Психология педагогика және және и

participated in a dance studio east dances. Results

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participated in a dance studio east dances. Results 
of the research showed that the vast majority 
of students - 87.5% had a signifi cant role in the 
development of music preschooler, arguing his 
claim such statements: a positive effect on children’s 
overall development, provides comprehensive 
child development, contributes to mental and 
emotional development of preschoolers, spiritual 
exercises development of the child. 
Examining in more detail the issue of using 
music as a means of optimizing the educational 
and upbringing process in preschools found that 
more than 70% of future music educators take 
primarily a means of increasing the role of the 
emotional life of the child, 14% - believe the 
music means unloading, rest, 10% - propose 
to use music as background during any child 
activity, 2.25% - during the story of folk tales 
(sing songs, background).
Answers to these questions were the most 
similar of all the students who participated in the 
survey. All respondents reported «hearing « as a 
kind of musical activity, which may be used as 
a means of correction of mental and emotional 
condition of the child. 9% of the respondents 
identifi ed as listening music as a means to improve 
the effectiveness of educational activities. 12% 
of students found that dancing may be a means of 
promoting health, 10% of respondents indicated 
that strengthen health as dancing and singing. 
Regime concerning optimization processes in the 
group expressed their opinion, only 9 % of the 
students. These fi gures speak of tunnel vision on 
future educators pedagogical potential of music, 
at its multifunctional properties.
The question «Are you getting in the process 
of training in high school knowledge and skills 
necessary for multifunctional use of music to 
work with children?» 87% of survey participants 

№1, 2015
said no, 13% - very little, not enough. It is 
updated by the need to include information 
about the possibilities of multifunctional music 
in musical content and pedagogical training of 
future teachers and retraining of teachers.
Job results to identify knowledge about laws 
music infl uence on the human condition show 
that only 6% of the students were able to score 
points constructively creative level. The majority 
of responses (94%) listed only changes in mental 
state and not mentioned effect on somatic health. 
For example, in response to the question: «What 
positive changes can occur in the human body 
infl uence of music?» typical were: gives a feeling 
of joy (happiness), soothes, elevates mood, 
increases creativity. In this case no explanation 
for this phenomenon. Responding to a question 
about what negative reactions in the human 
body can cause the sound of music, the majority 
of students answered depression, sadness, 
irritability. In the comments, respondents noted 
that a backlash against people producing music 
that I do not like (40%), any music that sounds 
very loud and long (25%), also «harmful» carried 
heavy rock , dominated by low frequency and 
chaotic rhythm (35%) .
Most of the students answered the same 
type to the third question: «What music have a 
therapeutic effect?» 75% of respondents were 
limited to indicating the direction in music 
«Classic», the rest does not give an answer that 
indicates a lack of awareness about the future 
tutors recreational and preventative music.
Quantitative indicators of results of tasks to 
identify the subject and professional knowledge 
about the use of types of musical activity during 
class unmusical content indicate that logically 
and optimally plan this work can only be all the 
same 6% of students. 45.5% of respondents had 
diffi culties in defenition a goal of using any kind 
of musical activity. It should be noted that in those 
occasion when the target has been specifi ed, in 
many cases educationally inappropriate. For 
example, to use musical programs for the hearing 
as a backdrop for the message of new knowledge 
in order to mobilize the attention of children. The 
hardest part for students was to determine what 
purpose in musical activities can use children’s 
musical instruments. Only 6% of participants in 
the experiment have fi lled this column, indicating 
that the string and keyboard instruments can be 
used for the development of fi ne motor skills 
of children hands, and wind instruments - for 
breathing exercises.
By results of musical profi les revealed that 
the majority (95.7%) students intuit the nature 
of musical fragments and can establish a cor res-
pondence between the nature of musical com-
position and the characteristics of emotional states. 
Only 4.3% of respondents felt the musical work by 
P. Tchaikovsky «The church» sadness, and in his 
work «The Sick Doll» - calm. It should be noted 
that the greatest amount of correct answers was 
obtained just for the fulfi llment of this task.
When the creative task, 49% of the experi-
ment showed some imagination in musical impro-
visation in children’s musical instruments. For 
example, a fragment of the Sugar Plum Fairy 
Dance as an accompaniment were offered such 
musical composition: bell glissando, rhythmic 
«roll» on the fl ute, glissando and dotted tweaks 
string psaltery. To the song «Chunga-Changa» was 
suggested as an accompaniment to two triplets, 
which were performed on the saxophone, at the 
end of each phrase; dotted rhythm, which was 
carried out on maracas, in the chorus of the song.
During the quest for scoring rhythmic tale 
«Tower», the same group of students for every 
fairy-tale character secured one or the other 
instrument, such as the chamber’s portrayed 
xylophone, mouse depicted rustle rattle frog - 
hornpipe, bunny - bolls, foxy - lyre or harp, wolf 
- plates bear - rattles, or gong bass drum. Fox 
voiced often in triple time in a fast or moderate 
tempo and fun, and the wolf - a dotted rhythm 
(kick metal tassels on the plates).
At the same time 51 % of the students to 
the rhythmic sound of tales heroes of a set of 
children’s musical instruments orchestra chose 
only one tool, always percussion (triangle, snare 
drum, castanets) . During the assignment typical 
rhythmic «portraits» of animals were observed 
following characters: Mouse - quiet non legato 
sixteenths; Bunny - quiet staccato eighth; Bear 
- loud legato half duration. Rhythmic scoring 
heroes like frog, fox and wolf often caused 


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