This document would define service standards related to top customers’ needs. It should include:
Measures for tracking service performance and the frequency of reporting actual performer.
Customer service standards should be measurable and actionable.
Customer Provided with Written Statements of Policy
A written statement of customer policy of the firm in the hands of the customer would help him or her to know what to expect from the firm.It also helps to safeguard against unreasonable expectations and demands from the customer.
Also, it should provide the customer information regarding how to respond if expected service levels are not provided by the firm.
3.Organization Structure
The organization structure should position the senior logistic executive at a high level (say senior management level) to have high visibility within the firm.
The structure should facilitate both internal and external communication of policies, performance, and corrective action as needed.
Customers should have easy access to individuals within the firm who can satisfy their needs and answer the queries and role their problems.
4. System Flexibility
The system should have flexibility and contingency plans built into it s that it can successfully respond to unforeseen events such as labor strikes, shortage of materials, and natural calamities.
5. Technical and Management Service
The firm should be able to provide technical services such as installation, testing, commissioning, and training to the customer.Also, the firm should help the customers in merchandising, inventory management, and ordering (like management services).These services may be provided either free of charge or fee-based.
Transaction Elements of Customer Service
These are the elements, which are normally considered to be associated with customer service.
They include the following: 1. Stock Out Level
Product and customer should monitor stock out so that potential problems could be tracked better. When stock out occurs, the firm should offer the substitute to the customer, or ship the item from another location if possible or expedite the shipment as soon as the out of a stock item is available.