currently, according to L.S. Syrymbetova, B.A. Zhetpisbayeva in teaching science and practice clearly 
showed a tendency to understanding the processes of learning and education of students from a position of 
management science. Many scholars have rightly pointed out that management is needed and feasible not 
only in the economic, industrial sector, but also in the field of complex social phenomena as training and ed-
ucation. Education and training can be seen as a process of management — management training activities, 
managing the formation of the human person, of some of its qualities. Often the general laws of the man-
agement process used spontaneously. But the current level of scientific knowledge necessitates the use of a 
general theory of management in the organization of the educational process [4].  
The concept of «governance» is among the most common and universal, so the analysis of pedagogical 
literature shows that there is no single approach to the definition of the concept, as there are various, some-
times conflicting approaches.  
The Dictionary of the Russian Language by V.I. Dal’ states that the word «management» is derived 
from the verb edit, manage and means to set in motion, the direction to go to make the correct, necessary 
way to manage, supervise, do something good, properly, right [5].  
In the Explanatory dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov governance is defined as the activities of government. 
A control means to direct the course of the movement who-what-ever, to lead, and guide the activities, ac-
tions of someone that someday [6].  
L.B. Itelson indicates that management is a collection of effects that result in the pre-arranged goal.  
L.P. Bueva gives the following definition of the concept of management as a conscious regulation of 
social relations through planned organization, streamlining of the people and the formation of personality.  
According to V.G. Afanasyeva, management  is a deliberate and purposeful activity, and not just a con-
scious activity, and its variation, related to the development of solutions and ways to implement them, which 
regulates the operation of a particular system according to a predetermined pattern by systematically obtain-
ing, processing and use of information [4].  
Despite the different aspects of the base and accented in these definitions is a common recognition that 
the management of a special kind of activity, and make the subject of management in order to ensure the 
movement of the object to the desired goal. In covering the various aspects of management must take into 
account the structural features of systems. The system of any complexity can be represented as a specially 
organized integrated set of less complex parts — subsystems. Each subsystem includes a number of interre-
lated components that make up an even simpler system. Such a hierarchy to determine the control objects for 
a particular situation. A characteristic feature of governance is that it does not happen in all sorts, but only in 
complex mobile systems, where there is a high degree of cause-and-effect relationships and continuous tran-
sition from one state to another.  
The subject of control theory is the control laws as a holistic, integrated social phenomenon. Manage-
ment process called the functioning of the management and employees. In various institutions management 
process proceeds differently. The main role played by the content management process. It is defined as the 
essence of management, its objectives, principles, methods, functions and specifics of the industry, the level 
of the organ in the overall system of governance and structure. Structure is a system of government, each of 
which has its own internal structure. 
From a management perspective, the pedagogical systems can be structured as follows: the object and 
the subject of management, the subject of joint activities; learning objectives and means of educational 
communication. The selection of subject and object management as key elements of educational systems is 
conditional, as any member of the teaching process can act as a subject and as an object, depending on its 
vessels to the upstream or downstream in a hierarchical series of levels of management. Moreover, the posi-
tion of each member of the educational process as a subject of management objectives set by the education 
system, which consists in transforming a person from an object to a subject in the formation of his active 
self-reliance and ability to self-government. The active position of the teacher and the student in the fact that 
each of them to a greater or lesser extent, serves as the subject of the management of their own activities and 
behavior, and activities of others.  
Educational systems function and do not develop spontaneously. Changes occurring in them are orderly 
by managing. The ordering of the structural and functional components, their integration and interaction with 
the environment can be provided with their own bodies and control mechanisms. In this sense, the educa-
tional system is a system of self-managed.  

Contents of readiness of future… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
In the process of the organization and implementation of the management is the mastery of a subject to 
various activities, through which it is possible to influence the system of relations «subject-subject». There 
are subject-subjective relations characteristic of the functioning of any system, regardless of the fact whether 
the type of management of the socially significant or not. Therefore, the features of these relations is not 
considered in determining the nature of the process control to ensure that in the future, is not it, to reveal his 
substantive and procedural characteristics.  
All known studies focus mainly on the definition of the nature, content and basic laws of the process. 
However, more or less unique solution to this problem generally still does not exist. This is because the pro-
cesses that control the two main types of systems: the «subject-object» and «subject-subjective» considered 
in isolation from each other.  
In the first case, subject only to the substantive provisions of the general theory of management, not tak-
ing into account the psychological factors that are present in the management of any system. In the second 
case is absolutely necessary basic principles and provisions of the general theory of control are transferred to 
a system of «subject-subjective» without taking into account its specificity.  
In this respect the work of interest in addressing issues relating to ethical and psychological issues of 
management (Antoniuc V.I., Ruthenians F.M., Fatkin L.V., Belousov R.A., Vendrov E.E., Lomov B.F., 
Gene F., Grishchenko K.K., Kuzmin E.S.). No man, or rather without his work, it is not possible to speak of 
the existence of the system, whatever that may be level [4].  
In this type of system not only fixed the relationship of the «subject-object», but relationships are 
formed and developed the «subject-subjective». Consequently, the management system of «people-person» 
is aimed primarily at regulating the relationship and can not be considered sufficiently complete without 
lighting conditions influence the formation of the personal qualities of the individual. There is always the 
head and the subordinate in these systems means. 
By studying the current literature on the management, we often see the use of the concepts of govern-
ance and management as synonyms.  
The word «management» was borrowed from the English language (English «management») and is lit-
erally translated as «management». But the roots of the term go far back in time. The English word «man-
age» comes from the Latin «manus», which means hand. Originally «manage» means "to go around horses" 
and then — «the use of arms», «drive a chariot» and only later — «control the people» [7].  
V.B. Poluyanov notes that the concept of «management» in the global and domestic literature is inter-
preted very broadly in connection with its application in various fields of human activity. Management can 
be described as the integration process by which professionally trained experts form the organization and 
manage them by setting goals and developing ways to achieve them. He notes that the scientific analysis of 
the philosophical, social, educational and economic literature approaches to the nature and content of the def-
inition of «management» are different. But the main ones are the management as a function (activity), sci-
ence and art, the process, the category of people, the body or management personnel. However, 
V.B. Poluyanov believes that professional knowledge management suggests awareness of three fundamental 
various instruments. First is an organization hierarchy of controls, where the primary means — the impact on 
the person on top (using the basic functions of motivation, planning, organizing and controlling activities, as 
well as the distribution of wealth, etc.). The second is the culture of governance, i.e. produced and recog-
nized by society, educational institution, group of people values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors. The third 
is a market, market relations based on the sale of products and services [8].  
To date, as indicated S.A. Ezopova, management is seen as an activity aimed at the creation of organi-
zations, their management by setting goals and how to achieve them. It should be remembered that organiza-
tions are made up of people who have individual unique characteristics that determine the differences in their 
behavior. Therefore, management is often seen as the art of government, which is the ability to assess the 
originality of the head of the situation and, on this basis, to determine the path of development of the organi-
zation, given its human potential. Definition of management as an activity and art suggests the existence in 
society of centuries-old practice management [7].  
By category of pedagogical management of system components include the following basic definitions [4]:  
Educational management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and the processing meth-
ods of teaching and educational administration and teaching cognitive process aimed at increasing its effi-
Educational management — activity-based system — includes the following structural and functional 
components and system factors: 

L.A.Shkutina, A.N.Sankhayeva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
 Goal of the (planned, expected outcome); 
 Stakeholder (the director and his deputies, teachers, pupils, students, etc.); 
 To work (it is the second subject) - Executive Orders of the head (the student, the student, the teacher, 
the deputy director, etc.); 
 Maintenance activities (educational, managerial, and other information); 
 Management of the educational process (as part of the pedagogical management) is focused on the 
impact on the head of the teaching staff and students through science-based planning, organization 
and supervision of their activities. 
The educational process — it is a purposeful activity on training, education and personal development 
through organized educational and educational-cognitive processes in union with the self-education of the 
individual, ensuring mastery of knowledge and skills at a level not lower than the state educational standard. 
Information is the subject of labor and product manager of the educational or training- learning process. 
Monitoring of the educational process is continuous monitoring of the progress, results and effective-
ness of the educational process through the use of computer technology for collecting and processing the re-
sulting information about it. 
In pedagogical encyclopedia describes the management of education as a form of social control that 
supports the focus and organization of educational, innovative and ensures their processes in the education 
system. Bowing to the general laws of social management, education management has specific features due 
to methods of setting and achieving socially significant goals in specific conditions of organized educational 
process [9]. 
The education system can operate in two modes: the functioning and development. Accordingly, differ-
ent types of management and education: in the first case are the object of the educational process and ensure 
that their software and methodology, personnel, logistical, regulatory environments, and to the efficient use 
of the available capacity in the education system, increasing its effectiveness. 
For the implementation and enforcement of management functions — planning, organizing, directing, 
controlling — are education management system. Within each of them as possible to consider the interrelat-
ed or as relatively independent components: human, material, technical, informational, regulatory and other 
management education specifically at different hierarchical levels: national, regional, and local level educa-
tional institutions, and formed education authorities - government, public and mixed. 
Therefore, to begin preparations for the management activities it’s necessary to have a higher education. 
The problem of formation of readiness of the future teachers to the profession is increasingly attracting 
the attention of scientific-researches. Several distinct areas of the problem: to determine the content and indi-
cators of readiness for pedagogical work (V.A. Slastenin, G.B. Zborovsky, etc.) developed the theoretical 
basis of psychological readiness (L.G. Ahtariyeva, etc.), the ideological and moral (Z.K. Baksheyeva, etc.) 
ready for certain types of educational activities (A.I. Andaralo, T.F. Sadchinova, etc.), as well as moral-
active approach (L.V. Kondrashov) [10]. 
According to G.Z. Adilgazinova in the formation of the concept of «readiness» source should be stu-
dent- activity approach, which is based on the guiding principle of psychology approach to the study of man 
through the analysis of its activities and public relations (S. Rubinstein, L.N. Leontiev) [10]. 
Availability — is the primary, the fundamental condition for the implementation of any activity. The re-
search on the social, developmental and educational psychology can be found interpretation of the term 
«readiness» as a state and as a quality individual. M.I. Dyachenko, A.A. Kandybovich and willingness to 
understand, first of all, as an active-activity-state identity that reflects the content of its task and the condi-
tions of his impending execution. However, they do not oppose the willingness as a mental condition and the 
quality of the individual, believing that in this and in another case, there is a psychological readiness prereq-
uisite performance. 
In the explanatory dictionary of Russian language S.I. Ozhegov term «readiness» is defined as a condi-
tion in which everything is done, you are ready for anything [6]. Therefore, we can assume that the result 
achieved in the targeted training of the teacher to implement management activities in the education system 
will be expressed similarly as the ready state, and more specifically — a willingness to manage the pedagog-
ical process. 
Philosophical Dictionary gives the following definition of this concept : «... it is an element, the func-
tion organized systems of different nature (biological, social, technological) to ensure the preservation of 
their particular structure, maintenance of the activity, the program's goals ...» [11]. 

Contents of readiness of future… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
Preparedness is the subject of study in research as pedagogical and psychological. Scientists, educators 
are focusing on the identification of factors and conditions, didactic and educational means by which it is 
possible the implementation of the process of formation and development of this quality. Psychologists in the 
works emphasize on establishing the nature of relationships, dependencies between the state of preparedness 
and effective response. 
Despite the fact that there are many differences in the readiness assessment, most authors consider it as 
a certain mental state. 
To understand the essence of preparedness activities are important research installation, so one of the 
most common approaches in addressing the psychological readiness is associated with the phenomenon of 
the installation. The most developed in psychology is the theory of set D.N.Uznadze and his disciples. Ac-
cording to this concept, the installation is willing to activity in a certain direction, the appearance of which 
depends on the following conditions: on the needs existing in the body and on an objective situation meet 
this need. Installation, in my opinion, is the most important component in human activity and represents a 
holistic education that characterizes this state of activity of the subject on which there is the activity of a cer-
tain character and focus. 
Thus, the installation — is the willingness, the propensity of the subject that arises in anticipation of 
their appearance of a particular object and provides a steady, purposeful character of the activity compared to 
the object [12]. 
Educational activities are social activity, as major partners are the people. Therefore it is necessary to 
draw attention to the interpretation of the phenomenon of installation in social psychology. American psy-
chologists and U. Tomas and F. Znanetsky a social setting (attitudes) understand the psychological process, 
taken in relation to the social world, and in connection with social values. G. Olport has summarized the ex-
perience of attitude research indicates that the installation of a state of psychological readiness, folding on 
the basis of previous experience and provide directional influence on the reaction of the individual in relation 
to all objects and situations with which it is associated. Thus, the installation of a state of a person has been 
provided effective alert him to the work of [13]. 
Thus, special work is necessary for the acquisition of the state, since it arises only from experience. 
Sh. Nadirashvili examines attitudes of personality, reflecting the subjective orientation of individuals as 
members of a group (or community) to those or other values that prescribe certain individuals, socially ac-
cepted behaviors. Attitudes they are attitudes fixed, this highlights the sustained, long-term nature of these 
specific mental states [10]. 
Social attitude or personality of its commitment to sustainable activity due to the presence of three in-
terrelated components: cognitive (cognitive), emotional and behavioral. Therefore, we can assume that the 
installation is encouraged, on the one hand, the nature of the relationship to the object, on the other 
knowledge about it. In addition, in the first and in the second case, a decisive role in the formation of readi-
ness for activity belongs to experience. 
Thus, the above leads to the conclusion of, poly-structural plants in general, and how ready to install in 
a particular activity, in particular. And in general, the analysis of approaches to the definition of «readiness» 
is confirmed that the psychology of readiness is understood as a state and the individual, and the quality of 
the individual, and how to install one or the other activity. 
The concept of professional readiness entered into pedagogy in the seventies. As the K.M. Duray-
Novakova mentions, this concept comes from the concept of «psychological readiness». K.M.Duray-
Novakova believes that the professional preparedness is a prerequisite to effective personal teaching. In this 
mental state can pass in the course of activity in the property in the integrated properties, the quality of future 
teachers [10]. Thus, based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature professional readiness 
of the teacher can be interpreted as the setting for teaching. 
Based on research and M.I. Dyachenko, A.A. Kandybovich, K.M. Duray-Novakova, N.V. Kuzmina, 
N.D. Hmel a professional willing we understand the integral formation, emerging as a result of special train-
ing and experience works contained in the union of professional and personal, informative and procedural 
components [10]. 
The emergence of preparedness activities, according to the authors, begins with setting goals based on 
the needs and motives. Next comes the development of the plan, installations, models, diagrams forthcoming 
actions, and finally, the final step is the implementation appeared ready to subject the actions, the use of cer-
tain means and methods of work and comparing the results with the objectives of activity . 

L.A.Shkutina, A.N.Sankhayeva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
The authors also propose to distinguish between situational and long-term availability. Situational read-
iness is characterized by relative stability and is influenced by many factors, which occur in a given situation. 
Prolonged same willingness formed in advance by a specially organized activities, including teaching. In 
contrast, situational readiness, it operates and it continuous and is a vital prerequisite for success. 
In the pedagogical aspect of greatest interest is long-term availability. First, because this condition may 
be pre- formed and able to grow under certain conditions. Secondly, because, having a stable, long-term 
availability will achieve sustainable results in the operation. 
In a state of continuous readiness, according M.I. Dyachenko and L.A. Kandybovich the most important 
components of readiness is the motivation, orientation, operational, strong-willed, assessment [10]. 
Motivational expressed in the presence needs to successfully perform a task, the object of interest in ac-
tivities, and ways of its implementation, the desire for success. 
Orientation component of readiness includes knowledge and understanding of the characteristics and 
conditions of activity, operational — possession of means and methods of work, the knowledge, abilities, 
skills, strong-willed — describes the internal need to control the activities that make up the performance of 
duties, and evaluation involves self-assessment of their preparedness and compliance process solutions pro-
fessional tasks supplied samples. 
It is necessary to see the preparedness of management in the education system, as the control of the 
pedagogical process is a form of teaching. 
V.A. Yakunin notes that the education and training system is targeted actions that provide the assimila-
tion of human social experience [10]. 
Thus, the content of the foundations of the future readiness of teachers to the management of the educa-
tion system can include components such as a career choice motives, pedagogical orientation (positive atti-
tude towards the teaching profession, the installation of the pedagogical activity), professionally important 
qualities of personality, a wide body of knowledge, skills and experience, emotional and volitional properties 
of a future teacher of his condition. 
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Contents of readiness of future… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
Л.А.Шкутина, А.Н.Санхаева  

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