Английский язык для юристов

Подберите определения из колонки (B) к словам и словосочетаниям из колонки (A)

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12. Подберите определения из колонки (B) к словам и словосочетаниям из колонки (A): 


1) to annul by recalling or rescinding 
2) to keep or maintain in unaltered condition 
3) to jump across 
4) to inspire with confidence 
a) directing the course of; managing oppositional; 
relying on the contest between each advocate 
representing his or her party`s positions 
b) review by a court of law of actions of a 
government official/entity or of some other legally 
appointed person/body or the review by an 
appellate court of the decision of a trial court 
c) a witness who has knowledge not normally 
possessed by the average person concerning the 
topic that he is to testify about the party who 
appeals a decision of a lower court 
d) a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are 
techniques that fall outside the government judicial 
process, a relative position or degree of value in a 

5) to set aside, esp. for future use 
graded group 
e) any person/institution with the authority to judge, 
adjudicate on, or determine disputes too early or too 
hastily; before the expected time 
Повторение грамматики. 
Инфинитив. Сложное подлежащее (Infinitive. Complex Subject). 
1. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на «сложное 
1. Arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators who specialize in a particular area, such as construction or 
insurance are expected to have knowledge of that industry and must be able to relate well to people 
from different cultures and backgrounds. 
2. Solicitors are considered to qualify as higher court advocates, and barristers to deal directly with 
some clients (chiefly other professionals) without the need for the client to see a solicitor first. 
3. Legal English proves to be extremely difficult for non-lawyers to understand. 
4. If the Court upheld a specific application of a more general law it was considered to uphold the law 
5. In a 3-tier application every tier is supposed to interact with only one other tire. 
6. The appellate court is supposed to review the record that the lower court relied on. 
7. The probability of conviction is assumed to conform to a uniform probability distribution with 
increasing variability until the trial date. 
8. Adjudicators are known to be experts in the subject matter in dispute. 
9. People all over the world seem to becoming more and more accustomed to using legal means to 
regulate the relations with each other. 
10. Lawyers try to explain exactly why a judicial decision has been made even when the decision 
appears to be obvious common sense. 
11. Most people are sure to be confident that political views they hold at any particular moments are 
absolutely right. 
12. In America claims against doctors turn to be so common and awards of damages so high, that some 
doctors are afraid to stop at accidents to help the injured for fear they may be taken to court. 
13. After the divorce he is thought to have given a proportion of the proceeds to his wife. 
14. The police are supposed to release the suspect provided he appears on a certain day at a certain 
Magistrates’ Court. 
15. Special rules are presumed to interpret contracts in which one or more contractors made a mistake 
or were pressured or tricked into making a contract. 

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