В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Government’s Role in the Economy
While consumers and producers make most decisions that mold 
the economy, government activities have at least four powerful 
effects on the U.S. economy:
iDIRECT SERVICES. Each level of government provides 
direct services. The postal system, for example, is a federal 
system serving the entire nation. The public education systems 
are primarily paid for by state, country or city governments. In 
general, police and fire protection are the responsibilities of local 
iREGULATION AND CONTROL. The government regulates 
and controls private enterprise in many ways in order to ensure that 
business serves the best interests of the people as a whole.
Regulation is necessary in areas where private enterprise has 
been granted a monopoly, such as in electric or local telephone 
service, or in other areas where there is limited competition, as 
with the railroads. Public policy permits such companies to make 
reasonable profits, but limits their ability to raise prices “unfairly” 
(as defined by the regulators) because the public depends on their 
Control is exercised to protect the public when the Food and 
Drug Administration bans harmful drugs, or requires standards of 

quality in food. In other industries, government sets guidelines to 
ensure fair competition without using direct control.
i STABILIZATION AND GROWTH. Branches of government, 
including Congress and such entities as the Federal Reserve 
System, attempt to control inflation and depression, by adjusting 
tax rates, the money supply and the use of credit. They can also 
affect the economy by changing the amount of public spending 
by the government itself. Normally, the aim is a balanced federal 
iDIRECT ASSISTANCE. The government provides many 
kinds of help to businesses and individuals. For example, tariffs 
permit certain products to remain relatively free from foreign 
competition; imports are sometimes taxed or limited by volume so 
that American products can better compete with foreign goods. 
Government also provides aid to farmers by subsidizing prices they 
receive for their crops.
Government supports individuals who cannot care for 
themselves by making grants to low-income parents with dependent 
children, by providing medical care for the aged and through social 
insurance programs that assist the unemployed. Government also 
supplies relief for the poor and help for the disabled.
Задание. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы и переведите 
1. Why does the government regulate and control private 
2. What services are paid by the government (federal, state, 
3. In what services is regulation necessary?
4. Why is control exercised?
5. What branches of government attempt to control inflation 
and depression?
6. Whom does the government provide direct assistance?

Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
job-seeker – тот, кто ищет работу;
recruitment agency – агентство по набору работников;
cope with – справиться с (проблемой, задачей);
apply for a job – обращаться за работой;
satisfaction – удовлетворение;
be afraid of – бояться;
hard-working – трудолюбивый;
committed person – обязательный человек;
appear – оказываться;
jump from job to job – прыгать с места на место.

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