particularization. Therefore, interaction with others is decisive emphasis
falling on overlapping and combination, thus obtain the necessary
communication open, and network connection capacity and transgression of
the home-culture are essential for flexible situational-reaction, depending on
the needs of the working environment, but also those of the new modernity
But what is omitted is the individual’s need to hold a clear identity, the
fact almost impossible in a multicultural organizational structure. That
explains the existence of at least two parallel cultural identities, the one used
to work, to call the organizational identity, as a result of mixing organisational
elements mentioned above, and the one used outside the organization, which
justifies the fact that individuals belong to the culture of origin. We must not
forget that organizational identity is temporary, so it has a very low-viability
and it doesn’t overlap on deep structures and values of the individual. By
changing jobs in a different organization, which may mean another cultural
context, it is also necessary to restructure organizational identity too.
Permanent danger of these changes and the hybridization chain, which are not
backed by a formal setting, where under the guidance of professionals, be
they teachers, coaches, trainers, the individuals realize the need for these
changes and they receive the explanation how these things have to be done,
lie in mutations and severe losses especially in the cultural field, the
construction of which is in fact a thousand work-years.
With the increased interest shown for the concept of communication
competence starting with the 80s of the last century, researchers focused their
attention on the notion of “transnational communication”, which is not only
a relationship between two foreign languages, but between two languages that
each one reflects a certain social and cultural reality. This shows that
international interactions create also strictly linguistic additional difficulties
because of different fund of knowledge.
According to C. Leggewie (2003) the current phase of globalization has
three characteristics:
1. deterritorialization of institutions, companies and communities
2. hybridization of cultures through interaction and mutual influence
3. globalization, that means assimilation of local-global economic and
cultural phenomena, from imitation, passing through creative recovery and
ending in separation or radical rejection reactions [4].