ISSN 1811-1831. Вестник ПГУ
А. Ж. Салиева, Б. Б. Кашхынбай
«Әлеуметтік педагогика және өзін-өзі тану» мамандығы бойынша
болашақ мамандарды педагогикалық практика үрдісінде кәсіби дайындау
Л. Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Астана қ.
Материал 20.01.15 баспаға түсті.
А. Zh. Saliyeva, B. B. Kashhynbay
Teaching practice in the training of future specialists of the specialty «Social
pedagogy and self-knowledge»
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana.
Material received on 20.01.15.
Бұл мақалада болашақ мамандарды дайындау барсында
психология-педагогикалық практиканы ұйымдастыру мәселелері
қарастырылады. 5В012300 – «Әлеуметтік педагогика және өзін-өзі
тану» мамандығының студенттерінің психология-педагогикалық
практика бағдарламасының мазмұны ұсынылған.
In this article the organizational questions of psychological-pedagogical
practice of the future specialists are considered. The content of the
programme of psychological and pedagogical practice for students majoring
in 5B012300 – «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» is presented.
UDC 81’373
F. Salybekova
, S. Baikadamova
senior lecturer,
teacher, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Shymkent
This article is devoted to the analysis of the modern technologies’
potential in teaching foreign language.
Key words: modern technology, teaching foreign language.
Technologies play very important roles in today’s educational settings.
However, the question of how to adapt it into different learning environments
still remains and concerns both educators and parents. There is a widespread
expectation that these technologies will change the nature of instruction and
provide the learners with cognitively challenging, attractive materials. Use of
new technologies in education is very actual nowadays. Technology can best be
used to support and enhance the school staff's effectiveness. Possession of new
technology becomes the same necessity, as ability to count. Therefore it is natural
that information actively takes root into an education system, in a root changing
technologies of process of training and education. Strategy of development of
modern technology is defined by a direction from the information to knowledge.
Use of technology in educational process demands not only creations of
electoral textbooks (ET), but also reorganizations of the contents and the organization
of educational activity. Distribution of information technology conducts to creation
of media libraries and electronic libraries – means of accumulation of information
and methodical resources. Improvement of quality of formation on the basis
of information technology creates conditions for acceleration of processes of
introduction of the advanced achievements in all spheres of public life.
This analytical survey sets out to give a general overview of the availability
of technology for foreign language (FL) teaching and learning today, to outline
the various uses of information and communication technologies. It highlights
the importance and the role of the teacher in ICT-rich foreign language learning
environment and shows how such environments can contribute to cross-cultural
understanding. Methodological implications of the use of the new media in language
learning and language teaching are considered, and suggestions are made for the use of
the Internet as a forum for exchange between practitioners and researchers. Comments
and conclusions focus on the relevance of ICTs in foreign language teaching/foreign
language learning (FLT/FLL) to achieve overall language learning objectives, the
potential of the new media for improving the quality of foreign language teaching
and for increasing the number of successful foreign language learners, as well as
providing support for endangered languages throughout the world. The educational
process technological construction is based on its designing proceeding from the set
aims: educational reference points, purposes, teaching contents and social order. The
essence of the technological approach consists in that educational process guarantees
achievement of the set objectives. The technological approach to teaching provides:
– the precise formulation of the educational purposes with the orientation to
achievement of the eventual result;
– preparation of education materials and organization of all course of teaching
according to the educational purposes;
– evaluation of current results, the correction of teaching directed on
achievement of the set objectives.
Feature of the technological approach is that all students as participants of the
common process should have identical result in knowledge mastering. For mastering
by such technology it is necessary to consider in detail the features of educational
material mastering in traditional educational process and in the educational process
ISSN 1811-1831. Вестник ПГУ
constructed on the technological approach. As it is known the teaching purposes in the
traditional approach are determined through the subject contents, process of activity
of the student or teacher that does not give complete idea about the prospective results
of teaching. In this case there is the significant predetermination of teaching results
from the students abilities that is, in other words, the study score is determined by
the abilities of students. With the purpose of studying and confirmation of such
dependence, researchers studied the similar regularity at pupils, as today's students
are yesterday's pupils and the educational process is continuous from the 1st class up
to institutes and academies [1]. The technological approach to the process of teaching
guarantees almost all students the achievement of high educational results. Distinctive
feature of the technological approach to educational process is its orientation on
achievement of fixed purpose and on same basis the correction of the educational
process realized according to operative feedback. Thus operative feedback is the
major moment of technological designing of the educational process providing all
students (not only talented and gifted) an opportunity to achieve high educational
rates. The technological approach to the designing of educational process bases
on a specific formulation of the educational purposes at the level of daily work of
the teacher; determination of the fixed educational result which all students should
achieve; the operative feedback, which allows to correct the process of formation
of knowledge and skills. These components of educational process determine in its
turn the process of monitoring in system «teacher – student».
The technological approach to educational process guarantees the achievement
of set objectives of education. The operative feedback in the system of monitoring,
penetrating all educational process, is the basis of consecutive orientation of
education to the purposes. The purposes of teaching determine the success of
educational process. Therefore their contents, the concrete formulation are the
major step in technological designing of the educational process.
Studying either, one or another section of course, teacher usually makes it
his aim to achieve that students understand, master its contents, receive the certain
knowledge and learn to apply them. At present current approaches to language
teaching are being reconsidered to satisfy the needs of contemporary learners.
Language teaching and learning have become more exciting and appealing.
Innovation in language learning and teaching has largely focused on developments in
technology and the increased opportunities they provide for negotiation and control
of learning experiences, for participating in collaborative learning environments and
the development of interactive competence in the target language [2].
As technology is increasingly used in most facets of the workplace, it is
imperative that primary and secondary schools and colleges help create a workforce
capable of turning technological advancements into societal benefits. Such a
workforce should possess strong backgrounds in math, science, and technology, and
its numbers should be sustainable. Educators should use technology as the catalyst
to transform instruction into a learner-centered and inquiry-based education, one
in which students construct knowledge through their own investigations.
One of the most prominent areas of innovation in language education –
computer-assisted language learning (CALL) – has earned teachers and students’
respect. Computer in language learning makes access to people, information and
data easier and faster. Computer networking in the language classroom stems from
two important technological developments: computer-mediated communication
(CMC) and globally-linked hypertext.
Foreign language (FL) teachers have always been ahead of the curve in integrating
technology in FL instruction and learning, seeing the benefits of technology even
without an extant research database to confirm their judgment. The number of computer
applications, communications technologies, and sheer volume of offerings on the
Internet has grown at an amazing rate over the past 15 years, and many FL educators,
heeding instinct, common sense, and anecdotal information, have embraced these new
technologies as useful instructional tools. Before turning to a discussion of the use of
computers in language learning, it is better to summarize the findings on computers
and learning. At first it may be concluded that the theory of generativity works well
within language learning, but in fact; it supports Sherwood Smith’s claim that language
learners internalize representative samples of language and use these to deduct the
rules from and apply to novel utterances, however, studies show that instruction using
computers works most effectively when learners are given explicit information about
the target structure in the beginning after which they are given the input material.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) refers to the use of the
computer in language teaching and learning. The field is definitely interdisciplinary
in nature, with 28 major contributions from the fields of second language
acquisition, instructional technology, psychology, and computational linguistics.
A number of authors have attempted to give guidelines for the development and
evaluation of CALL materials. Levy suggests the following factors should be
taken into account: a) language learning philosophy and teaching methodology;
b) role of the computer; c) point of departure; d) role of the teacher.
It seems obvious that the language learning philosophy and the teaching
methodology favored by the instructional designer will greatly affect all aspects of
the instructional product. Also, Chapelle suggests several elements to be considered
in the development of multimedia CALL:
a) the linguistic characteristics of the input should be noted so as to achieve «input
enhancement»; b) learners should be provided with help to understand semantic and
syntactic aspects of the linguistic input; c) learners should be given opportunities to
communicate; d) learners should be able to recognize their errors and correct them;
e) learners should engage in tasks designed to maximize opportunities for interaction.
Technology, especially modern information and communication technology,
holds great potential for significantly improving second language learning.
ISSN 1811-1831. Вестник ПГУ
However the potential does not automatically lead to learning gains because most
of the technologies second language educators believe to have the potential to
significantly improve second language learning were not necessarily invented for
this purpose and thus there are no explicit straightforward directions about how
each technology should be used. There is not either any internal logic to connect
technology and second language learning. Hence when faced with a technology,
second language educators must work out how this technology can be used to
help enhance second language learning. This «figuring out» process is essentially
a reinventing process that translates the capacities of a technology into a solution
to a problem in the second language learning process.
How a technology is used is the direct result of this translation process, which
is affected by the educator’s understanding of the capacities of technology, which
is inevitably constrained by the real functions of the technology, and her view of
the educational goals and process, which is in turn influenced and limited by the
context in which the learning occurs. Thus depending on the framework that is
used to guide the interpretation, the same technology can have many qualitatively
different uses. The computer, for instance, when viewed as a tool for teachers, is
used to address problems teachers face: communicating with their peers, students,
and parents, record keeping, or preparing for classes. When viewed as a tool for
the learner, the computer is then used to solve problems of the learner: accessing
learning materials, completing homework, or obtaining feedback.
It is a usual method for English teachers to enhance students’ English
acquisition by using multimedia teaching and learning materials, such as audio,
picture, animation, and movies. There are five types of E-learning activities: e-mail,
on-line discussion, electronic bulletin, and MOO (Multi-dungeon object-oriented),
and global resource network.
It is known that boys and girls both want to have fun, and the use of computers
will bring this fun and will also motivate them to learn more; and the use of
computer also plays an important role at university level; thus different researches
were conducted to perceive the integration of technology-based materials in the
L2 learning process. Even though the use of CALL does not always improve L2
acquisition, university level students enthusiastically embrace the use of technology
in second language instruction. Consequently, the integration of technology in
second language teaching and learning has developed rapidly. On the other hand
some professors reject technology because institutions purchase the technology
equipment and install it, but do not provide the training of new technologies. Some
other who do so; believe that the rate of technology change is usually impulsive.
Thus to answer the question of whether the technology should be used or not,
different researches were conducted on different skills of L2 learners. Overall, all of
the instructors agreed that the use of technology in general SLA (Second Language
Acquisition) contexts and in the L2 should be driven by theoretical rich motivations. All
of the instructors expressed that pedagogy and research should drive technology, and
not the reverse. Doughty asserts that second language pedagogy must be connected to
theory and empirical research, and 10 years later Bush stated that there is little evidence
that technology has had a significant impact on the way most students acquire languages
in the USA. Since 1997, many researchers have conducted studies that connect SLA
theory and research to CALL and therefore educators may be more enthusiastic
about the use of technology for language learning. Furthermore, all instructors
reported that technology should not replace the instructor, that is, student should use
technology outside of the classroom. Because technology is often viewed as a source
of instructional efficiency, some instructors fear that students may not be required to
come to class as often and therefore fewer instructors will be needed. Almost all of
the participants in the studies stated that they do not feel that any type of technology
should replace class time with an instructor. Now this question may be raised: Might
most topics and language aspects not be practiced just as easily and effectively with
traditional materials such as books, paper, or pencils? When answering this question it
should be initially said that what in instructional software is modeled are the tasks that
previously were done on papers. As such, the students might do the same exercises in
an ordinary classroom on paper; but, this may require the teacher to collect the papers
and correct them, or ask the students to self-correct. On top of this; an exercise of this
kind would have to limit itself to a fairly small set of data, would require a significant
amount of time to do, and carry very little motivation for the students.
Many different types of technology can be used to support and enhance learning.
Everything from video content and digital moviemaking to laptop computing and
handheld technologies have been used in classrooms, and new uses of technology such
as podcasting are constantly emerging. Various technologies deliver different kinds of
content and serve different purposes in the classroom. For example: 1. The technology
used in the classroom should not be further than students’ conceptual understanding.
2. Technology should not determine the content or the activity but teachers
should shape the technology in
order to meet his/her or the students’ needs.
3. The technology used in the classroom should be goal-oriented, not just
for the sake of the technology.
4. The reasons for the technology should be strong, if the only reason is to
have fun, other options should be considered.
5. Advantages and disadvantages of the technology should be considered
before the decision to use it.
Previous studies on technology and language learning have compared the
effectiveness of a new technology with more traditional modes of learning. In general,
these studies have examined learning over a short time period such as a few days.
Although there are numerous benefits of integrating technology into the curriculum,
we will address three specific areas within the context of our program evaluation:
ISSN 1811-1831. Вестник ПГУ
a) computer-mediated writing; b) the integration of culture; c) the sociocultural
benefits of technology.he work written by our professional essay writers.
We came to conclusion that the one of the positive aspects of today’s
technologies is the potential to provide learners with a context for their language
study. Therefore, a conclusion can be made. The use of computer and information
technologies will not cause any threat to the survival of teachers. Instead, we
believe that the best potential of these technologies «lies in adding quality to
teaching and learning environments rather than in replacing them» [3]. Therefore,
English teachers should face new challenges to utilize these technologies to
facilitate the instruction and promote teaching effectiveness.
1 Revel, J. Teaching Techniques for Communicative English. – Heinemann,
1996. – 300 p.
2 Widdowson, H. Aspects of language teaching. – Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1990. – 229 p.
3 Broughton, G. Brumfit K. Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
– Oxford University Press, 1989. – 345 p.
Material received on 07.09.15.
Ф. Салыбекова, С. Байкадамова
Шет тілін оқыту барысында заманауи технологиялардың
М. Ауезов атындағы Оңтүстік Қазақстан
мемлекеттік университеті, Шымкент қ.
Материал 07.09.15 баспаға түсті.
Ф. Салыбекова, С. Байкадамова
Возможности современных технологий в преподавании
иностранного языка
Южно-казахстанский государственный
университет имени М. Ауэзова, г. Шымкент.
Материал поступил в редакцию 07.09.15.
Бұл мақалада шет тілін оқыту барысында заманауи
технологиялардың мүмкіншіліктерінің қолданылуы қарастырылған.
В этой статье рассматриваются возможности современных
технологий в преподавании иностранного языка.
ӘОЖ 378 (574)
Ж. А. Темербаева
п.ғ.к., профессор, С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік
университеті, Павлодар қ.
Бұл мақалада жоғары оқу орнында кредиттік оқыту жүйесінде
модульдік технологияны пайдаланудың ұтымдылығы көрсетілген.
Кілтті сөздер: модуль, технология, кредиттік оқыту жүйесі,
модульдік парадигма, модульдік технология, үлгі.
Модульдік оқыту ең ұтымды технологияны дидактикалық үдерісте іске
асырады. Дидактикалық үдерістің маңыздылығы – модульдік технологияға
жүгініп, оқыту мазмұнының жеке блоктарға автономды жіктеліп келуі.
Жұмыстың бұл түрінде бұрынғы тараулар жеке-жеке бір сағат көлемінде
қарастырылмай, тұтас, туыстас, ұсақ тақырыптардың блокқа бөлініп, оның
тұтас жүйесі бір модуль құрастыратыны ескеріледі. Болон үлгісіне көшу
үшін жоғары оқу орындарында барлық мамандыққа орай мемлекеттік
стандарт сыйымдылығында барлық пәндерден осындай модульдік жүйедегі
оқулықтарды даярлау керектігі байқалып отыр.Модульдік көлемі мамандықтың
оқытылатын дидактикалық мақсаттарына тікелей байланысты болып келеді.
Мұндай жағдайда бұрынғы стандарт пен бүгінгі стандарт арасындағы
айырмашылықтарды жіктеп, әрбір оқытушы-профессорлар құрамы өзінің
жұмыс жобасын ұлттық мүддені негізге алып, Еуроодақ елдеріндегі тағылым
мен тәжірибені зерделеп, бейімдеп жүйелеуіне ұшқырлық көзделеді.
Біріншіден, қиындығы бұндай сүбелі жұмысқа әр оқытушы-профессор
өз ықыласымен бағдарлай алуы. Екіншіден, әлеуметтік ортаға қажетті
мамандықтарды кеңейтіп, жұмысқа орналасу мүмкіндігін ескеріп барып оқыту
модернизация талабына сай іс-әрекетті қамтамасыз етуі. Үшіншіден, модульдік
бейімделу бағдарламалары жұмысқа тұру талаптарының құзыреттілігімен
ұштастықта келуін жүзеге асыруы. Төртіншіден, жаңа инновациялық
технологиялардың соңғы нәтижеге болжауына және оның нәтижелігіне
кепілдеме беруіне бағдарлауы. Ең соңында Еуроодақ кеңістігіне бұл іс-әрекет
жарайтыны мен жарамайтыны жайлы әділетті сараптама жасайтын эксперт
шақырылуы. Берілген төрт шарттың дұрыс ұйымдастырылуы жергілікті және
Еуроодақ білімдену кеңістікпен қатысатын өкілеттіліктің, тренингтік семинар,
конференция және т.б. белсенділігін арттыруға қозғаушы күш болар іс-