3 course/5 semester
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 2. Management and marketing
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : PE1401 Principles of
The purpose of the real course is studying of the basic principles of the
organization of material and information streams in logistic systems,
studying of the main characteristics of different types of logistic
activity. The main objectives of a course consist in that the student was
able to build logistic schemes of movement of material and
information streams, to carry out logistic calculations of the sizes of
As a result of course studying the student has to know: main concepts of a task and
function, levels of development and factors of development of logistics, mechanisms of
functioning of purchasing, marketing, production, warehouse logistics, logistics of
stocks and service. To be able to build logistic schemes of movement of material and
information streams, to classify intermediaries, control systems of stocks, channels of
distribution of goods, to give an assessment of competitiveness of the enterprises.
orders, stocks in a warehouse.
Module 5. Quantitative assessment of economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
theory and mathematical statistics
The purpose of a course to give to students an idea of the maintenance
of econometrics as scientific discipline, to acquaint with her main
concepts, methodology and methods of creation of mathematical
models of economy.
As a result of studying the student has to seize methods of modeling and forecasting of
social and economic processes for detection of regularities of their perspective change.
The student has to be able to classify the tasks connected with achievement of this or
that result.
Module 7. Enterprise economy
Enterprise economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Economics, Mic1402 Microeconomics
Purpose of the module is formation at future experts of complete idea
of functioning of the enterprises in the conditions of the modern
market, acquaintance to structure of business assets of the enterprise
and acquisition of skills of definition of their effective use.
As a result of module studying students have to know the main characteristics of the
enterprise as main link of market economy; production and organizational structure of
the enterprise. To be able to open essence of the external and internal environment of the
enterprise; to open the economic mechanism of business management, an essence of
basic and functional strategy.
Module 9. Development of economic science
Modern political economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
economic thought
The purpose of the course - knowledge of the characteristics of modern
political economy, understanding the relationship between economic
and political processes.
The student should know the public choice theory and the possibility of applying
economic methods to the analysis of political processes. Able to understand the
processes of financing of election campaigns, to identify public preferences, provide
economic evaluation processes of public policy choices.
3.3 Modules for Individual Educational Trajectories
IET1 Economics of the firm and entrepreneurship
SW 3501
Scientific writing (kaz/rus/ang)
1 credit / 2 ECTS
Ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific
discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language.
Ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a
Kazakh/Russian/foreign language.
Economy of market infrastructure
2 credits / 3 ECTS
The purpose of the course - to give students the necessary knowledge
on the emergence and establishment of a well-functioning system of
market infrastructure. Objectives: To study the nature, function and
role infrastructure in the economy, to learn the basic elements of
market infrastructure. To study the market infrastructure at the micro
and macro levels.
Students must know: structure and infrastructure of market, elements of the
infrastructure of commodity and financial markets. Understand the activities of stock
exchanges, labor exchanges, commodity exchanges. Understand the principles of
commercial banking, wholesale and retail trade. Know the infrastructure of professional
support businesses.
Production sphere economy
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Economics, Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The module gives the chance to study deeply theoretical bases of
economic concepts and categories, to reveal their economic essence, to
define the general strategy and the priority directions of a state policy
in the field of the production sphere of the country.
As a result of module studying students have to know an industry role in development to
national economy; the main directions of social and economic policy and strategic tasks
in industrial policy of RK. The student has to be able to analyze tendencies of
development of industrial potential, to count the indicators characterizing industrial
IEТ 2. Economic modeling and economic policy .
SW 3501
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2 ECTS
Ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific
discussions in a Kazakh/Russian/foreign language.
Ability to write scientific articles and to participate in scientific discussions in a
Kazakh/Russian/foreign language.
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mac2403 Mаcroeconomics
The module studies economy, considering it as a unit, the total amount
and growth of release of goods and services, rate of inflation and
unemployment rate, exchange rates of currencies and a condition of the
balance of payments.
As a result of module studying the student has to know essence of the main concepts and
categories in macroeconomic, the main macroeconomic indicators and their role in
international comparisons. The student has to be able to solve macroeconomic problems,
to collect necessary information on macroeconomic processes; to count and estimate
macroeconomic indicators at national and international levels
MSME 3503
Multidimensional statistical methods in
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: ME1301 Mathematics in
This course is offered studying of the multidimensional statistical
methods which are adequately describing the most various relations
between economic subjects. The tools for modeling on macro -
microlevels are offered.
As a result of course studying the student has to study the mathematical methods used
during the work with temporary ranks, be able to apply them to concrete temporary
ranks, to use the computer in work..
IEТ 3. Branch economy.
SW 3501
Scientific writing
(каз/рус/анг )
1 credit / 2 ECTS
EMI 3502
Economy of market infrastructure
2 credits / 3 ECTS
The purpose of the course - to give students the necessary knowledge
on the emergence and establishment of a well-functioning system of
market infrastructure. Objectives: To study the nature, function and
role infrastructure in the economy, to learn the basic elements of
market infrastructure. To study the market infrastructure at the micro
and macro levels.
Students must know: structure and infrastructure of market, elements of the
infrastructure of commodity and financial markets. Understand the activities of stock
exchanges, labor exchanges, commodity exchanges. Understand the principles of
commercial banking, wholesale and retail trade. Know the infrastructure of professional
support businesses.
EE 3503
Education economy
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
In this course the economic relations concerning ensuring requirement
of the population in education and especially in the higher education
are considered. Here belong a role and education functions in
competitiveness of national economy. Characteristic features of feature
of the market of educational services, knowledge as an education
product, a condition and prospects of development of the higher
В результате изучения курса студент должен знать основные процессы,
происходящие в образовании; основные термины и понятия, применяемые при
изучении данного курса; роль бюджетных и внебюджетных фондов в
финансировании образования; особенности других систем образования. Уметь
оценивать изменения, происходящие события в системе образования;
рассматривать и принимать решения по социальным проблемам, которые
education and its financing – here a circle of problems of economy of
встречаются в общеобразовательном учреждении.
3.4 Interdisciplinary Module
IE 3601
Innovative Entrepreneurship (trade-wise)
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Ent1418 Entrepreneurship
The purpose of studying of discipline is formation at students of
necessary skills and competences for successful work in the field of
business in the economic sphere, implementation of innovative activity
in the conditions of the market, management of risk investments.
Problems of studying of discipline: development by students of
theoretical bases of innovative business.
As a result of discipline development the student has to know an essence of innovative
business; structure and basic elements of the market of scientific and technical products;
system of financing of development of innovative activity; instruments of regulation and
support of innovative activity from the state. To be able to define degree of innovation
of a product; to form model of innovative process in the conditions of the concrete
enterprise; to choose a form of the organization of the innovative enterprise in the set
conditions. To own methods of calculation of indicators of efficiency of innovative
projects; methods of formation of the capital of the innovative enterprise.
EH 3603
Economic history
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
The course purpose — to give to future economists a necessary set of
knowledge of many-sided experience of economic activity at different
stages of social development, to open its main features, and during
studying of a material to approach to bases of modern economy.
Problem of a course — on an extensive historical and economic
material to develop skills of economic thinking at students. and
versatile knowledge.
As a result of course development the student has to know basic concepts and the terms
connected with economic activity, economic subjects and institutes, to have a clear idea
of factors and forms of economic development, to acquire most important milestones
and stages of history of economy, to imagine not economic variables influencing
economic activity. To be able to interpret and offer independently a logical explanation
for economic events and the processes, taking place in the past, to open their
dependence on factors of not economic order, to find relationships of cause and effect.
EMM 3605
Economic and Mathematical methods
2 credits/ 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: ME1301 Mathematics in
The purpose of the module consists in acquainting students with
process of adoption of reasonable economic decisions on the basis of
mathematical modeling.
After module studying the student has to know methods of carrying out and the analysis
of researches, the main concepts and the models, used theories of EMM. To be able to
formulate tasks in the corresponding sphere of activity in the EMM language, to develop
methods of the solution of the formalized tasks.
6 semester
3.2 Basic professional modules
Module 10. Micro- Mаcroeconomics (intermediate)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mac2403 Mаcroeconomics
The purpose of studying of discipline – to give to students a clear idea
of the main stages and regularities of development of world economic
thought, the intellectual biography and the content of the main works
of outstanding scientists-economists, of main currents, tendencies of
development of the economic theory. Problems of studying of
discipline are defined by requirements to the training, established in
the qualification characteristic of experts in the listed above specialties,
requirements to knowledge and abilities which they have to possess.
The student has to know a place of history of economic doctrines in system of economic
sciences; the main representatives of leading schools of sciences and the direction of
their scientific search, and also value of their research for modern economic science. To
be able to be guided freely in the main concepts and the directions of the modern
economic theory; to apply the received theoretical knowledge of evolution of economic
thought and variety of theoretical approaches to research of economic events in the
course of independent creative search when writing research student's works.
Module 11. Modeling and forecasting the economy
Economic data analysis and foreasting
2 credits / 3 ECTS
Prerequisites: Eco3415 Econometrics
The discipline purpose – to give to future experts of knowledge in the
field of functioning of information systems and automation of
As a result of course studying the student has to know criteria of classification of
statistical packages of data processing; to examine packages of the analysis of the data
administrative activity in the conditions of market economy.
intended for the solution of complex statistical and sociological challenges; in detail to
consider all tool kit, entering into a package of the analysis of data: generation of
random numbers, selection, creation of variation ranks, creation of histograms, etc. To
be able
to carry out justification of a choice of this or that package at the solution of a specific
objective; to create basic data, according to requirements of a package and to interpret
3.3 Modules for Individual Educational Trajectories
IEТ 1. Economics of the firm and entrepreneurship .
Public sector economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Mac2403 Mаcroeconomics
A course is considered a place and a role of public sector in mixed
economy, state functions in an allokation of resources, production of
the public benefits and distribution of the income in public sector.
Problem of a course - to give to students a complete idea of the
principles and problems of functioning of public sector, to provide
understanding of production and distribution of the public benefits, to
deepen understanding of a role of the state and public finances in
public sector.
As a result of course studying the student has to know possibilities of use and have skills
of practical application of the models studied in a course in the analytical purposes. To
be able to use general provisions of the microeconomic theory for research of a circle of
the problems connected with economic activity of the state, including: analysis of
imperfections of the market and state, influence of the public income and expenses on
placement of resources, assessment of efficiency of economic activity of the state.
Financial mathematics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Fin2409 Finance, ME1301
Mathematics in economy
T The module is studied basic provisions of financial mathematics and
management of projects.
As a result of course studying the student has to know basic concepts and theoretical
bases of the quantitative analysis of financial and credit operations. The student has to
be able to solve practical problems, to work with the financial Excel functions, etc.
Company planning
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: EE3419 Enterprise economy
The module are studied a poskledstviye of activity of all organizations,
definition of influence of factors on their deviations, for identification
further nedokstatok and reserves.
As a result of module studying the student has to know and be able to use methods of
strategic management of economic activity. To be able to analyze production and
economic capabilities of the enterprise, to estimate competitiveness of the enterprise.
IEТ 2. Economic modeling and economic policy .
ORE 3504
Operation research in economics 3 credits /5
ME1301 Mathematics
When studying this module skills and abilities of the solution of
problems of the increased complexity and possibility of their
realization on the personal computer by means of special programs are
As a result of this module, the student should know the basic economic problems, the
solution of which is necessary in the mathematical tools. To be able to formalize an
economic task. i.e. to describe it by means of known mathematical model, to carry out
calculations, to analyze results and to draw conclusions.
Рanel data еconometrics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Eco3415 Econometrics
In a course the econometric models based on panel and spatial data are
As a result of course studying the student has to know in what areas the studied models
and methods of research of adequacy of these models are applied. To be able to build
and analyze mathematical models of economic events.
TEGD 3506
Theory of economic growth and development
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: Mac2403 Mаcroeconomics
The module is aimed at studying of features of economic processes in
developing countries in the conditions of globalization, definition of
their place and a role in world system.
After module studying the student has to know the main concepts and the principles of
economic development. To be able to define the reasons and consequences of a social
and economic inequality of two poles of world economy, a solution of problems of
Third World countries.
IEТ 3. Industry Economics
Public sector economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Mac2403 Mаcroeconomics
In a course the place and a role of public sector in mixed economy,
state functions in an allokation of resources, production of the public
benefits and distribution of the income in public sector are considered.
Problem of a course - to give to students a complete idea of the
principles and problems of functioning of public sector, to provide
understanding of production and distribution of the public benefits, to
deepen understanding of a role of the state and public finances in
public sector.
As a result of course studying the student has to know possibilities of use and have skills
of practical application of the models studied in a course in the analytical purposes. To
be able to use general provisions of the microeconomic theory for research of a circle of
the problems connected with economic activity of the state, including: analysis of
imperfections of the market and state, influence of the public income and expenses on
placement of resources, assessment of efficiency of economic activity of the state.
Service economics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IO2426 Industrial Organization
The purpose of a course is formation at students of theoretical
knowledge in the field of a services sector. Main goal of a course is
formation of idea of the current tendencies and problems in a services
sector. In the course of discipline studying students get acquainted with
theoretical bases of the market of services in the conditions of
globalization, classification of services and features of services.
As a result of discipline studying the student has to know essence of services and their
place in economic system; classification of kinds of activity in a services sector; bases of
strategic management of marketing in a services sector. To be able to carry out the
analysis of the market of services in the region, to project work of the organization of a
services sector, to form resources of production of concrete types of service.
IE 3506
Industrial economy
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites: IO2426 Industrial Organization
The purpose of a course is the industry and its role in social and economic
development of society, the main directions of industrial and innovative
policy in the industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015. Problems of
a course of studying of modern researches of industrial economy problems.
As a result of course studying the student has to know a subject, the purposes and
problems of a course; industry role in development to national economy; strategic tasks in
industrial policy of RK according to strategy "Kazakhstan - 2030". To be able to analyze
tendencies of development of industrial potential; to carry out monitoring of development
of the industry; to count the indicators characterizing industrial potential.
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