Вестник Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан
Scientific articles
Ahmetov B.B., Ivanov A.I., Bezjaev A.V., Funtikova Ju.V.
Multidimensional statistical analysis of biometric
data network of private criteria of Pearson...................................................................................................................................... 5
Almagambetova M.Zh., Konyrbaeva G.H.
Research and application of oil sludge them into production............................ 12
Ahmetov B.B., Ivanov A.I., Serikova N.I., Funtikova Ju.V. Discrete character of the law
of distribution a criterion
chi-square for small test selections of values.................................................................................................................................. 17
Kuandykov А.А., Kozhamzharova D.K., Karimzhan N., Baimuratov О.А. Designing and analysis of mobile robots
for multi-agent systems .................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Arinov E., Zherebtcov V.M., Kundakova L.R. Decision making in economic tasks taking into account the risk................. 35
Baeshov A.B., Bekenova G.S. The electrochemical behavior of nickel electrodes during polarization alternating current
in a hydrochloric acid solution........................................................................................................................................................ 42
Mendebayev T.M., Gabdullina A.Z.A., Rakhimov U.S. Dimensional connections ensuring the working capacity and
performance of drill bits.................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Kuznetsova O.Yu., Mukapil K. The application of neuro-fuzzy cascade network in prediction systems of patients
with chronic renal failure................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Gabdullina А.Z., Rakishev B.B., Rakisheva S.B., Rakhimova U.S. The use of fiberglass in the construction
and finishing works......................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Kozhamkulova Zh.Zh., Samidinova A.A. Scientific basis of forming a strategy of growth of the grain industry
in the Republic of Kazakhstan......................................................................................................................................................... 59
Кuspanova B.К., Shambilovа G.К., Kopasheva А.А., Nasirov R. Application of interactive
methods in the course
of training of physical chemistry in higher educational institutions.............................................................................................. 63
Mendebayev T.M., Gabdullina A.Z., Abitayeva G.Ye. Metrological assurance of electrical appliances' quality.................. 67
Kabilbekov K.A., Ashirbayev H.A., Saidakhmetov P.A., Rustemova K.Z., Baidullaeva L.E. Model of the form
of computer laboratory work organization for research on diffraction of light.............................................................................. 71
Kuralbayev Z.K., Taurbekova A.A. Study of the problem of releasing of dome raising of surface of the earth's crust........ 77
Kаbylbekov K.A., Ashirbayev H.A., Takibayeva G.A., Saparbayeva Е.М., Baidullaeva L.E., Adineeva S.I. Model
of form of computer laboratory work organization on research of movement of the charged particles in magnetic field
and mass spectrometer work........................................................................................................................................................... 80
Zhokhov A.L., Saidakhmetov P.A., Nurullayev M.A., Serimbetova A.E., Khozhayeva G.T. About the problem
of development of theory and practice of students' knowledge control organisation at physics lessons........................................ 87
Altynbekov K.D., Yestemessov Z.А., Barvinov А.V., Burkitbaev А.К. Development of technology for dental gypsum
obtaining.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Аlaukhanov Е.О. Topical issues of legal education in Kazakhstan....................................................................................... 99
Ayupova Z.K.,
Kussainov D.U. To the origins of the spiritual roots of the Kazakh national idea......................................... 102
Turekulova D.M., Zhumanova B.K., Syrlybayeva N.Sh., Tastanbekova K.N., Shamuratova N.B. Realization industrial
politicians Kazakhstan: scientific approach.................................................................................................................................... 109
Toleshov D.K., Kokenova А.Т., Imanbayev А.А. Improvement of innovative activity of communication
of the enterprise in production pricing formation............................................................................................................................ 115
Shamuratova N.B., Tastanbekova K.N., Turekulova D.M., Zhumanova B.K., Syrlybayeva N.Sh. Prerequisites
of common principles and rules on competition in the customs union and the united economic space......................................... 120
Ishpekbayev Zh.E., Zhampeisova K.K. , Khan N.N. , Kaliyeva S.I., Sholpankulova G.K., Bekbenbetova K. Outcomes
of education of the Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai.............................................................................. 127
Akopova E.A. Comparison of standarts of ecological state law – EAEC members............................................................... 142
Zhatkanbayeva А.Е., Alibayeva G.А. On the classification of information with limited access........................................... 147
Kozhabek K.M. Value concepts of «quality of life» and «standard of living» in the definition of a healthy lifestyle.......... 154
Gusev M.A., Akopova E.A., Salykhbayeva A.T. Problems of perfection of private ownership right on agricultural land.... 160
To the 80th anniversary of Dyachkov Boris Aleksandrovich
............................................................................................... 165
ISSN 1991-3494 № 1. 2015
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