4 Teaching strategy factors on vocabulary acquisition Psychologists widely view that there are two types of
memory: short-tem memory and long-term memory. The re-
tention of a word relies on both types of memory.
Learners can remember the word either shortly or long
time after the — instruction of the word. Gins and Redman
suggest that information stored in the memory falls into
disuse unless it is activated regularly, in other words, we
need to practice what we learn otherwise the new input will
gradually fade in the memory and ultimately disappear.
Therefore for language teachers, the main aim is to ensure
that what is taught in classrooms can be effectively stored
in learners' memory. That suggests that it is vitally impor-
tant for language teachers to master these memory theories
of vocabulary acquisition in order to facilitate learners' for-
eign language vocabulary learning.
«Then it is necessary that we provide meaningful oppor-
tunities in classroom for students to practice what they have
learned if memory traces do gradually fade in the memory
without regular practice» (Gairns and Redman 1998).
Therefore, meaningful tasks in the classroom are required
for learners to analyze and develop language at a deeper
level, which facilitate their information stored in long-term
memory. Task-based language teaching provides opportuni-
ties to facilitate the learners' memory of foreign language vo-
cabulary. Moreover the various tasks can motivate the stu-
dents and arouse their interest that causes them to pay their
close attention to their vocabulary learning so that they can
learn more effectively.
Knowing a word is more than its meanings or connota-
tions as well as its pragmatic functions. This paved the way
for task-based vocabulary teaching, because it provides the
language learners with lots of opportunities of participation
and negotiation. Learners cooperate with partners or peers
to perform tasks by putting vocabulary into meaningful use.
Thus they feel confident and are highly motivated because
they can get help from teacher or other learners while per-
forming tasks with foreign language vocabulary of higher