Байланысты: rekomendacii po napisaniju refleksivnykh otchetov
Have you ever met the concept «a reflective account» before? Have you ever written
such an account? Would you like to improve what you have already written?
I hope that the suggested guidelines below will help you:
• to understand what a reflective account is;
• to write a good reflective account;
• to get acquainted with the assessment criteria for reflective accounts developed
by the trainer and her trainees.
In accordance with the Program of the training courses for the teachers of the
Republic of Kazakhstan (Handbook for Teacher, p.203), the course participants on the third
(basic) level must submit the following reflective accounts for going through the assessment
№ Name of the file: Name of the reflective account: 1) а – Reflection on how and why one theme was integrated into the lesson sequence Reflective account on how and why the theme of one Module was integrated into the lesson sequence. (reflects
the validity and methodology of using the ideas of one
Module of the Program in the lesson sequence (2000 words)
2) В1 – One medium term planning of the sequence of four lessons indicating how the seven themes of the Modules were integrated Medium term planning (includes examples of all the activities within at least 4 lessons
demonstrating technique of using the ideas of the seven
Modules of the Program in their own practice of teaching
and learning)
3) В2 - One reflective account on a lesson from the sequence Reflective account on a lesson from the planned sequence