Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

Ex 7. Translate the joke paying special attention to the italicized words

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Ex 7. Translate the joke paying special attention to the italicized words.
Однажды пожилой джентльмен прогуливался по улицам. Он увидел маленького мальчика у двери одного из домов. Мальчик стоял у двери и пытался дотянуться (reach) до звонка (door-bell), который находился слишком высоко для него. Пожилой джентльмен был добрым человеком, поэтому он остановился, чтобы помочь мальчику. «Я позвоню в звонок за тебя,» - сказал он и дернул (pull) за звонок. Маленький мальчик посмотрел на него и сказал, смеясь: «А теперь нам надо убегать.»
Пожилой джентльмен не понял, что происходит. Мальчик исчез (disappear) за углом, а старику пришлось объяснять (explain to) рассерженному хозяину (owner of the house), почему он звонил в звонок.

UNIT 11. PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. Text: Examination.
Grammar: The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.
  1. Практические цели: Ознакомление с лексическим материалом по теме “ Physical Diagnosis”. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом, развитие навыков изучающего чтения и перевода на основе текста “Examination”, развитие умений и навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения.

The afternoons were devoted to a new course, physical diagnosis, in which the students practiced the technique of examination on one another. Dan and Noble again were partners. They spent a whole week learning how to use a stethoscope.
"Take a deep breath. Now hold it. Now cough." After the cough Dan heard something odd in the right lung. He put the stethoscope down. "I think you've got rales in the right lung".
"What do you think it means?" ''Maybe a cold."
Noble looked around. Then he said quietly, "My mother and father both died of tuberculosis".
"Have you been swimming lately? Maybe you got some water in your lungs"
''I've lost eleven pounds."
"Maybe you ought to get an X-ray."
"Be quiet," Noble whispered fiercely. "If they find out about this I'll be put in a sanatorium. I won't get out for a couple of years, and I won't finish the medical school then. I'll be out of money."
"Are you sweating at night?"
"Sometimes 1 sweat. Don't you?
"Not much. You ever run a fever?"
Noble felt his own forehead. "I don't know," he said.
"Get a thermometer. Take your temperature whenever you get a chance, particularly in the late afternoon."
Noble looked at him. "Don't tell anybody about this," he said.
"You ought to see a doctor. The school doesn't have to know anything about this."
"It's a reportable disease." - Dan had forgotten. All cases of tuberculosis had to be reported.
In the evening Dan took Noble to the laboratory after everybody had left. They looked at Noble's sputum^ under the microscope.
"They look like ТВ germs^' to me". Noble said. "I ran a fever and sweated a lot last night. I lost three more pounds. 1 can't eat at all now.
"You ought to go to a doctor. You have to get an X-ray." "I'm not going to a doctor. Don't give me away." So Dan managed to get Noble into X-ray unnoticed. He took his chest' X-ray and developed the film. When Noble looked at the picture he-was! sure it was tuberculosis. Dan was not sure. He showed the picture to Dr.
Rosenthal, who said that the picture was badly overexposed and he couldn't tell a thing.
That night Noble didn't go home. His sister had a little baby and he' was afraid that he was contagious. He slept at Dan's. All through the night, Dan heard him moving restlessly and coughing. In the morning Dan drove. directly to the hospital and took Noble to Dr. Rosenthal. The doctor took, out his stethoscope. After a while he asked Dan where he had heard those, rales. Dan showed him. The doctor handed him the scope. "Find them for me." Dan heard nothing but the soft movement of air in Noble's lungs. Then Dr. Rosenthal listened again. "Have you had a cold?"
Noble nodded. "I'm just getting over one."
Rosenthal shrugged. "You got mixed up between coarse rales and fine rales." He said to Dan.
"What?" Noble said, "I can't eat and I've been sweating and I'm feeling lousy."
"I'd feel the same way if I thought I had tuberculosis. All you have is a cold," Dr. Rosenthal said.
Topical vocabulary
take temperature измерять температуру
feel one's pulse определять пульс
make tests делать анализы
take (measure) one's blood pressure измерять давление крови
check/examine обследовать
check/examine one's heart (liver) обследовать сердце (печень)
examine (sound) one's lungs обследовать легкие
make a diagnosis поставить диагноз
go to the doctor пойти к врачу
consult a doctor проконсультироваться с врачом
complain of smth. жаловаться на что-либо
trouble (v) (bother; disturb) беспокоить
What is troubling you?
What disturbs you?
have the symptoms of иметь (у вас) все признаки
treat for - лечить от
cure (v) smb of smth вылечить oт
cure (n) (treatment) - лечение
take a treatment for - принимать лечение от
do good помочь
do harm - навредить
give direction/recommendation - дать предписание/назначение
relieve the pain - облегчить боль
operate (on) - оперироват
undergo an operation/surgery - лечь на операцию (перенести операцию)
be operated on/for - перенести операцию (по поводу)
have smth removed – удалить
have after-effects/complications осложнения
write out a prescription - выписать рецепт
write out a sick leave - выписать бюллетень
make out a medical certificate выписать справку
prescribe a diet назначить диету
be restricted to a diet назначить диету
stay in bed соблюдать постельный режим
gargle - полоскать горло

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