Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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English 1st




I have been working
He has been working
She has been working
It has been working
We have been working
You have been working
They have been working

I have not been working
He has not been working
She has not been working
It has not been working
We have not been working
You have not been working
They have not been working

Have I been working?
Has he been working?
Has she been working?
Has it been working?
Have we been working?
Have you been working?
Have they been working?

Ex.7.Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

1.I (work) on this problem for two months.2. She (sleep) all this time? 3. “Are there any news about your latest project?” – “I just (tell) about it.” 4. He says he (not/ feel) well for the past week. 5. I (not/ sleep) well for months. 6.We (see) each other regularly since the party at Helen’s.7. “Jack isn’t working now.” – “He (not/work) for years.”
Ex.8.Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous.
Example: Suzy is in her riding boots (she/ride) – She has been riding.
1.Have a rest now.(you /work too hard/ lately) ... ... ...
2.You are shivering(you / stand / in this cold / long?)... ... ...
3.Her hands are red and wet. (she / scrub /the floors / for three hours)... ... ...
4.The children are quite voiceless.(they / sing at the top of their voices/ since morning )
Ex.9. Translate into English.
1. Ты давно меня ждешь? 2.Как давно у вас болит нога? 3. Он занимается уже три часа. 4.Я учу испанский с сентября. 5. Анна ищет работу шесть месяцев. 6.Мой брат курит десять лет. 7. Они работают в Манчестере с 1 марта. 8.С какого возраста ты играешь в шахматы? 9. Как давно вы живете в этом городе?
Ex.10.Use the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.
1. He had barely entered the room when his secretary said: ” Somebody (ring) for you for the last five minutes.” 2. I (read) Shakespeare in your absence and now I (try) to learn this beautiful sonnet. 3.”What the children (do)? ”- “ They (play) games all morning and now they (learn) to tell time by the position of the sun.”4. Many people believe that our climate (change) very markedly. 5. I (collect) the pictures with bridges since I graduated from the University.


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