Chaklikova Assel,
Zhakyanova Aygerim
PhD in Education, professor, vice-rector of Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and
Foreign Languages, Almaty, Kazakhstan, e-mail: qweras@inbox.ru
PhD student of Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and Foreign Languages
(«6D020200 – International relations»), Almaty, Kazakhstan,
e-mail: zhakyanova.a@ablaikhan.kz, tel.: +7 707 720 1185
This article is devoted to understanding of the basic ideas about the “Education” concept in a scien-
tific environment in conditions of internationalization. The author focuses on the need for the develop-
ment of a national model of education, that should combine the international standards and the local
standards in a qualitative way. The formation of a new educational paradigm presupposes the solution of
a number of basic contradictions between the developing culture and the traditional way of human edu-
cation, between the integrity of culture and the branch principle of its representation through a variety
of subject areas in education. Integration of Kazakhstan into the world educational space (the Bologna
process) raises the issue of the unification of the education program on the National Education System.
In this regard, the conceptual analysis of education is of great importance: education activity, values and
objectives that determine the content and direction of education development. The goals and values of
education are defined and updated taking into account the actual demands of the society. For the future
of society, the three education goals still remain important: they are personal development, active par-
ticipation of the individual in the society, and vocational training. Modernization of the national educa-
tion system should take into account the opportunities and resources of the state, as well as the modern
trends in education system.
Key words: education, national model of education, the aim of education, international education.
Чакликова Асель,
Жакьянова Айгерим
педагогика ғылымдарының докторы, профессор, Абылай хан атындағы
Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университетінің оқу-ісі жөніндегі проректор,
Алматы қ., Қазақстан, e-mail: qweras@inbox.ru
Абылай хан атындағы Қазақ халықаралық қатынастар және әлем тілдері университетінің
докторанты («6D020200 – Халықаралық қатынастар»),
Алматы қ., Қазақстан, e-mail: zhakyanova.a@ablaikhan.kz, тел.+7 707 720 1185
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