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Мустафаева Г-1.


Шымкент қаласы 
Ө.Жолдасбеков атындағы № 9 IT лицейі 
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Садықбек Индира Асылбекқызы 
The model of the process of forming the multilingual competence of students is not only the ability to set 
the requirements for future translators, the prediction and the prospects for their further professional activity, but 
is also the main element of effective planning of professional training of specialists at the university stage in 
fundamentally new conditions for reforming the Kazakhstani education and introducing innovative technologies. 
The conceptual framework of the model reflects its methodological foundation. In designing the model we relied 
on the basic provisions of the concept of "dialogue of cultures" and multicultural education; social and 
intercultural directions; the concept of a multicultural linguistic personality; competence-based approach and 
others Effective implementation of the training process for future translators is possible when considering the 
following principles: plurilinguism; independence (autonomy) of the individual in learning; professional 
orientation; problem-oriented cognition and situativeness. 
The model of development of multilingual competence is considered by us as a didactic system in which 
the mechanism of the process of professional preparation of future translators is realized and all structural 
components of this structure are scientifically grounded: goal-directed, content, organizational-active
technological, reflective-evaluative and productive components. 
The goal-directed component characterizes the internal prerequisites for mastering multilingual 
competence and the initial educational guidelines expressed by the learner's need for self-expression and self-
affirmation. Teachers give an orientation to the active inclusion of a student as a subject in the process of their 
own professional orientation, to create conditions for the development of a conscious and responsible attitude to 
their future on the basis of real and practical assessment of the entire body of information about the "Translator" 
profession and the surrounding multilingual and multicultural world. 
If we consider the orientational and objective function as a personal function of a future professional 
translator, it is expressed in the construction of an individual personal image of the world - an individual 
worldview that allows a student to assert oneself within their own profession and future professional activities. 
What modern students want and what they seek, how they see their future profession, how to quickly achieve 
professionalism and qualifications, be demanded in their field - the answers to these questions can be found from 
the examples of own university experience and practice. 
Since the interpreter activity continuously crossing with representatives of various nationalities and 
cultures, one of the main objectives of students is a commitment to implement various foreign economic 
communications. This is why the multilingual competence has special purpose and significance in the structure 
of the professional competence of a translator. 
The content component defines the content of training based on the dialogue of cultures, including 
culturological, social and linguistic content; describes the program of multilingual learning, taking into account 
the integration of subjects; defines the activities associated with the formation of multilingual competence of 
students. The integrated content of linguistic and cultural disciplines is guided by the universal values and basic 
values of national cultures as a way of integrating general cultural and professional knowledge with the aim of 
eliminating its fragmentation, forming a holistic system of knowledge and skills among students, and ethno-
cultural and professional identification of an individual. 
The unity of educational and extra-curricular activities ensures the acquisition of experience of 
communicative activity and behavior for students; prepares students for solving practical problems of 
interpersonal, intergroup and intercultural communication; provides the mastery of new ways of acting in 
conditions of a specially organized communication environment; brings training closer to the tasks of personal 

The training subjects make reference to the linguistic and cultural concepts, mythological cultural and 
linguistic units, symbols, stereotypes, standards, hierarchical system of values, value dominants of cultures, 
images (as the most important linguistic essence, which contains basic information about the connection of words 
with culture), allow to penetrate in the spiritual life of another culture, the concepts as an object of emotions (are 
not only understood, but also experienced), cultural texts as an aggregate of cultural-marked signs, consistent 
with their linguistic and cultural value. 
The value-semantic interdisciplinary professionally significant skills formed on the basis of knowledge of 
the culture of the countries of studied languages, their history, mentality, and value system, about culture, about 
intercultural communication and communicative act as a system are being developed; the main factors of the 
national conceptosphere are also considered. 
The content of teaching foreign language for students concentrates on expanding the professional horizons; 
on flexibility and multivariate assessments of what is happening; on willingness to accept unusual information 
arising from the communication of professionals working in different linguistic and cultural spaces. 
The organizational-active component includes the organization and management of the educational process 
and is characterized by the presence of: the organization of independent and group work of learners; the prompt 
feedback in the learning process; the monitoring and analysis of the results of the ongoing evaluation of the 
process of multilingual education. 
The technological component includes methods (cognitive, creative, interactive), means (information and 
communication technology, media and Internet resources), forms (individual and group, independent work), and 
modern technology to facilitate the most complete organization of the educational process for the formation of 
multicultural competence among students. This includes: project (research, problem-developing, practical-
oriented projects, presentation projects), problem-developing, gaming, integrative, professionally oriented 
technologies, dialogical, creative, communicative, case technologies, cultural and language practice, etc. 
Means of information and communication technologies provides the opportunity to use video content for 
conducting lessons with smartboard, to communicate with students in the online system when working on 
projects, to study English independently, to use online dictionaries and electronic translators for various tasks, 
using corpus technologies – concordances, etc. Varantola (2003) lists a number of skills that are formed in the 
process of working with corpus technology. In drawing up the text corpora students learn to identify selection 
criteria for texts’ selection, using analytical skills and research techniques; critically evaluate sources; choose the 
best search engines on the Internet; use computer-based tools and corpora of texts, combining them rationally. 
The reflexive-evaluative component represents criteria, indicators, and levels of multilingual competence 
of students. The productive component contains an analysis of the results on the formation of multilingual 
competence of students and measures the effectiveness of constructed models. 
The productive component includes criteria (motivational-descriptive, cognitive-reflexive, procedural-
active and personal) and indicators for assessing the proficiency level of multilingual competence (adaptive, 
productive, or creative). 
Thus, a distinctive feature of the developed model of the formation of multilingual competence of students is 
consistency and integration of the components reviewed, resulting in a comprehensive orientation of 
educational process which forms a multilungual competent graduate. 


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