S. Amansholov East-Kasakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
The paper presents developing of cognitive interests of students in connection with
communicative skills. The ability to transfer theoretical knowledge and skills in communica-
tion by intensifying cognitive activity
Keywords: pedagogical, cognitive activity, learning process, intercultural communica-
Мақалада оқушылардың когнитивті қызығушылығын арттыру мен коммуникативті
дағдылар тығыз байланыста қарастырылады. Теориялық білімді тәжірибеде қолдану
ойлау мен бейімділікті жетілдірудегі интеллектуалды дағды болып табылады.
Түйін сөздер: педагогикалық, когнитивті белсенділік, оқыту процесі,
мәдениетаралық қарым-қатынас.
В статье рассматривается развитие когнитивных интересов обучающихся в
тесной связи с коммуникативными навыками. Умение применять теоретические знания
на практике является интеллектуальным умением в процессе развития мыслительных
навыков и способностей
Ключевые слова: педагогический, когнитивная активность, процесс обучения,
межкультурная связь.
The task of the teacher consists in finding a maximum of pedagogical situations
in which the aspiration of the child to vigorous cognitive activity can be realized. The
teacher has to improve constantly the learning process which allows children to ac-
N.A. ZAVALKO, A.A. AITKURMANOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 287-294
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
quire a program material in effective and qualitative way.
Modern education needs radical changes in methods of teaching of school sub-
jects, and especially, in teaching foreign languages. Our time demands to introduce all
of innovational technologies that we have at the moment into the teaching and educa-
tional process. There appears an exigency of creating a union global educational space.
The main purpose of learning a foreign language is the education of the indi-
vidual, willing and able to engage in intercultural communication, successful in their
activities of diverse students, professionals, willing and able to increase self. Partici-
pation in various international programs, the opportunity to study abroad involve not
only a high level of language skills, but also certain personality traits: communicate,
absence of a language barrier, knowledge of international etiquette, open-mindedness,
the ability is called the “submit” themselves. To achieve all these objectives, of course,
effective assistance to the teacher has the use of many resources in teaching foreign
Competence approach in teaching foreign languages suggests formation of three
core competencies in children: linguistic, communicative and intercultural.
Linguistic competence involves the possession of a system of information about
the target language in its levels: phonetics, vocabulary, part of speech and word forma-
tion, morphology, syntax of simple and complex sentences, the basics of the style of
the text. The student has the linguistic competence if he has an idea of the system of
the target language, and can use this system in practice. The quality of linguistic com-
petence in the target language affects not only the degree of possession, but the level
of competence of the students in their native language. The language competence of
N. Chomsky refers to the ability to understand and produce an unlimited number of
correct languages in the proposals with the help of learned language signs and the rules
of their connection. In other studies, can be found close to the definition, such as «lin-
guistic competence - the ability of the student to construct grammatically correct forms
and syntactic constructions, as well as to understand the meaning segments of speech,
organized in accordance with the existing norms of the Russian language, and use
them in the sense in where they are used by native speakers in an isolated position» [1].
The acquisition of knowledge of the language system is not an end in itself. In
the process of formation of linguistic competence it is important to develop a student’s
personality, cognitive culture, logical memory, the formation of the skills of self-anal-
ysis and self-assessment.
The content of the concept of the competence of the following, namely, com-
municative competence, intensively developed in different areas of the science of lan-
guage and a variety of different approaches and definitions of multidimensional effect
of this concept.
Communicative competence involves knowledge of the language, its functions
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development of skills in the four basic types of speech activity: speaking, listening,
reading and writing.
There are components of the situation or speech conditions that dictate the choice
of the speaker of words and grammatical means. It is, first, the relationship between
the interlocutors and their social roles. There is no doubt that the nature of verbal com-
munication will be different depending on the person with whom we communicate,
what is the social status of speakers, what is their age, gender, interests. Thus, proper
communication skills - its skills and verbal communication skills in view of the person
with whom we speak, where we speak, and finally, for what purpose. There is no doubt
that their formation is possible only on the basis of language or linguistic competence.
The third competence is intercultural competence. It is an important component
of modern training student of any educational institution. This is due to the presence of
intercultural aspects of the professional activity of the modern expert associated with
the interaction of different cultures, with the implementation of productive communi-
cative functions: reaching an agreement, the repayment of the conflicts, the ability to
reach a consensus through compromise, overcoming communication barriers that may
cause communication failure, leading to failures in the negotiations, inefficient work
of the team, to the social tension in society [2]. Due to the low level of intercultural
competence of graduates - are not able to socially adapt and integrate into a profes-
sional society of their country, and the world community, experiencing a shock due to
the blurring of value orientations, unformed ability and willingness to solve commu-
nication and professional tasks are adequately specified characteristics of intercultural
The importance of the formation of students’ intercultural competence in foreign
language teaching dictated by the radical changes taking place in the Kazakhstan so-
ciety as a result of our country’s integration into the world educational, informational,
economic space, prompting the person to be able to co-exist in the general life-world,
that is, to be able and ready to build a constructive dialogue with all actors of this
space, and in addition, the needs of modern production in specialists who are ready to
cooperate with the communication skills, intercultural worldview, intercultural skills
and civic behavior that can effectively implement intercultural communication in the
professional sphere [3].
Main conceptual and strategic direction indicates that the study of language, spe-
cial attention should be paid to culture and cultural values of the country the language
is spoken.
The orientation of the new model at a competent content of education assumes
in the field of foreign language formation of communicative competence and compe-
tence, implementing capacity and desire to learn all his life, not only professionally, but
also in personal and social life, as well as competencies related to life in a multicultural
N.A. ZAVALKO, A.A. AITKURMANOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 287-294
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
society designed to prevent the outbreak of xenophobia, intolerance spread climate [4].
Formation of these competencies contributes to an understanding of how differences
and a willingness to live with people of other cultures, languages and religions.
Currently, the educational activities of schools are introducing new pedagogical
technologies, using active learning methods. This is because an ordinary school where
the pupil is an object of teaching is losing its relevance. In its place comes another
school where students can display their talents and personality, learn to choose and
make decisions.
Personality-oriented education is now understood as a child-oriented education
that is student with his abilities, needs at the center of the pedagogical process, when
it acts as an active subject of the educational activity, when it was his comprehensive
development, the formation of critical thinking, values, his personal formation and
self-determination serves as a global goal of school education.
All normative documents on education modernization in fact provide for the
implementation of a student-centered approach, which marks the replacement of a
single, unitary school with installation on the average student in the diverse, variabil-
ity, multi-level school, which creates conditions for the formation of a free, developed
and educated the individual, the development of communicative abilities to facilitate
entry into the world community and to successfully operate in it, fosters a culture of
human striving for self-development and self-actualization knows how to avoid and
overcome conflicts.
Person centered approach affects all the components of the education system: for
education and educational learning goals for each school subject, in the content, prin-
ciples, teaching methods and the entire educational process that contribute for students
to educate environment.
Thus, the student-centered approach requires flexibility in setting goals, taking
into account the individual characteristics and personal interests of the students and
creates prerequisites for greater effectiveness of the training. With regard to the con-
tent of learning, student-centered approach is evident in the following main areas:
- component composition of the content of training, the emphasis in the develop-
ment of free active person falls not only on knowledge as activity-on component for
the development of experience of creative activity and value orientation. This does not
mean that underestimates the knowledge, but it involves their practical focus, in their
extensive use of the activities.
The introduction of profile training of secondary school at the senior level - a
means of differentiation and individualization of learning, a form of organization of
educational activity, which takes into account the interests, inclinations, abilities, state
of health of students, the conditions for the development of students in accordance
with their professional intentions.
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In the process of realization of profile training in a comprehensive school are
real prerequisites for the implementation of a student-centered educational process,
the implementation of the activity and competence approaches, the development of
communication, taking into account labor market needs.
Researches in psychology and methods have shown that success of a foreign
language acquisition is defined not only by cognitive processes, but also the emotional
sphere of the personality. The humanistic concept of K. Rogers in relation to teaching
foreign languages has found the reflection in works of Ch. Karan and other researchers.
They looked at the person, first of all as at an emotional being, and among the qualities
that are important for learning foreign language distinguished motivation, level of anx-
iety and self-evaluation, constraint and risk proneness. The motivation is the trigger
of any activity. Progress in activity increases the motivation. The low self-evaluation
quite often leads to constraint, “diffidence” and is connected with the fear of mistakes
that negatively influences language acquisition. The level of anxiety at assimilation of
a foreign language stands in slight interrelation with a self-evaluation, constraint, and
risk proneness. In this regard personal and situational anxiety can be distinguished. If
the first exhausts an organism, being an obstacle in learning, then situational anxiety
creates the intellectual passion in learning. Language learning and language trainings
are connected with notion of information and opinion gap. We speak or write because
we want to pass on information or convey an opinion which we think the receiver
might be interested. Very often in the language learning process there is no informa-
tion gap at all and opinions are rarely questioned. The teacher usually asks a question
which the learner knows the teacher can answer. The teacher is more interested in the
form than in the content of what the learner says. In the opposite, the information gap
stimulates and motivates students to use language in order to find information and ex-
press your opinion. Pair work is easy and fast to organize. It provides opportunities for
intensive listening and speaking practice. Pair work is better than group work if there
are discipline problems. Some methodologists recommend to organize tasks in pair
or general class work, rather than in group work. If there is to be challenge between
groups, they should be of mixed ability. Many teachers consider it advisable to have
a group leader but there are opinions that groups can operate perfectly well without a
group leader. The leader would normally be one of the more able learners. His role is
to ensure that the activity is properly organized and to act as an intermediary between
learners and teacher. The teacher`s role, once the groups are in action, is to go from
group to group listening in, contributing and, if necessary, correcting.
Drawing a conclusion from all the foregoing, it should be pointed out that psy-
chological researches have proved that drawing positively influences an emotional
state of the person, liberates and stimulates him to learning foreign languages. But,
drawing can’t be the only method in educational work with children. It doesn’t form
N.A. ZAVALKO, A.A. AITKURMANOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 287-294
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
ability to study, but only develops cognitive activity of schoolchildren.
The classification of exercises given above helps to correct work on formation of
cognitive interests of pupils at English lessons. One and the same exercise can be used
at various stages of the lessons. Only under these circumstances active educational and
cognitive activity is formed at a schoolchild that leads to the qualitatively new level of
acquisition of a foreign language.
In the process of teaching pupils master the main types of speech activity: read-
ing, speaking, listening. At all levels of teaching writing is used only as the method
of teaching, promoting stronger digestion of lexical and grammatical material, and
also improvement of reading and oral speech skills. Content of the lexical material is
changing. It is necessary to exclude infrequent lexis, to expand vocabulary on the ba-
sis of international words. For the purpose of training and the best memorization it is
necessary to use various lexical games and a large amount of demonstration material.
The content of the studied grammatical material is considerably changed. Listening
needs to be practiced at each lesson, but it is desirable that the material for listening
contained familiar language units in the context of the studied subject. Previously it
is necessary to relieve difficulties through the explanation or using of visual support.
At teaching the dialogical speech it is necessary to use the everyday situations,
accessible for understanding, which represent the practical significance for pupils.
It should be noted an important role of such form of work as dramatization. For
this purpose educational dialogue is used as an example, which after careful study al-
lows children to make without effort similar dialogues by sample.
Teaching the monological speech should be carried out on a familiar material,
using logical and semantic schemes. The material of the tests include the exercises
which are well-laid at the lessons, and also having the differentiated character. Listen-
ing control should be excluded due to the weakness of formation of this type of speech
activity at pupils with impaired mental function.
The speech is a peculiar integral of all other processes therefore at her violation
suffer thinking, memory and imagination. The child can become timid, vulnerable
because of the arising misunderstanding between him and people around. The lesson
of foreign language today - it’s a lesson that takes into account the physiological and
psychological characteristics of each child, his life experience, mood and attitude to-
ward the subject. We teach children a foreign language so that students can use these
skills in everyday life.
One of the ways of forming and formulating thoughts was written speech. Ex-
ternally expressed as oral, written language was secondary and fixed our thoughts and
associations. For years, the letter served only as a means of learning other kinds of
speech activity that allowed students to better learn the programming language mate-
rial, as well as a means of controlling the formation of speech skills and abilities of
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Выпускается ежеквартально
students.The written form of communication in today’s society had an important com-
municative function. Therefore, at present the attitude to writing and learning skills of
students to express their thoughts in writing had changed dramatically. Writing as the
goal of learning was present in programs for all types of educational institutions at all
stages of language learning. Internet did not develop writing skills directly, but could
only find a number of exercises and rules on working writing technique:
- The first group of exercises included writing the text (letters, postcards, mes-
sages), drawing on the sample, which was typical for primary school. For example, to
write a greeting to his beloved teacher in a foreign language;
- The second group was an exercise in building their written statements using
different supports: verbal (keywords, plan, logic) and verbal - visual (painting, photog-
raphy, phrases, expressions). Used in basic school. For example, describe the picture
on the plan;
The third group of exercises that were productive in nature required the skills
of students to express their thoughts in writing the verbal elements without support.
There might help some Internet services: e-mail, forums and chat rooms. Communica-
tion in virtual reality was by means of e-mail. For mastery of intercultural competence,
simply install a friendly correspondence. International exchange of letters could be
made in any class and at any level of proficiency. In addition to the targeted use of the
target language, establish friendly contacts and learning culture in such a way, e-mail
correspondence had its advantages over paper: it was faster, easier and cheaper. The
main aim of learning a foreign language - the formation of the communicative com-
petence, implemented in the course of this primary objective. Communicative com-
petence in the modern sense of the word involved the formation of the capacity for
intercultural interaction.
Oral communication included speaking and listening, in which the method was
called to audition. The concepts of “listening” and “hearing” were not synonymous.
Listening meant only the acoustic perception of oral speech and listening - is the pro-
cess of perception of sounding speech, in addition to hearings involving more hearing,
understanding and interpretation of the perceived information. Teachers of English
with sadness stated that many of the students of secondary schools experience dif-
ficulties in speech perception by ear speakers. Formation of skill of listening - one
of the ways to solve this problem.It is not very easy to find high-quality materials for
these tasks. Of course, you can buy the manual-type book + audio cassette respected
British publisher, but these books were quite expensive. Where, then, can find such
materials teachers in small towns, villages, rural schools? In this case, the teacher or the
methodologist had the ability to copy an audio clip on audiocassette and printed text.
Further, this material could be used in any way to prepare for lessons. In addition, there
was an opportunity to establish contacts via the Internet with the actors and authors of
N.A. ZAVALKO, A.A. AITKURMANOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 287-294
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
the pages. Some of these authors and speakers were asked to assess their work, send
notes, comments, criticism and can even to recite any work at the request of visitors to
their sites.For example, the website of the company Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs
division allowed you to hear the sound of any phrase in a foreign language. To teach
students to understand the sounding speech was one of the most important goals of
education. Working with audio text, we were working in parallel lexical, grammatical,
phonetic skills. Audio texts provided information for the discussion, which, in turn,
implied the further development of speaking skills. In this case, listening was a learn-
ing tool. In summary, it should be emphasized that the Internet is not a substitute teach-
ing. Is Internet and interactive as long as the students and the teacher did not decide to
make it so. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language is especially important to
combine the Internet with a variety of offline activities to achieve its enriching poten-
tial. The main aim of learning a foreign language at the present stage was the formation
of foreign language communicative competence. Communicative competence allowed
a person to enter into a foreign culture, to receive, analyze and communicate informa-
tion and receive a reply that was to carry out computerized activities. The main pur-
pose of learning a foreign language is the education of the individual, willing and able
to engage in intercultural communication, successful in their activities of diverse high
school students, professionals, willing and able to receive self. Participation in various
international programs, the opportunity to study abroad involve not only a high level
of language skills, but also certain personality traits: interpersonal skills, the lack of a
language barrier, knowledge of international etiquette norms, broad-minded, ability is
called the “submit” themselves. As a rule, to perform a variety of tests for admission
to higher education or to participate in contests or competitions set a strict time limit
of each task, which also requires a special kind of training.
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