Accounting for the construction of
the construction
3 Credits
Prerequisites: FU2415
The aim of the course is to develop students' knowledge of the organization
and record keeping, preparation of financial statements in the building.
As a result of the course, the student should:
- Know the most important conditions of the construction business;
- Know the synthetic and analytical accounting in construction.
- Be able to determine the cost of construction products.
IOT 3 Audit
BA 4507
Banking Audit
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Aud3423
Course Objectives: To familiarize students with the bank audit as an
important marketing tool of monitoring the state of credit institutions - by the
financial services market; acquainted with the technology, procedures and
characteristics of the organization and conduct of the audit of banks,
procedures and features of the auditor's report, determine the reliability of
accounting and reporting , of the financial assessment of the bank.
As a result of the discipline the student must:
- The theoretical basis of bank audit;
- Stages of the bank audit;
- Special terminology for bank audit;
be able to:
correctly apply the law of the Audit, use auditing standards;
correctly apply the methods and techniques of gathering audit evidence;
perform audit procedures for assessing the reliability of controls and
substantive procedures;
issue working papers and prepare the audit report;
use of computer data processing techniques.
TAFS 4510
The audit of the financial sector
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Aud3423
The purpose of discipline - to give students the theoretical knowledge and
practical skills in methods and techniques of detecting an incorrect reflection
and presentation of data in the financial statements of the financial sector
At the end of the study of a subject matter that students must
know: the regulatory framework of Kazakhstan regulating the
organization of audit activity in the financial sector in Kazakhstan,
methods of financial statements of the financial sector
The State audit
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Aud3423
The main purpose of the discipline - to give students the theoretical
knowledge and practical skills audit and thematic inspections of on-farm
monitoring of performance of estimates of revenue and expenditure in public
As a result of the course, students should know the basic control tasks in
more efficient use of budgetary resources and improving the system of
state and local government.
TA 4512
Tax audit
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Aud3423
The aim of the course is to study the compliance tax charges for accounting
and tax return in accordance with the Tax Code of the Republic of
As a result of this course students should:
- To know the correctness of tax and accounting at the enterprise;
- Be able to analyze the causes of tax disputes and taking measures for
their further exclusion in cases where the basis of a tax dispute are not
illegal actions of taxpayers (tax agents, taxpayers charges).
IOT 4 Financial Analyst
AAAP 4507
Accounting and analysis of
agricultural plant
3 Credits
Prerequisites: FU2415
The purpose of the course - help students knowledge about the features of
recording and analysis of agriculture.
As a result of this course students should be aware of accounting and
analysis, reporting on farms.
FMI 4510
Financial markets and intermediaries
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Fin2408
The course covers the composition and structure of the financial markets and
their participants.
By the end of the course students should:
- Know the basic activities of all segments of the financial market, to
understand the mechanism of functioning of the financial market and the
peculiarities of each segment of the financial market, to navigate the
regulatory - legal framework of financial market regulation, and
understand the performance of each segment of the financial market,
possess the analytical skills of financial information and decision-making.
RAFT 4511
Registration and analysis of foreign
3 Credits
Prerequisites: FU2415
The aim of the course is to develop in the future specialist theoretical and
practical knowledge of accounting and analysis of foreign economic activity
As a result of the discipline the student must:
- Know the normative regulation of foreign currency transactions and
foreign trade, principles, methods of organization, the main types of
foreign trade activities, the organization of accounting of foreign
exchange, import and export trade;
- Be able to explain the features of recording and analysis of economic
- Own methods and techniques of accounting currency funds, export and
import transactions in foreign trade organizations.
AFAO 4512
Accounting and financial analysis of
the organization
3 Credits
Prerequisites: FU2415
The aim of the course is to develop the students' knowledge on the
organization and management accounting and analysis, preparation of
financial statements in financial institutions.
As a result of this course students should be aware of accounting and
analysis, reporting in financial institutions.
5В050900 - FINANCE
Discipline code
Discipline name, quantity of the
prerequisites , distribution by types
of occupations
Purpose, tasks, summary of the module (course)
Results of training
(knowledge, abilities, skills)
1 course/1 semester
The History of Kazakhstan
3 Credits / 5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim: To familiarize the students with the historical bases and periods of
formation of the independent Kazakhstan statehood through the study of
specific sources and historical facts from the standpoint of new theoretical and
methodological views.
Content. The historical bases and periods of formation of the independent
Kazakhstan statehood. Historical and comparative analysis of the current
achievements of the Kazakhstan statehood compared to various periods of
the past.
- knowledge of historical bases and periods of establishment of the independent
Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the global and Eurasian historical process;
- the ability of comprehending objectively and thoroughly the inherent advantages,
features and value of Kazakhstan's development model;
- analytical skills and skills of axiological analysis in the study of complicated
historical processes, phenomena and historical figures of modern Kazakhstan.
Professionally-oriented Kazakh
(Russian) language
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +3 +0
The aim: To teach the students the ability to reproduce and produce dialogues
and monologues in the Kazakh (Russian) language in every day scientific
and professional communication.
Content. Reproduction of the conceptually
organized philological knowledge in the Kazakh (Russian) language, the co-
allocation of the functioning and development of the Kazakh (Russian)
language with the socio-economic, cultural, historical, political situation in
Kazakhstan and in the world, with constitutional legal bases of the Republic
of Kazakhstan.
– the ability to apply the basic knowledge of the system, structure and functioning of
the Kazakh language units for working at texts on speciality to formulate a
professional outlook;
- the ability to create secondary scientific texts: abstract, summary and description; the
ability to synthesize the scientific information in the form of a thesis of the issue.
Professionally-oriented Foreign
3 Credits / ECTS
Prerequisites: none
0 +2 +1
The aim: To teach the students to communicate in a foreign language for
professional needs.
Content. Enriching the vocabulary of a foreign language, including the
professional terms and clichés, development of listening skills, improvement
of students' abilities in reading authentic publications on suggested topics
from professional press and the development of skills of
writing business correspondence with partners on professional issues. The
course is designed for students with the average and high levels of language
proficiency (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced).
- the ability to comprehend a foreign speech by listening;
- communication skills in a foreign language and rich vocabulary;
- reading skills and skills of analysis of the read material.
3.1 Natural-science (STEM) module
Mathematics in economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
Course purpose: to master the main methods of the quantitative description
of economic factors and regularities; to acquaint with the main
mathematical methods of the solution of tasks; to promote formation of
abilities to carry out mathematical operations and skills of the solution of
specific economic objectives. Problems of studying of a course: training of
students in methods of the solution of tasks; acquaintance to methods of
research of economic tasks.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the main concepts of the higher
mathematics; main methods of the solution of tasks. To be able to apply economic
researches and logic of a choice of these or those mathematical methods of the decision.
To own modern methods of the mathematico-static analysis of results of economic
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 1 Introduction to Economics
Principles of Economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The purpose of development of discipline is formation at being trained
knowledge of basic economic categories, ability to reveal steady
interrelations and tendencies in various economic events on micro and
macrolevel, development of economic thinking and education of economic
culture and skills of behavior in the conditions of market economy.
As a result of discipline development the student has to know the main economic
categories necessary for the analysis of activity of economic agents on micro and
macrolevel, theoretical economic models; main regularities of behavior of agents of the
market. To be able to analyze independently economic reality and the processes
proceeding in economic system of society, to apply methods of the economic analysis to
the solution of economic tasks. To own skills of use of modern tools of economic science
for the analysis of the market relations.
Module 6. Probability theory and Linear Algebra
Probability theory and mathematical
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : none
To learn the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, to meet
the main objectives of the rheological modeling processes.
Knowledge of probabilistic and statistical concepts as simple probability and its
evaluation, random variable, its numerical characteristics and their evaluation, the main
methods of estimation. The ability to perform basic probabilistic and statistical
calculations; the students must develop a probabilistic and statistical thinking and the
ability to cope with the tasks; students should learn how to easily handle such concepts as
probability, the random variable, stats; work with probabilistic and statistical concepts;
calculate the probability of events using the studied formulas.
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The module purpose - to create scientific ideas of economic events at the
separate enterprise, in a household, in separate branch as about the
processes demanding decision-making in the conditions of limitation of
resources, alternativeness, rationality; to promote application of the
fundamental principles and procedures of the economic analysis in
practical administrative activities of microlevel. Tasks to develop idea of
economic systems in general and about characteristics of market system
in particular.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the basic principles of economy,
including limitation of resources, rationality of economic subjects, alternativeness of a
choice, efficiency; the principles of the economic analysis of firm in the conditions of the
perfect and monopolistically competition, an oligopoly, monopoly. To be able to define a
condition of the concrete market if its functions of supply and demand are known,
including elasticity of supply and demand, and to predict revenue change at the change in
Module 2. Management and marketing
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
The module gives modern theoretical and practical knowledge of
management of the company, skills of the organization and management
of business, management methodology in new conditions of
The student has to know a management cycle, process of acceptance and implementation of
administrative decisions; forms of business and administrative communication in collective; to be able to
apply receptions of business and administrative communication in professional activity.
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The course purpose – to give to students profound fundamental
theoretical and practical knowledge, skills of marketing activity.
The main educational objectives of a course are
training in modern approaches, forms and methods of marketing work;
training of students in methods of a professional assessment of
alternative versions of marketing decisions, choice optimum from them
depending on specific market conditions.
As a result of studying the student has to know
essence, contents, purposes, principles and marketing functions; purposes, objects, types,
ways and means of carrying out market researches; receptions and methods of strategic
marketing planning. To be able to organize and conduct market researches of the market,
to carry out the marketing analysis of actions of competitors;
to develop strategy of marketing communications on commodity lines and separate
products and to estimate their efficiency.
Module 3. Finance and Credit
MCB 1408
Money, credit, banks
3 credits /5 ECTS
The course purpose formation at the students studying this course of
strong knowledge of the theory of money, the credit and banks on the
The student has to know the main directions of modern theories of money, the credit,
banks and approaches to the analysis and the solution of problems in the specified
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
basis of disclosure of fundamental provisions and the theoretical
analysis of problem positions, their essence, functions, laws and a role in
modern economic system. To tasks studying of banks as financial
intermediaries of the special type, specific monetary and credit institutes
of economic system of market type, detection of features of their
functions, structures, roles, values and places in various types of
spheres; to understand essence of the categories "money", "credit", "bank". To be able to
distinguish external forms of manifestation and deep internal processes of functioning of
the monetary and credit sphere and a banking system in modern economy, to define the
Module 6. Probability theory and Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
The purpose of teaching is to teach students the basics of linear algebra
in which a central place is given to one of the most important ideas of
mathematics - the idea of linearity, implemented in such concepts as
linear operations, linear dependence and independence, rank, linear
space, linear and bilinear transformation.
Knowledge of the theory of algebraic equations, the basic properties of determinants and
matrices, algebraic and geometric description of the lines and surfaces of the second
order. The ability to use Gauss method for computing determinants, solutions and study
of systems of linear algebraic equations, the study of vector systems for linear
dependence of inverse matrix calculation, finding the rank and base vector system
arithmetic space. Practical skills in the field of complex numbers, set up the equations of
lines and planes in their different tasks.
Module 7 Enterprise economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
The course studies the theory and practice of business, considers
procedures of adoption of enterprise decisions, methods of drawing up
business plans, the analysis and an assessment of business activity.
As a result of course studying the student has to know theory and practice bases, the
contents, the principles, the business organization; to understand enterprise processes in
economy. To be able to estimate enterprise ideas and to carry out their registration in the
form of the business plan with an assessment of possible risks at realization of enterprise
Module 9. Development of economic science
History of economic thought
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
The purpose of studying of discipline – to give to students a clear idea of
the main stages and regularities of development of world economic
thought, the intellectual biography and the content of the main works of
outstanding scientists-economists, of main currents, tendencies of
development of the economic theory. Problems of studying of discipline
are defined by requirements to the training, established in the
qualification characteristic of experts in the listed above specialties,
requirements to knowledge and abilities which they have to possess.
The student has to know a place of history of economic doctrines in system of economic
sciences; the main representatives of leading schools of sciences and the direction of their
scientific search, and also value of their research for modern economic science. To be
able to be guided freely in the main concepts and the directions of the modern economic
theory; to apply the received theoretical knowledge of evolution of economic thought and
variety of theoretical approaches to research of economic events in the course of
independent creative search when writing research student's works.
2 course/ 3 semester
Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The module is focused on formation at students of bases of
philosophical outlook. During training the student will learn to
understand and appreciate a role of philosophical knowledge in self-
affirmation of the person, to identify social and ethical problems.
As a result of module studying the student has to know the main directions, problems,
theories and philosophy methods, the content of modern philosophical discussions on
problems of social development. To be able to form and is reasoned to defend own
position on various problems of philosophy; to use provisions and categories of
philosophy for estimation and the analysis of various social tendencies, the facts and the
Interpersonal Communication
2 cr /3 ECTS
The aim: students’ awareness of the role and place of psychological knowledge
about interpersonal communication in the modern world, revealing their importance
in the process of becoming a professional in their chosen specialty.
knowledge of mental phenomena of interpersonal communication in the accordance of the cognitive
processes and regulatory conditions;
Prerequisites: none
Content: Systematization of students’ knowledge through the study of the major
paradigms, theories, and concepts of modern psychology of interpersonal
communication. The theoretical and empirical study of the interpersonal
communication psychological problems based on the study of cognitive processes,
mental states and individual psychological characteristics of the individual. Basic
categories and concepts of social psychology, methodological foundations of social
psychology, the basic theories, concepts and principles of social psychology, the
nature, content and form of psychic phenomena, laws of their dynamics, methods and
techniques of researching interpersonal communication, the essence of the new
psychological techniques and technology of studying interpersonal communication.
- knowledge of the theoretical and methodological foundations of modern psychology of
interpersonal communication ;
- knowledge of the basic concepts and categories of modern psychology of interpersonal
communication ;
- the ability to adequately apply the acquired psychological knowledge in interpersonal
communication ;
- the ability to investigate individual human characteristics in terms of interpersonal communication
in order to identify his personal attributes and form his psychological characteristics;
- the ability to competently build a system of relationships with others in the context of interpersonal
communication and group interaction ;
- skills of interpersonal communication psychological research, implementation, analysis ,
processing of the data and correct interpretation of the results ;
- the ability to develop practical recommendations to help improve the individual in terms of
interpersonal communication ;
- the ability to estimate and adjust interpersonal communication in order to harmonize the individual and
his relationship with others .
Theoretical and applied political
2 credits
Prerequisites: no
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