open mike – открытый микрофон
staid entertainment shows – скучные шоу, концерты
viewers – телезрители
TV Genres
call-in talk show - ток-шоу с участием телезрителей, радиослушателей
documentary – документальный фильм
entertainment shows – развлекательное шоу
newscast – информационная передача
serial – сериал
series – сериал, фильмы по произведениям какого-либо автора
soap opera/ soap –мыльная опера, сериал
talk show – ток-шоу
variety show – эстрадный концерт
Ex. 1. Translate the following sentences:
Angry journalists accused the government of censorship of free speech. 2. Finally, could you leave this insults to the gutter press, please. 3. Too much coverage is given to sport on TV and not enough to political issues. 4. The couple hit the headlines last year when their relationship broke down. 5. Polls indicate that education is the top issue with voters. 6. Her novel “The awakening” was serialized on TV. 7. Every broadcaster tries to determine how much programs are worth to the advertiser. 8. Had Neil Armstrong really walked on the moon or was it a magnificent hoax? 9. There was a feature on Kevin Costner in last week’s Sunday Times. 10. He became the most high-profile newscaster in Britain when he made his debut as the programme’s anchorman. 11. Celebrity endorsements have featured heavily – Cary Grant, Ray Charles and Whitney Houston are just three of the big name stars who have agreed to appear in Coca-Cola commercials. 12. We watched a rerun of “I love Lucy”. 13. The interview was broadcasted live across Europe. 14. CNN intends to have continuous live coverage of the national party conventions. 15. It will be introduced on the airwaves in the next couple of weeks. 16. To a large extent, the election has been fought on the airwaves, with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other. 17. The networks have lost a substantial number of viewers to cable and video rentals. 18. This was a very powerful fly-on-the-wall documentary about teenage pregnancy.