Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

justices of the peace
), судей, 
адвокатов, присяжных заседателей (
), штатных магистратов 
stipendiary magistrates
. Необходимо знать, что работа присяжных — заслуши-
вать свидетельские показания и выносить решение о виновности 
или невиновности подсудимого (
to decide on guilt or innocence of 
the accused
. Следует помнить, что в США есть две лидирующие по-
литические партии: Демократическая партия и Республиканская.
Exercise 54. Translate the following sentences. Comment 
on the ways of making the sentences negative:
1. The defendant said that he had never been arrested for any 
2. Our law declares that no person may be tried for the same 
offence more than once.

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
3. No person may be deprived of his life or personal liberty ex-
cept according to procedure established by law.
4. A criminal investigation is not over until it has found suspects.
5. If one of the parties has failed to perform its obligations, the 
other party in the case calls upon the Security Council.
6. No one can be deprived of freedom unless sentenced by a 
7. As neither the prosecutor nor the defendant made any ap-
peals to a higher court the sentence came into force.
8. No member of the International Court may act as a counsel 
in any case.
9. A justice after 65 may not serve in a Juvenile Court unless 
specially authorized.
10. If a witness fails to appear before the investigator or in court 
without good reason he may be forcibly brought by the police and is 
criminally responsible for failure to appear.
11. There is no single legal document setting forth and defining 
the British Constitution.
12. There can be no legal rules in international law for which 
there is no objective premise (
) in international relations.
13. Punishment should not aim at causing physical suffering of 
convicted persons or at humiliating their human dignity.
14. Nothing could be more dangerous for every man than trying 
to be his own lawyer.
15. Nobody saw the criminal enter the house.
16. If the person making a charge fails to bring evidence to 
prove that the accused was in fact guilty, there is “no case” against 
the accused.
17. Another rule of English criminal procedure is that no ac-
cused person can be compelled to criminate himself.
1. Not only are the courts independent of the executive, but 
they have the power to review decisions of government officials.
2. As a general rule, clients do not have direct access to bar-
risters without seeing a solicitor first.
3. Many lawyers felt that there was something unhealthy about 
the Government having not only a monopoly in prosecutions, but also 
a monopoly in defence work.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
4. No court can question the validity of an Act of Parliament.
5. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account 
of any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence at the 
time it was committed.
6. Statutes modify and clarify the common law or make rules 
where none existed before.
7. Customs and laws are similar in that neither of them refers 
to a specific group of people but they are different in that customs are 
not written down.
8. The courts of common law and equity existed alongside each 
other, not without conflict, for centuries.
9. No one can practice both as a barrister and a solicitor at the 
same time, but it is possible to be doubly qualified or to transfer from 
one branch to another.
10. Nothing makes people more furious with their leaders than 
11. There is no law which states that Parliament is supreme, but 
the doctrine is accepted and recognised by the courts of Great Britain.
12. No court has authority or power to give judgements backed 
by coercive sanctions.

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