Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text

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Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.
Ex. 2. Answer the questions.
1. Who were Dan and Noble?
2. Why didn't Noble want to go get a client X-ray?
3. What made them both think that Noble had got tuberculosis?
4. Why didn't Noble go home one night?
5. Why did Dan take Noble to see Dr. Rosenthal?
6. What was Dr. Rosenthal's opinion of Dan's diagnosis?
7. What was the final diagnosis?
Ex. 3. Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases:
Методика обследования, сделайте глубокий вдох, не дышите, похудеть на одиннадцать фунтов, температурить, измерять температуру, заразный, потеть, кашлять, флюорография грудной клетки, простуда, перепутать, отвратительно себя чувствовать, сделать снимок грудной клетки, физическая диагностика.
Ex. 4. Read the text. Translate the words and phrases in brackets.
There is nothing more unpleasant than (заболеть) when you are away from home. If that happens, do you (пойти на прием к врачу) or send for him at once? He will come and (прослушать пульс, измерить температуру, прослушать легкие, осмотреть) you thoroughly. He will (прописать диету) for you and tell you what to eat, and what not to eat, and he will probably advise you to give up drinking coffee, or tea, or both, and to smoke less.
Going to the chemist's is rather an adventure in a foreign town. Chemist shops, these days, are wonderful places. Besides medicines and all kinds of (таблетки и мази) you can get all sorts of other things there as well, such as soaps, brushes, combs, bottles of every shape and size containing scent, (полоскание, микстура от кашля) and what not. You can buy tooth-pastes, tooth-brushes and a hundred and one other things required by man, woman or child.
Grammar: The Future Indefinite (Simple) Tense.
Shall / will + Infinitive

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