The aim: To introduce to the basics of politics, power and power relations, the
political system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Content: Political systems and forms of government, and institutions, the political
processes in Kazakhstan and in the world. Program documents and the President's
Addresses, strategic directions of home and foreign policy of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. The idea of a global world as the new world order, an understanding of
the major tendencies in world politics and international relations, contribution to the
national security strengthening and terrorism and extremism prevention.
- the ability to express attitude and to exercise social and political activity to resist various forms of
- the ability of a tolerant professional interaction and adaptation to the new conditions, taking into account
the socio-cultural, ideological, political and religious differences.
Personal and Social Success Ethics
2 cr / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim: to introduce students to ethical standards, moral principles and human
values in the social activity.
Content: The systematic understanding of the ways of forming and improving
ethical standards in various areas of professional activity. Formation for future
professionals of knowledge about the basic ethical concepts, regularities of forming
ethical conduct in the process of a person’s socialization. Introduction to the basic
stages and tendencies in the development of ethics. Revealing the contents of
fundamental ethical guidelines that form the moral position of an individual.
- knowledge of basic ethical concepts and categories;
- skills of independent moral orientation in society, indicating a sufficient level of ethical maturity;
- knowledge of principles and methods of finding the best ethical decisions in difficult situations of
everyday life;
- skills of assessment of their own actions and the behavior of others in terms of ethics and morality
-skills to behave in society and communicate with citizens in accordance with the rules of etiquette.
Culture and Religion
2 credits/3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim: introduction to the main cultural and religious peculiarities of
Kazakhstan, consideration of the evolution of Kazakhstan peoples’
cultural and religious traditions.
Content: Methods of Cultural Studies and Religions Studies applied for
researching Kazakhstan regions’ cultural and religious phenomena;
concept of ―dialogue‖ as one of the basic categories of the 20-21
century humanities, as well as peculiarities of theoretical language of
describing its fundamental existential and socio-cultural parameters,
boundaries and horizons. Specific features of man’s metaphysical and
religious experience as ontological bases of a dialogue.
- knowledge of scientific world outlook, ethnic and cultural tolerance;
- the ability to make comparative analysis of the hierarchy of core values of the past and
present religious and unreligious world outlook;
- the ability to predict perspectives of possible interaction of philosophy, religion, science
and arts in the process of solution of the main world-outlook problems;
- the ability to identify synchronic and diachronic interconnections of regional cultural
phenomena, to identify their causes and effects;
- skills of tolerant behavior, social and professional interaction taking into account ethno-
cultural and confessional differences.
Human Life Safety
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The module aims to train students in bases of competent behavior at
emergency situations and to rules of rendering the first medical care.
The student has to know: consequences of impact on the person of dangerous, harmful,
striking, injuring factors of technogenic and natural character; to be able to reveal
dangerous and harmful factors and to develop actions for increase of safety and
environmental friendliness of a production activity.
Ecology and Sustainable Development
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The main objective of a course – to create complete idea of the main
regularities of a sustainable development of the nature and society.
stability of the biosphere and society development without catastrophic
As a result of course studying students have to know the basic principles of conservation
and rational environmental management. To be able to understand modern concepts and
strategy of a sustainable development of the mankind, the traditional forms of managing
directed on systematic change and a way of life of people for the purpose of preservation.
Kazakhstan Law
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: none
The aim of the course- to bring students up to the legal system of
Kazakhstan, to open the main provisions of the basic regulations of the
Republic of Kazakhstan.
Competence, mastered from the study of the module: the student must
-Knowledge of the specifics of Kazakhstan's legal system as a historical and legal
context, and in the modern context of integration of domestic legislation in the world
- The ability to freely use the scientific and theoretical knowledge in the process of life,
the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, as well as in the further construction
Knowledge of the basic aspects of the Concept of Legal Policy of Kazakhstan for 2010-
2020. and the Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050 ".
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 1. Introduction to Economics
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The module studies economy, considering it as a unit, the total amount
and growth of release of goods and services, rate of inflation and
unemployment rate, exchange rates of currencies and a condition of the
balance of payments. As a result of module studying the student has to
know essence of the main concepts and categories in macroeconomic,
the main macroeconomic indicators and their role in international
The student has to be able to solve macroeconomic problems, to collect necessary
information on macroeconomic processes; to count and estimate macroeconomic
indicators at national and international levels.
Module 3. Finance and Credit
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
In a course the principles of construction and regularity of functioning
of the public and municipal finances, mechanisms of influence of
authorities by budgetary and tax methods on social and economic
processes are studied.
As a result of discipline studying the student has to know the main concepts,
functions and regularities of development of finance and financial market,
the contents and the principles of the organization of finance of the enterprises and feature
of their manifestation in modern conditions. The student has to be able
to put into practice basic scientific-theoretical knowledge for the solution of theoretical
and practical tasks in the financial market, the system and comparative analysis of the
legislative norms regulating the sphere of finance and the financial market.
Module 4 Accounting and Auditing
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
In this course theoretical and practical aspects of accounting and audit
are studied: basic principles; balance of the enterprise; assets and
obligations; structure of financial statements.
As a result of module studying the student has to know and be able the principles and
methods of conducting accounting, receptions of use of the computer and computer tools
for conducting accounting of the organization.
Module 5. Quantitative assessment of economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PTMS1416 Probability
theory and mathematical statistics
In the module basic provisions of the general theory of statistics are
considered. The regularities based on probability theory and
mathematical statistics, statistical ranks are studied, the concept about
indexes and an index method of the analysis of influence of factors is
As a result of module studying students have to know the principles and methods of
collecting, processing and evident submission of statistical information; essence of
generalizing statistics – absolute, relative and average sizes, indicators of a variation,
differentiation and concentration. Students have to be able to count statistics of economic
activity of the organization entering into this program, and also to interpret their
substantial sense.
Module 8. Institutionalism and State regulation of economy
State regulation of economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
Purpose of the module is mastering by bases of the theory, methodology
and the organization of the state approaches to economy regulation,
studying of spheres and methods of use of its mechanisms in specific
naturally historical and social and economic conditions.
The student has to know theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of the
state intervention in process of functioning of socially oriented market economy. To be
able to prove prospects of social and economic development of the country, including
development of such instruments of the state impact on economy, as system of economic
forecasts, the concept of social and economic development of the country, the program of
development of economy and its separate components, the indicative development plan of
national economy.
4 semester
3.1 Natural-science (STEM) module
programming in SPSS)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Module purpose: the main concepts of the automated information
processing; appointments, structure, main characteristics of computer
and organizational equipment; main methods and means of processing,
storage, transfer and information accumulation; appointment and
principles of use of the system and applied software; bases of
algorithmization of tasks; main components of computer networks,
principles of a packet transmission of data, organizations of gateway
interaction; technologies of information search on the Internet; main
threats and methods of ensuring information security; the principles of
information security from unauthorized access; legal aspects of use of
information technologies and software.
Knowledge: to use information resources for search and information storage; to use the
automated systems of office-work; to apply methods and information means of
protection; to apply anti-virus means of protection of information; to apply the specialized
software to collecting, snore and information processing in the professional sphere
according to studied professional modules; to carry out control of a computer network.
Possession of skills of creation of algorithms and flowcharts; main concepts of
development network and Web of appendices, applications of methods of information
security, methods of information and communication technologies and electronic training.
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 2. Management and marketing
Government and Business
3 credits /5 ECTS
regulation of economy
The main purpose of teaching course is to graduate possessed sufficient
knowledge on the state of relations with business and on this basis could
choose the most effective methods and problem-solving tools to
improve these relations.
The ability to use the basic provisions of the various schools of management in
professional work;
To know: the role of government in solving the problems of economic growth and the
development of civil society; terms of business development in various sectors of the
economy; laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating administrative and
organizational basis for the development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized
businesses; criteria for the management; the legal basis for state business and its role in
the market economy.
Module 3. Finance and Credit
Taxes and taxation
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Fin2409 Finance
In the module the economic essence and functions of taxes, operation of
the tax mechanism, tax system of Kazakhstan is studied.
As a result of module studying the student has to know the tax legislation of RK, an order
and terms of carrying out tax checks, types of tax offenses and the sanction for their
commission. To be able to use normative documents, to estimate the taxes and fees paid
by the organizations and individuals.
Module 4 Accounting and Auditing
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Acc2411 Accounting
The purpose of a course is studying of standard legislative base of the
organization and carrying out auditor activity; bases of the organization
of an audit inspection of financial and economic activity of the
As a result of studying the student has to know standard legislative base of the
organization and carrying out auditor activity; bases of the organization of an audit
inspection of financial and economic activity of the company. To be able to make the
general plan and the audit program proceeding from the purposes of an audit inspection,
to carry out collecting and the data processing, necessary for drawing up an audit report;
to make an audit report for the purpose of development of offers on increase of reliability
and efficiency of accounting information.
Foundations of Economic Analysis
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Acc2411 Accounting
The course purpose - upon termination of discipline studying the student
has to seize skills and the basic knowledge necessary for carrying out
the economic analysis of economic activity of the enterprise.
As a result of course studying the student has to know essence, the principles and
methods of the economic analysis. To be able to form conclusions and developments of
recommendations on the basis of statistical data and accounting, transforming dry figures
to "speaking facts".
Module 8. Institutionalism and State regulation of economy
Institutional economics
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
Economics, HET1422 History of
economic thought
Purpose of a course is development of the main institutional concepts
and models, the microinstitutional analysis, the analysis of the
organizations, studying of applied aspects of the institutional theory has
the purpose development and fixing in students of skills of
implementation of the elementary institutional analysis when studying
theoretical and practical situations.
As a result of course studying the student has to know preconditions of the institutional
theory; functions and lines of institutes; concept of the residual rights and residual effects.
To be able to analyze situations within the principal agent model; to carry out the analysis
of various institutional changes.
Module 10. Micro- Mаcroeconomics (intermediate)
Microeconomics (intermediate)
3 credits /5 ECTS
The module purpose - to create scientific ideas of economic events at the
separate enterprise, in a household, in separate branch as about the
processes demanding decision-making in the conditions of limitation of
resources, alternativeness, rationality; to promote application of the
fundamental principles and procedures of the economic analysis in
practical administrative activities of microlevel. Tasks to develop idea of
economic systems in general and about characteristics of market system
in particular.
As a result of course studying the student has to know the basic principles of economy,
including limitation of resources, rationality of economic subjects, alternativeness of a
choice, efficiency; the principles of the economic analysis of firm in the conditions of the
perfect and monopolistically competition, an oligopoly, monopoly. To be able to define a
condition of the concrete market if its functions of supply and demand are known,
including. elasticity of supply and demand and to predict revenue change at the change in
Module 11. Modeling and forecasting the economy
Industrial Organization
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Purposes of development of a course are expansion and increasing
knowledge of students in the field of the microeconomic analysis of the
markets with considerable use of mathematical apparatus; studying by
students of sections of a course: firm, oligopolistichesky competition
and arrangement, price and not price strategy, granting and entrance
control; studying of models of behavior of firms in the conditions of the
imperfect competition;
studying of the theoretical principles of market regulation and in
competition a state policy.
As a result of course development the student has to know the main concepts and the
categories used in the theory of the branch markets; methods and approaches to the
analysis of strategic behavior of firms; the main models used for the analysis of the
competition of firms in the conditions of an oligopoly, the main indicators used for an
assessment of the competitive environment. To be able to solve problems of a course; to
apply theoretical knowledge to the analysis of the real competitive environment; to carry
out information search and this, necessary for the analysis purposes; to compare the
received results with the theoretical principles, to apply adequate theoretical models and
to interpret the received results.
3 course/5 semester
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 2. Management and marketing
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The purpose of the real course is studying of the basic principles of the
organization of material and information streams in logistic systems,
studying of the main characteristics of different types of logistic activity.
The main objectives of a course consist in that the student was able to
build logistic schemes of movement of material and information
streams, to carry out logistic calculations of the sizes of orders, stocks in
a warehouse.
As a result of course studying the student has to know: main concepts of a task and
function, levels of development and factors of development of logistics, mechanisms of
functioning of purchasing, marketing, production, warehouse logistics, logistics of stocks
and service. To be able to build logistic schemes of movement of material and
information streams, to classify intermediaries, control systems of stocks, channels of
distribution of goods, to give an assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises.
Module 5. Quantitative assessment of economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: PTMS1416 Probability
theory and mathematical statistics
The purpose of a course to give to students an idea of the maintenance
of econometrics as scientific discipline, to acquaint with her main
concepts, methodology and methods of creation of mathematical models
of economy.
As a result of studying the student has to seize methods of modeling and forecasting of
social and economic processes for detection of regularities of their perspective change.
The student has to be able to classify the tasks connected with achievement of this or that
Module 7. Enterprise economy
Enterprise economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: PE1401 Principles of
Economics, Mic1402 Microeconomics
Purpose of the module is formation at future experts of complete idea of
functioning of the enterprises in the conditions of the modern market,
acquaintance to structure of business assets of the enterprise and
acquisition of skills of definition of their effective use.
As a result of module studying students have to know the main characteristics of the
enterprise as main link of market economy; production and organizational structure of the
enterprise. To be able to open essence of the external and internal environment of the
enterprise; to open the economic mechanism of business management, an essence of basic
and functional strategy.
Module 9. Development of economic science
Modern political economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: HET1422 History of
economic thought
The purpose of the course - knowledge of the characteristics of modern
political economy, understanding the relationship between economic
and political processes.
The student should know the public choice theory and the possibility of applying
economic methods to the analysis of political processes. Able to understand the processes
of financing of election campaigns, to identify public preferences, provide economic
evaluation processes of public policy choices.
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