№2(78)/2015 Серия педагогика

Lexical-semantic Analysis of Address Components

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Lexical-semantic Analysis of Address Components
in Russian Language 
The article reveals the concept of «form of address». The main attention is paid to functioning of components 
of the informal address in syntagmatic aspect. Forms of address are considered as integral part of communica-
tive strategies and tactics used in real communication. Lexemes in the form of personal names, the lexicon 
connected with differentiation of persons on age, relationship names, etc. are considered. Theoretical results 
are illustrated by examples from modern literature.
Key words: address; informal address; semantic value; emotional contents of words; speech communication; 
clichés; lexical form; sphere of functioning; extra linguistic factors; interlocutor.
The modern language has a numerous and varied means strengthening emotional and evocative expres-
sions of forms of address: intonation, phonetic, morphonological and morphological and at last lexical means 
by which a speaker can express an emotional attitude to the interlocutor or his/her expressive view.
As modern trends defining features of modern speech communication in Russian language, we can 
mention the following: expansion of the persons acting in public, relaxation of censorship, loosening regula-
tions, general democratization of speech, an abundance of loans, the rejection of clichés of the Soviet era. 
The empiric matter is represented by some fragments of texts which content addresses from the fiction 
books of modern famous Russian writers V. Pelevin, P. Sanayev and R. Trakhtenberg. The article uses the 
methods of comparison and description, contextual analysis, generalization and the classification of the 
sampling material, the method of continuous sampling. 
The form of address is an identifying word or identifying words by which someone or something is 
called and classified or distinguished from others. There are different lexical forms of address, which reflect 
the changing forms of relations between people. In modern speech we use fixed, commonly used or preferred 
forms of address in a particular social and speech activity.
The content of forms of address is a linguistic form of contact establishment with an interlocutor at the 
demonstration of mutual social and personal relationships. The addresses arise on the basis of word-
nomination indicating different features:
1) the presence or absence of acquaintance (relationship) with the speaker; 
2) the age of the addressee in relation to the age of the speaker; 
3) social status of the addressee in relation to the speaker; 
4) profession, occupation of the addressee; 
5) the function of the addressee in this situation; 
6) addressee’s personal qualities appearing in his behavior in this situation or known to the speaker 
from the past; 
7) addressee’s qualities as an object of emotional influence and characterization from the speakers’ 
point of view. 
The addresses arise on the basis of words, but they are no words. They are no word-nominations any 
more, but a form of address to an addressee, i.e. a kind of speech act consisting of an appeal and naming at 
the same time.
The most common lexical forms of T-forms (informal forms of address) in modern language are per-
sonal proper nouns or common nouns. The forms of address to inanimate objects are not widespread beyond 
the poetic text. They usually serve as a mean to make the speaker’s speech poetically emotional.
The using of some or other personal forms (a full name, a short name, a first name and a patronymic, a 
last name, etc.) is regulated on the one hand by the speech sphere of their functioning, and on the other hand 
by the public environment, the relations between the speaker and the interlocutor and other extralinguistic 

Lexical-semantic Analysis of Address… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 2(78)/2015 
– Соображай, Витёк, быстрее! [1, p. 13] 

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