633 “Young Scientist” . #2 (82) . January 2015
Philology level. Moreover; learners can be aware of their inefficien-
cies in language output when performing tasks. In this way,
learners continually retrieve and strengthen the vocabulary
they have learned by putting them into practical use in task-
based language classroom. In a word, task-based vocabulary
teaching can effectively facilitate learners' short-term and
long-term of vocabulary acquisition.
For learners of English in China, the classroom is usually
the only place where students can communicate in the target
Language and acquire real experiences using the language.
Providing natural contexts in classroom is therefore very im-
portant for learners of English to use the language. More-
over, in natural classroom, students are promoted to produce
output while performing tasks in spite of their lack of lan-
guage knowledge. They are encouraged to try to make them-
selves understood by putting foreign language into practical
use. Moreover, the interaction in task-based classroom in-
struction pushes learners to produce more accurate and ap-
propriate language knowledge, which at the same time pro-
vides input to other learners. This is one reason why pair work
and group work has become common feature of contempo-
rary classrooms.
In the retention of vocabulary, the psychological research
into foreign language acquisition shows that cognitively ori-
ented instruction is more suitable. For short-term recall, mi-
metic and repetition exercises can be used profitably. But for
long-term storage and retrieval, meaningful learning tasks
should be involved.
In the recent years, although there are many studies and
researches about the theories of the L2 vocabulary acquisi-
tion have been done. But the present condition is that the
single factor research is still more than the multiple factors
analysis after so many years of the second language vocab-
ulary acquisition. And these researches are more theoretical
than experimental.
With the development of the theories of L2 vocabulary
acquisition, the theory about the second language vocabu-
lary acquisition flourished too. Facing so many theories, for
the subject of study, how these theories affected the different
levels of students and in what extend? How did the different
factors impact the different levels of students? In the study of
these questions, it's still that single factor research was more
than the multiple factors analysis after so many years of the
second language vocabulary acquisition study. And these re-
searches are more theoretical than experimental. In the fu-
ture we should focus on the different impacts that the dif-
ferent factors have on the English learners and study these
factors as a whole on the basis of experiments. So we can
guide the learners' development in second language vocab-
ulary acquisition and enhance the language teaching quality.
1. Hulstijn, J. H. Incidental and intentional learning. The handbook of second language acquisition. 2003
2. Knight, S. Dictionary use while reading: the effects on comprehension and vocabulary acquisition for students of dif-
ferent verbal abilities. Modern Language Quarterly. 1994
3. Laufer B, Hulstijn J. Incidental vocabulary acquisition in a second language: The construct of task-induced involve-
ment. Applied Linguistics. 2001
4. Lewis M. Pedagogical implications of the lexical approach. Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. 1997
5. Nagy W. E, Herman P. A. Breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge: Implications for acquisition and instruction.
The Nature of Vocabulary Acquisition. 1987
6. Read J. Research in teaching vocabulary. Annual Review of Applied Linguistic. 2004