The article discusses the future teacher readiness phenomenon to use multifunctional of music
in professional activity. The article actualized the need of this kind of musical education readiness
in accordance with the objective need of renovation and modernized in compliance the modern
achievements of science. The article presented diagnostic tools to determine the initial level of
preparedness, the survey results and the general trends of this phenomenon, pointing to the need for
focused work in this direction.
Keywords: readiness, readiness components, music multifunctional properties.
Мақалада «болашақ тǩрбиешінің кǩсіби қызметінде музыканы полифункционалды түрде
пайдалануға дайындығы» феномені қарастырылады. Музыкалық-педагогикалық дайындықтың
бұл түрінің қажеттілігі мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың дамуына педагогикалық ǩсердің
құралдарын жаңарту жǩне түрлендірудің объективті қажеттілігіне сǩйкес келтіру, олар-
ды ғылымның қазіргі заманғы жетістіктеріне сǩйкестендіру қажеттілігі туралы айтылады.
Дайындықтың бастапқы деңгейін анықтау үшін диагностикалық құралдар, зерттеу нǩтижелері
мен осы бағытта мақсатты жұмысты жүргізу қажеттілігін көрсететін зерттеліп отырған
құбылыстың жалпы үдерістері ұсынылды.
Түйін сөздер: дайындық, дайындықтың бөліктері, музыканың полифункционалдық қасиет-
В статье рассматривается феномен «готовность будущего воспитателя к полифункциональ-
ному использованию музыки в профессиональной деятельности». Актуализируется необходи-
мость данного вида музыкально-педагогической готовности в соответствии с объективной по-
требностью обновления и модернизации средств педагогического влияния на развитие детей
дошкольного возраста, приведения их в соответствие с современными достижениями науки.
Представлены диагностический инструментарий для определения начального уровня готов-
ности, результаты исследования и общие тенденции изучаемого явления, указывающие на не-
обходимость проведения целенаправленной работы в данном направлении.
Ключевые слова: готовность, компоненты готовности, полифункциональные свойства
he convergence of educational content
with the achievements of modern science
is one of the conditions for the implementation
of innovative development model of education
in Ukraine. So scientists review dominant
problems of pedagogical activity, educational
Педагогикалық жǩне психологиялық ғылым - қоғамға - Педагогическая и психологическая наука − обществу
standards and curricula. Unfortunately, this
process hardly touched the musical-pedagogical
training of future teachers, because it perceived
insuffi ciently actual.
psychology, musicology and pedagogy indicate
multifunctional properties of music, and it
“impacts on all levels: physical, mental, mental
and spiritual” (A.F. Yafalyan) [5, p. 66]. Defi ned,
the sound vibrations are metabolic processes
stimulant in an organism at the cellular level,
able to increase its resistance to diseases
(N.Zaharova, P.P.Lazarev, S.V.Shushardzhan);
affect the human consciousness, mood, emotions,
and behavior (G.-G.Deker-Voigt, V.Suhorukov,
V.Holopova). Music intensifi es intercentral and
hemispheric interaction stimulates encoded
in language form information process.(AN
Lebedev, TS Knyazev); has a positive effect
on children’s language development and
helps to improve their communication skills
(M.Kalmar, R.Shuter Dyson); children’s mental,
the nature of learning processes (V.A.Rylkova,
M.Spayhiger, L.P.Tregubova, N.Yanovskaya). It
has a therapeutic effect correction (V.I.Petrushin,
K.Rodzhers, S.V.Shushardzhan). Scientists have
proved that every teacher can use music as a
therapeutic agent. Using music does not require
special medical knowledge and complies with
the principle of child psychotherapy − treatment
Yu.S.Shevchenko). This gives reason to rethinking
the purpose, objectives and content of the
musical-pedagogical training of future teachers
of preschool educational institutions for more
effective use music in preschoolers education
and development. Point is fundamentally new
approach of the future teachers of pre-school
education to the music possibilities as a means
of developing the child natural forces, helping
him to realize the potential of forming beliefs
about the world and his own “I” objectifi cation
needs to self-determination, self-realization, self-
development and self-preservation.
Features training preschool teachers studied
V.I.Loginova, L.V.Pozdnyak, LG Semushina,
V.I.Yadeshko etc. Research questions musical
education of children and prepare students for the
work involved N.A.Vetlugina, A.G.Gogoberidze,
AN Zimin M.N.Koreshkova, O.P.Radynova,
T.P.Tanko, TY Toryanik etc.
The article presents a complex of methods and
research results of the future teachers readiness
to multifunctional use music in professional
activities which have already been fully trained
in the theory and practice of music education
preschool children.
Formation degree of readiness future teachers
to multifunctional using music in a professional
activity determined as:
• personal readiness. Maturity of the need-
motivational orientation system and professionally
signifi cant personal qualities, desire and ability to
musical and educational activities;
• heoretical and methodological readiness.
Maturity music theory knowledge system and
specialized knowledge in methods musical
education (subject-professional knowledge);
• instrumental readiness as a result of skills
formation of multifunctional using music in
professional activities.
Personal component in the structure of future
teachers readiness to multifunctional using
music in professional activity was determined
by the following signs: a strong interest in music
and musical-perceptual experience in the context
of applications; the use of music as means of
optimization the educational and upbringing
process in preschool educational institution.
Theoretical and methodological component
in the structure of future teachers readiness to
multifunctional using music in professional
activity was determined by awareness as
knowledge systems: about the music infl uence
patterns on physiological, psychological and
behavioral levels of human organization;
multifunctional capabilities of the music,
pedagogical potential (revitalizing, developing,
bringing up).
Instrumental component in our research was
defi ned by ability to identify the emotional script
musical composition and musical fantasy skills.
For examination students used written survey
methods (questionnaire, testing) and creative
tasks. Diagnosis of personal readiness carried out
using two questionnaires.
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